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  1. #1
    govitman is offline New Member
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    1st Cycle - Please review

    Hey guys...I would appreciate any advice you have. I will be starting my firs cycle, but will only be only to run for seven weeks given I will be traveling overseas.

    Before doing my research I bought Deca and was thinking of running it alone. Then I started doing some research and read that this was not the best idea, so I bought Test Cyp and Nolv.

    My goal is not to get super huge. Ideally I would like to reach 200lbs, but also be cut up (vascular) at the same time. Right now natural my stats are 5'10, 195 lbs, and approx 10%/12% boby fat.

    So here is what I have come up with:

    Week 1-7: 300 Test/ 300 Dec
    Week 7-10 20mg/day
    Week 7-10 Hydroxycuts

    Pretty basic...but wanted to get any feedback you may feel is necessary.



  2. #2
    smokethedays's Avatar
    smokethedays is offline Veni, Vedi, Vici.
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    You are going on a cycle to get 5lbs?!! Really?
    the cycle is no good man.
    runnig deca and test for 7 weeks is not worth it, by the the time u see results u had alreay stopped. it takes 6-8 weeks for these compounds to kick in at full force.
    RESEARCH bro.
    Last edited by smokethedays; 05-03-2008 at 11:10 PM.

  3. #3
    Andro9's Avatar
    Andro9 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by smokethedays View Post
    You are going on a cycle to get 5lbs?!! Really?
    the cycle is no good man.
    runnig deca and test for 7 weeks is not worth it, by the the time u see results u had alreay stopped. it takes 6-8 weeks for these compounds to kick in at full force.
    REASEARCH bro.

  4. #4
    govitman is offline New Member
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    Yeah...I am not looking to gain a lot of weight, just quality muscle. I have plateaued naturally at 195. Given this is my first cycle maybe I should expect to gain a few pounds...but really don't want to get much bigger than 210 max.

    I have enough for a longer cycle after I get back which I plan to run for 10 to 12 wks.

    I just thought that since this was my first cycle I would be able to see some gains with a 7 week cycle. Wanted to look good before going overseas.

    Do you think I would see some gains on this cycle or would it be a total waste.


  5. #5
    Amorphic's Avatar
    Amorphic is offline Veritas, Aequitas ~
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    i would hold off until after your trip is over so you can run a nice 12 weeker

  6. #6
    Lemonada8's Avatar
    Lemonada8 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    with the test you got, you cant really run any short cycle... if u were going to, you would have to have test prop or test sus for that short of a cycle.... more like test susp, if u can handle the 2x day shots...

  7. #7
    jAcKeD!!!!'s Avatar
    jAcKeD!!!! is offline chemically engineered
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    test and deca will do absolutly NOTHING for you in 7 weeks, also did you forget you need a pct followed after your cycle? you wouldnt even have time to do post therpy even after your done your 7 weeks. planned very poorly , hold off till you have the time to cycle properly.

  8. #8
    gettinbigger2287's Avatar
    gettinbigger2287 is offline New Member
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    u need to reseach this more bro all your going to do is waste your money. I recomend waiting until you get back and running 10-12 wks. you also need to look more into pct!!!

  9. #9
    govitman is offline New Member
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    Thanks for all the advice. Really appreciate it. Looks like I will be waiting until I return.

    For the gear that I have, does the below work for a light cycle.

    Week 1-10: 300 Tes Cyp, 300 Deca
    Week 13-15: PCT --> 20mg/day Nolvadex

    From what I have read, some people recommend running the Nolv thru the whole cycle while other recommend starting your PCT three weeks after the cycle. Any thoughts on this?

    Also, does anyone here every run short cycles (4 to 6 weeks)? If so, can you give me an idea of what you run.

    Thanks again for all your help. I do appreciate ya'll taking the time to respond and help me out.


  10. #10
    Stoneco|d's Avatar
    Stoneco|d is offline Associate Member
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    For Test Cyp, you run PCT 2 weeks after your last injection. Plus I don't think you run Nolva, leave it for PCT. You need estrogen to gain.

    Also you need to run Test Cyp for 12 weeks at least. It's not going to kick in till around week 5-6.

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