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  1. #1
    M.M is offline Banned
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    Question Dbol only cycle guys.If you've done one what did you gain?,keep?.

    I'm hearing so many different opinions on dbol only cycles,I'm 5 days into mine and just interested in other's cycle/dose/gains/kept gains as I know to keep is alot harder than to gain on this cycle.

    I'm toying with idea of adding some sust into my cycle,I know this will improve it but still interested to hear dbol only results...

    Cheers guys.

  2. #2
    Mr. Warpath is offline New Member
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    I had a friend that had no experience with aas and he was taking d-bol alone at 40 mg per day and gained around 8-9lbs in 4 weeks. He is 5'7" and at the time he started taking the dbol he weighed about 170. I remember his face, upper arms and shoulders got really bloated looking. He didn't have a pct and lost probably all but a couple pounds of his total gains. After that he did a Test E only cycle for 8 weeks with a proper pct and put on about 18-19lbs and kept most of it. Moral of the story: You probably won't keep your gains running dbol solo, I would wait and add some test. I wouldn't advise running the sus. It makes your hormone levels fluctuate too much. Pick a basic test.

  3. #3
    PT's Avatar
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    i agree, add some test. why do you want to do a d-bol only cycle opposed to a test and d-bol cycle?

  4. #4
    oker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pietro75 View Post
    i agree, add some test. why do you want to do a d-bol only cycle opposed to a test and d-bol cycle?
    x2 - save the d-bol for when you have some test - you're wasting your time and money with a d-bol only cycle and I believe most of the more experienced members here will tell you the same. Use it in conjunction with other aas to either kick start your cycle or as a bridge between cycles. For me I'm using it at the end of my cycle to add some bulk, but my cycle consists of both test and deca .

    Good luck with it

  5. #5
    magickflash2 is offline Junior Member
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    I've been using D-Bol only for about 3 weeks now. About 50 mg. I quit for about two days just to lose some water weight. From what I lost as to what I kept I would say was 50/50 for me. In those two days. However this is the first time I've used AAS before so the D-bol only would maybe do more for me. I myself have added about 50 lbs. to my bench. Yes I've hit the weight like you wouldn't belivie. I plan to run it for one more week before fading it out as I add something else. So to start a cycle sure do it, but fade it out. After about 3-4 weeks.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by magickflash2 View Post
    I've been using D-Bol only for about 3 weeks now. About 50 mg. I quit for about two days just to lose some water weight. From what I lost as to what I kept I would say was 50/50 for me. In those two days. However this is the first time I've used AAS before so the D-bol only would maybe do more for me. I myself have added about 50 lbs. to my bench. Yes I've hit the weight like you wouldn't belivie. I plan to run it for one more week before fading it out as I add something else. So to start a cycle sure do it, but fade it out. After about 3-4 weeks.
    Stopped for two days? Wait a few weeks after you stop bro and you'll lose it all! Anyone else wanna help me out here in explaining that a d-bol only is a waste?

  7. #7
    peteroy01 is offline Senior Member
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    OKER- your job is done. clearly other people have told him the same as you but hes going to do it anyways. hes been informed and that all we can do.

    M.M- have fun running around the next couple of weeks carrying 1 or 2 gallons of water weight on you.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by peteroy01 View Post
    OKER- your job is done. clearly other people have told him the same as you but hes going to do it anyways. hes been informed and that all we can do.

    M.M- have fun running around the next couple of weeks carrying 1 or 2 gallons of water weight on you.
    Amen bro I hear ya - I guess he'll have to learn the hard way.

  9. #9
    maroZ's Avatar
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    gained probly 12lbs and kept a good amount of that a while ago

  10. #10
    BIGDOGIRISH's Avatar
    BIGDOGIRISH is offline Associate Member
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    I'm gona get flamed but I think its all parrot shit Im hearing.

    Is there some interaction between Dbol and Test that helps keep the DBol gains?????

    Its simple.
    People who do Dbol only cycles mostly wont know much about AAS(or diet) so they may have a harder time maintaining gains than an experienced user.

    The big point is......
    if you put on 20lbs with a Dbol only cycle then roughly half is water and your going to lose that.
    Sure why the fvck would you want to keep water gain anyway!!!
    Sounds so stupid when people say "good luck keeping ALL your gains"

    Some might be disappointed when they drop the water size and that ads to the myth IMO

    At the end of the day you will still have made great muscle gains!!!!!!

  11. #11
    Bulldog1115 is offline Member
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    IF U CANNOT PIN YOURSELF THEN YOUR NOT READY TO USE AAS!..plain and simple...DBOL only cycles are awful, that was my 1st one also, but i was ignorant and didnt listen to people, so i did it anyways, i gained 20 lbs on and looked like a choad and then when i was off even with nolvadex i lost 20 lbs!..AND I HAD A GOOD BULK DIET AFTER!..moral is do not do it .. if u cant inject then do a prohormone!

  12. #12
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    I'll qoute Anthony Roberts
    "I gained roughly 25lbs and kept nearly ½ of it. Since then, Dbol has always had a special place in my heart…"

  13. #13
    peteroy01 is offline Senior Member
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    BIGDOG- if you could keep(make) 10lb of muscle with 4-5wks of dbol then no one on this site would be under 300lb!

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by peteroy01 View Post
    BIGDOG- if you could keep(make) 10lb of muscle with 4-5wks of dbol then no one on this site would be under 300lb!
    Not so. The bigger you get the harder it is to gain. I doubt a 250lb man is going to get same results as a 180lb newbie.

    Man I blew up 30lbs in 4 weeks at 40mg
    Granted I am doing Test which would have kicked in at week 4 or 5 but I have seen mates get hugh on Dbol only cycles and keep the muscle they gained.

  15. #15
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    Just think about it for a second......

    If you eat hugh and train really hard for 5 weeks without AAS, would you make gains???? YES of course!!!!!

    Now if your on Dbol doing the same and with that extra strength to push it further would'nt you make better gains??? Obviously!!!

    How on earth could someone lose everything they gained unless PCT or Diet is insufficient?

    Maybe Im missing something. I dont get it.

  16. #16
    MasterShake's Avatar
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    I agree that there are WAY too many parrots squalking around here, and that's the nature of a web forum... I've even been guilty of it. Bottom line is, Dbol is a steroid . Dbol works. Is it the best steroid to run a whole cycle of by its self? NO. Does that mean it wont work? NO. If you need to ask questions about running a dbol only cycle, you don't know enough about AS to do a cycle. PERIOD. enough said!

  17. #17
    whiteronniewannabe is offline Junior Member
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    Dbol = Weight Gain = (Some of) Gain is Water Retention. 20lbs in 4 weeks. Good mass in some places, but stomach has gone puffed out like michelgan man (if thats how you spell it) a week and the dbol water should be mostly out of your system

  18. #18
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  19. #19
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    Z-Ro is offline Senior Member
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    I believe one can gain solid lbs on Dbol only. That being said, was Dbol created to be a stand alone performance inhancer like Tbol? Doubt it...

    In the truth of it, any AAS can be used alone without testosterone . If you are willing to feel like crap, have no libido, etc...then you are okay if you decide to take that risk.

    To each his own...I myself like Test but prefer to keep it below 500mg and use something else like EQ or Deca .

    I am not too keen on orals and cholesterol.

  20. #20
    oker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BIGDOGIRISH View Post
    I'm gona get flamed but I think its all parrot shit Im hearing.

    Is there some interaction between Dbol and Test that helps keep the DBol gains???
    Dude the answer is simple - it has nothing to do with keeping gains but adding test will assist in NOT shutting you down HARD - obviously then one may NOT have to take such an aggressive PCT in order to get your nat test functioning normally's painfully clear then why test is important in a cycle with d-bol
    Last edited by oker; 04-28-2008 at 05:45 AM.

  21. #21
    ChuckLee's Avatar
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    It is a simple rule of thumbs.


  22. #22
    maroZ's Avatar
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    x2 on that

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