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Thread: my clen cycle

  1. #1
    wham_sucker is offline Junior Member
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    my clen cycle

    Day 1 60mcg
    Day 2 60mcg
    Day 3 60mcg
    Day 4 80mcg
    Day 5 80mcg
    Day 6 80mcg
    Day 7 100mcg
    Day 8 100mcg
    Day 9 100mcg
    Day 10 120mcg
    Day 11 120mcg
    Day 12 120mcg
    Day 13 120mcg
    Day 14 120mcg

    hey guys thinking of using perfect beasts clen cycle for two weeks to try and drop about 7-10 lb.

    only concern is the actual taking of the tablet. On my first day should i take 3 tabs in one go ?

    How should i split up my daily dosage considering i have never took it before.

    cheers guys.

  2. #2
    ChuckLee's Avatar
    ChuckLee is offline Scammer
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    Yes, clen has a pretty long halflife, so you can take it once in a go.

    I don't beieve you'll achieve your goal in only 2 weeks, I would extend it for more weeks until you'll have reached your goal.
    Have you planned a strict diet?
    Because without a proper diet clen won't give you any result.


  3. #3
    Phate's Avatar
    Phate is offline Got Diet? ~VET~ AR Hall of Famer~
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChuckLee View Post
    Yes, clen has a pretty long halflife, so you can take it once in a go.

    I don't beieve you'll achieve your goal in only 2 weeks, I would extend it for more weeks until you'll have reached your goal.
    Have you planned a strict diet?
    Because without a proper diet clen won't give you any result.

    i agree with chucklee, a study i read showed that taking clen for two weeks was inefficient as the group that took clen and the group that combined clen and exercise had the same results, this suggest that a longer cycle is more efficient for clen, i'd use the benedryl method and run it for 6-8 weeks, just make sure to supplement with taurine (for cramps as clen depletes taurine stores) and glutamine (to help with muscle loss)

    i also agree that clen will do nothing for you without a proper diet

    what are your stats

  4. #4
    wham_sucker is offline Junior Member
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    heigh 6 foot 1 inch
    weight 243 lbs
    bf% 15%
    age 21

    example of todays food

    8.30 80g of oats with semi skimmed milk + 1 scoop of whey protein

    11.30 200g salmon with 100g of egg noodles

    2.30 2 slices of whole meal bread with 100g of turkey (a turkey sandwich !!)

    5.00 1 scoop of whey

    5.15 trained shoulders and traps plus 15 mins cardio

    7.00 70g's of dextrose and 5g BCAA + 1 met rx meal replacement with semi skimmed milk

    8.30 200g's of rump steak with the fat trimmed plus 100g of brown rice

    11.00 2 slices of turkey and i whole wheat tortilla

    12.00 200g's of cottage cheese, 1 scoop of caesin protein and a spoonfull of amino acids

    take zince magnesium calcium and a B complex plus sea kelp for healthy thyroid and metabolism.

    train 4 times a week with 15-20 mins cardio at the end of 3 of those sessions.

    On two of my three days off i go for a 30 min bike ride and train abs.

    was thinking of cutting my post workout carbs to fiberous only to help with my diet and maybe increasing my cardio a bit + the clen for 2 weeks
    Last edited by wham_sucker; 05-03-2008 at 03:36 AM. Reason: post workout

  5. #5
    Phate's Avatar
    Phate is offline Got Diet? ~VET~ AR Hall of Famer~
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    for PWO you want to consume at least 50-60b protein and twice that many carbs, but PWO and your first meal should have the majority of your carbs for the day, though fibrous veges are fine for other meals

    here is a meal plan that perfectbeast wrote for me, i'm 18, 185 9%bf and i'm cutting as well but it'll be a good base for you to go off of

    Meal 1 - 5 egg whites (cal 80, pro18), Oats 80g (cal295 carb51 pro12 fat5), 1scoop whey (cal112, carb2.5, pro23, fat1.5). sprinkle cinnamon. TOTALS - Cal 485, carbs 53 pro 50, Fat 6.5


    PWO - 2 scoop whey (cal224, carb5, pro46, fat3), WMS 80g (cal280 carb68) TOTALS – Cal519, carbs73, pro58 fat 3

    PPWO - Tuna 1/2 tin (cal 72,carb0 pro15 ), Oats 80g (cal295 carb51 pro12 fat4) 1scoop whey (cal112, carb2.5, pro23, fat1.5) TOTALS – cal480 carbs53 pro50 fat5.5

    meal 4 - 175g chicken (cal289 pro54 fat5) Coconut Oil (cal83 fat9g) TOTALS – cal372, pro54, fat14

    Meal 5 - 175g chicken (cal289 pro54 fat5) Flax Oil (cal83 fat9g) TOTALS – cal372, pro54, fat14

    Meal 6 - 175g chicken (cal289 pro54 fat5) hemp Oil (cal83 fat9g) TOTALS – cal372, pro54, fat14

    Before Bed – Lean Mince200g (cal328 pro51 fat12) TOTALS cal328 pro51 fat12

    DAILY TOTAL Cal 2928Carbs 179 Protein 360 fat 68.5

    Each chicken meal served with a handful of fibrous green veg bringing carbs to approx 200g per day in total.

  6. #6
    platinummuscle is offline New Member
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    how would i take clen a day? All in one dose

  7. #7
    (1*)'s Avatar
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    i was nervous starting clen the first time, however, my body took just fine to it. imo you are taking too long to get to 120 mcgs. use the first couple of days to test from 60 to 100 and then go up on day 3 or 4 to 120. (if your side are good to go)

  8. #8
    Phate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by platinummuscle View Post
    how would i take clen a day? All in one dose
    start your own thread

  9. #9
    Phate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by (1*) View Post
    i was nervous starting clen the first time, however, my body took just fine to it. imo you are taking too long to get to 120 mcgs. use the first couple of days to test from 60 to 100 and then go up on day 3 or 4 to 120. (if your side are good to go)
    the key to this is if your sides are good to goi like the ramp up that you have if your going to be running the clen 6-8 weeks, but a faster ramp is needed if your only running it for two weeks on two weeks off

  10. #10
    wham_sucker is offline Junior Member
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    i might juts have 1 on the morning ... give it a couple of hours and if im ok then do the next two to get to 0.60mg

    once the first ones down ill be ok, just wanna make sure my body doesnt react bad to it .

    is everyone ok with the cycle i posted in the first post ?

  11. #11
    Phate's Avatar
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    it's fine, btw, you don't have to take it all at once, some people like to take half their dose in the morning and half at lunch so they don't get the shakes and such as much, personally i like the morning boost

  12. #12
    wham_sucker is offline Junior Member
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    yeah i might do the morning boost ... anything to help me wake up in the morning is appreciated !!!

    should i take it on an empty stomach or after breakfast ?

  13. #13
    Phate's Avatar
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    depends, do you do cardio in the morning on an empty stomach? though even if you do i wouldn't advise taking it with nothing, a little slice of fruit or something to buffer it would be a good idea

  14. #14
    teufelhundenjwa is offline Associate Member
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    I been taking mine first thing in the morning, prior to working out. Hasn't had any adverse effects on me as of yet.

  15. #15
    wham_sucker is offline Junior Member
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    i do my cardio after my weights around 6 in the evening.

    on my off days i do cardio around mid day, whats the general concensus with cardio, i wasnt sure about doing it early thinking i would be catabolic ? i know clen is anti catabolic but i was still a bit unsure ?

  16. #16
    Phate's Avatar
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    clen isn't anticatabolic, this is a raging debate but the studys done were on equine and rats and used very high doses

    here's a thread on cardio on empty stomach and when to do it

  17. #17
    wham_sucker is offline Junior Member
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    well if it aint anti catabolic ... would there be any pros in doing an eca stack instead ?

    although i have heard clen gives you a certain degree of hardness along with the fat loss.

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