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  1. #1
    hdrider135 is offline Banned
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    getting paranoia

    im getting worried that maybe im not hitting the muscle when im injcting. ive been injecting in my right and left glutes. i use 1.5 inch needles. i do the upper right area for the right side and the upper left area for the left side. im worried that i might not be hitting muscle as i have a fairly big butt. is there suppossed to be a seperate pinch once you hit muscle after the initial pinch when you pirece the skin? let me know what you think

  2. #2
    mick86's Avatar
    mick86 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by hdrider135 View Post
    im getting worried that maybe im not hitting the muscle when im injcting. ive been injecting in my right and left glutes. i use 1.5 inch needles. i do the upper right area for the right side and the upper left area for the left side. im worried that i might not be hitting muscle as i have a fairly big butt. is there suppossed to be a seperate pinch once you hit muscle after the initial pinch when you pirece the skin? let me know what you think
    No there should not be a separate pinch, in fact there are far fewer nerves in the muscle than the surface of the skin so you shouldn't really feel it much at all after the initial pinch if you push the needle in swiftly and smoothly while keeping relaxed. With a 1.5" needle it would be rather unlikely that you are not hitting the muscle unless you are over 35% bf or something ridicules (in which case you certainly shouldn't be using anabolic steroids anyway).

    Just make sure you push the needle in all the way and you should be fine. I may be wrong on this but I think if you repeatedly injected into the fat it would all collect and you would have hard lumps under the skin. It would be easy to tell if that was going on.

    How many weeks into your cycle are you and what are you using at what dosages? Is one of the reasons you asked this question that you worried that your not feeling the results of the gear?

  3. #3
    hdrider135 is offline Banned
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    ive only been on for 7 days now. its just my nerves getting the best of me cuz i just wanna make sure everything goes right

  4. #4
    shifty_git's Avatar
    shifty_git is offline Anabolically Aware
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    Whats ya bf%?

    If like mick said and its lower than something like 35%, then a 1.5" all the way in will def be getting into the muscle.

    The only time you might notice a difference between fat and muscle is if your using the same muscle to much for injections and you get scar tissue.
    As this will feel harder to push through than fat.

  5. #5
    ChuckLee's Avatar
    ChuckLee is offline Scammer
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    I think that a 1.5 inch needle would suffice anyway, even with a high bodyfat

  6. #6
    hdrider135 is offline Banned
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    well when i poke the area the muscle is sore so this must mean i hit the muscle right?

  7. #7
    hdrider135 is offline Banned
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    what i cant tell is that when i flex my glute and push down i can tell there isnt much fat between the skin and the muscle, but when i unflex its hard to tell

  8. #8
    mick86's Avatar
    mick86 is offline Member
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    I dont get why you are being so paranoid, there is almost zero chance that you are not injecting into the muscle as long as your pushing the needle in roughly straight and dont have the fattest arse out of everyone on this board. I dont believe that I have ever heard of any other member having too much fat covering their arse to inject properly when using a 1.5" needle. I realise that injecting can be stressful at first but I think that you are stressing unnecessarily bro.

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