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  1. #1
    Mr. Warpath is offline New Member
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    Exclamation Test Prop injections

    Like alot of guys that have ran test prop, i get crippled by the injection pain from the test prop that I have been running. I have seen that people have recommended that you mix your prop with sterile grapeseed oil, and that reduces the pain. Is there anything else out there I could use that could be used to reduce the pain? I have tried putting my syringes in hot water and every other remedy I could look up, but it didn't help at all with the injections. I did the search function on this and kept reading the same info in every thread, but just looking for any other options. Thanks for any positive feedback.

  2. #2
    10nispro's Avatar
    10nispro is offline Productive Member
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    Try splitting the injection or using BA..

  3. #3
    millionairemurph's Avatar
    millionairemurph is offline Senior Member
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    ba is what makes some injectables hurt. Other times it is the ester that causes the pain. I dont have this problem, but i know b12 worked for one of my buddies. You can get it shipped to ur house for cheap and its good for you.

  4. #4
    zartan is offline Banned
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    heat the oil while in vial, inject slowly, massage after injection, use a heat pad, ibuprofen

  5. #5
    Mr. Warpath is offline New Member
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    yeah I tried heating in a vial, extra slow injects, massaging, everything, and it was still sore as hell for over a week and a half. I will look into the B12. What about cottonseed oil? Is that decent?

  6. #6
    DrBullsballs is offline New Member
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    yea go pick up a monster bottle of kynoselen or b12 to split the shots with and quit your bitchin this game aint for the faint of heart!

  7. #7
    orton4 is offline Member
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    yeah bro i went through that with my last cycle with prop hurt like a mofo... go with some b12... try to rotate as many sites as possible at least do delts, glutes quads... if you can do other spots hit them up to... im running prop right now but its in grapeseed oil so its a lot smoother than my last go with it... sucks but try and tough it out itll get better as cycle progresses

  8. #8
    SNUKA's Avatar
    SNUKA is offline Member
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    b12 didnt do dick for me. i used sterile grapeseed oil 1:1 ratio and it seemed to help after about 3 weeks my body got used to it and i didnt even need to cut the prop anymore i would only do so when i did tricep injections.

  9. #9
    Mr. Warpath is offline New Member
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    Washington state
    alright. thanks for the help guys.

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