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  1. #1
    XLCanadian's Avatar
    XLCanadian is offline Associate Member
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    Jan 2008

    Cycle update - 2 weeks

    Okay so here we go.

    2 weeks into my first injectable cycle

    test C @ 125mg every 3 days
    winny @ 50 mg eod

    Started at 6'1" 202 lbs and 15% bodyfat

    now at 209lbs and 13-14% bodyfat

    Can't stop eating and the winny hurts like hell for 2-3 days. Thank god I don't sit on the top part of my ass.

    I have experienced no gyno related issues and at this point have opted not to run nolvadex until later in the cycle. (I have read that it can reduce gains from the cyp and is better if you don't need to run it, but I do have it just in case of the dreaded gyno).Was advised to get arimidex instead, but at 4 bucks a pop it is too pricey.

    Will continue with this for 6 more weeks to mass up a bit then I will switch to:

    Test Prop @ 250 mg - 300mg / week. (75mg - 100mg eod)
    Tren or EQ (haven't made up my mind)
    Anavar (depending on availability and price in June) or continue Winny.

    and would run the new products for another 8 weeks to lose that water from the cyp and really harden up for the rest of summer.

    My issues are the toxicity of the tren (hence the possibility of EQ) and the dangers of running winny for more than 8 - 10 weeks. If I were to continue the winny all the way through it would be 16 weeks and I have been told that may be a bad thing.

    PCT is for sure HCG and possibly Clomid.

    Any suggestions guys? I mean I do have it all pretty well planned out, but more information never hurts.

  2. #2
    XLCanadian's Avatar
    XLCanadian is offline Associate Member
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    Jan 2008
    Just used that bodyfat calculator and it says i'm at like 10.5% - 12 %. I guess all these things say different.

  3. #3
    FutureRoider is offline Junior Member
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    May 2008
    pct is weak i better add nolva

  4. #4
    BIGDOGIRISH's Avatar
    BIGDOGIRISH is offline Associate Member
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    Feb 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by FutureRoider View Post
    pct is weak i better add nolva
    Its not a heavy dose of roids. Doubt there'll be much water especially as your using winny.

  5. #5
    bigt10 is offline Member
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    Dec 2007
    Back The Way you Came
    how did you calculate the body fat. try to use the calipers.

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