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Thread: Diuretics???

  1. #1
    ricanmafia is offline Associate Member
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    Question Diuretics???

    Ok This Is Da Issue: Currently On Prop And Win But Still Retainin Water Thinking About Trowing In A Diuretic Pill Would It Be Ok .. The Thing Is That I Was Hitting The Sauna After My Work Outs But I Feel Like All The Water Is Going To My Lower Abs Maybee Its Just Me. I Shouldn't Be Retaining This Amount Of Water..

  2. #2
    Phate's Avatar
    Phate is offline Got Diet? ~VET~ AR Hall of Famer~
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    could be your diet, check how much sodium you have, if your retaining water on those compounds and the sauna isn't working then it might be something in your diet

    if it is your diet then a diuretic won't do anything as the water you lose from it will come back once it's out of your system

  3. #3
    Raw Deal's Avatar
    Raw Deal is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ricanmafia View Post
    Ok This Is Da Issue: Currently On Prop And Win But Still Retainin Water Thinking About Trowing In A Diuretic Pill Would It Be Ok .. The Thing Is That I Was Hitting The Sauna After My Work Outs But I Feel Like All The Water Is Going To My Lower Abs Maybee Its Just Me. I Shouldn't Be Retaining This Amount Of Water..
    I read a great artical about masterplex being used to fight breast cancer, and as a diuretic...........I'm trying it soon...AR said that it is said it might help w/ estrogen sides..hell it was developed to reduce tumers in breast/and estrogen is also water retention ????HHHHHHHMMMMMMMMMM..i'll let ya's know !

  4. #4
    lex57's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ricanmafia View Post
    Ok This Is Da Issue: Currently On Prop And Win But Still Retainin Water Thinking About Trowing In A Diuretic Pill Would It Be Ok .. The Thing Is That I Was Hitting The Sauna After My Work Outs But I Feel Like All The Water Is Going To My Lower Abs Maybee Its Just Me. I Shouldn't Be Retaining This Amount Of Water..
    be very careful with can get severe electrolyte imbalances when taking diuretics recreationally. depending on what it is they can deplete your potassium and you may find yourself in an e.r. if you dont know what you're doing. be careful, i would recommend not taking diuretics.

  5. #5
    InsaneInTheMembrane's Avatar
    InsaneInTheMembrane is offline Anabolic Member
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    diuretics should only be used as a one-trick pony to clear out water retention a few days before a comp or photoshoot... other than that, it has no place in a cycle because of the electrolyte issues mentioned above. for the same reason, sauna's not the best way to shed water because of the electrolyte displacement that occurs, which can send your equilibrium into a tug-and-pull tail spin.

    the best ways to control water retention during a cycle is:

    - lowering salt intake
    - drinking enough water
    - having lots of tea, esp. green tea, which works as a natural diuretic
    - taking an AI if water retention is a result of aromatization from the gear you are taking, even if it is short estered like prop (which in itself, is not a guarantee of no-retention)

  6. #6
    nhl1 is offline Associate Member
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    Yah diuretics are a short term fix, but they do work. If you're wanting to look lean for the weekend like i do, theyll work. They actually work best, and this is highly dangerous, if taken with alcohol. Alcohol dehydrates you which can make you cling to water, if you take diuretics with it you will be pissing lean in just a few hours. Cannot tell you how not good for you this is though. And that may not be the case for everyone, i just know it works for me

  7. #7
    InsaneInTheMembrane's Avatar
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    ^^^^ that is irresponsible advice

  8. #8
    BONE.CRUSHER is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by InsaneInTheMembrane View Post
    ^^^^ that is irresponsible advice
    i agree

  9. #9
    ChuckLee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nhl1 View Post
    Yah diuretics are a short term fix, but they do work. If you're wanting to look lean for the weekend like i do, theyll work. They actually work best, and this is highly dangerous, if taken with alcohol. Alcohol dehydrates you which can make you cling to water, if you take diuretics with it you will be pissing lean in just a few hours. Cannot tell you how not good for you this is though. And that may not be the case for everyone, i just know it works for me
    Alcohol advices are always bad in bodybuilding discussions.


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