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  1. #1
    transformer is offline New Member
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    Fat for first cycle

    I am currently overweight. I know that I should do the best I can w/o the juice but, I want to get started. I have been seriously lifting for a year and a half and have gone from around 50% bf down to where I am now.
    My stats are
    Height: 6 foot 2
    Lean Mass: 197
    Body fat: 33%
    I am looking to start my first cycle. I was looking at starting with test. I have access to Test, Winny, and Deca . Can't find Clen or albuterol. Has anyone else out there started when they were drastically overweight. Any perspective would be appreciated

  2. #2
    NATE0406's Avatar
    NATE0406 is offline Anabolic Member
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    do not start aas yet. just wait untill you can cut down to at least 17% bf. for clen go to the red banner at the top right hand of the screen.

  3. #3
    mr newbreed's Avatar
    mr newbreed is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by transformer View Post
    I am currently overweight. I know that I should do the best I can w/o the juice but, I want to get started. I have been seriously lifting for a year and a half and have gone from around 50% bf down to where I am now.
    My stats are
    Height: 6 foot 2
    Lean Mass: 197
    Body fat: 33%
    I am looking to start my first cycle. I was looking at starting with test. I have access to Test, Winny, and Deca. Can't find Clen or albuterol. Has anyone else out there started when they were drastically overweight. Any perspective would be appreciated
    the juice is going to put weight on you bro,my advice and this only my opinion,please do what you think is best for you...
    go to the gym on a 3 day a week split,monday,wed, 30 minutes of cardio ed 7 days a the cardio after the weight on lifting days and as soon as you get up on none lifting days (before breakfast).
    eat 5-6 small meals a day,keeping carbs nice and low,eat protein with every this for 6 weeks and just see where you are by then,you have waited this long to go on juice,whats 6 more the end of the 6 weeks i bet you will want to keep it up and wait even longer before you go on the juice

  4. #4
    jAcKeD!!!!'s Avatar
    jAcKeD!!!! is offline chemically engineered
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    why not use eca stack or hydroxycut or clen ?

  5. #5
    _007 is offline Associate Member
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    or even ephedrine would help

  6. #6
    bigswole32's Avatar
    bigswole32 is offline Junior Member
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    Ephedrine is in ECA.....

  7. #7
    OnT's Avatar
    OnT is offline Associate Member
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    Hows your blood pressure?

  8. #8
    kick6 is offline Banned
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    Due to your weight, you have a much higher likelyhood of gyno. Keep dieting.

  9. #9
    Nstart is offline Associate Member
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    I was in a similar boat a while back. I used to weigh 412lbs and I got down to 227lbs before I even considered using anabolics.

    What you need to do is do less strength training and more cardio. Do like 30 minutes of strength training 4-5 times a week, and do cardio 5-6 days a week for at least one hour. Don't worry about losing muscle mass from doing cardio. I actually gained muscle mass when I was losing weight. But I did several hours of cardio. Since I was in school at the time, I would literally do 4 things: walk/jog/run, study, sleep, and eat. I tried to limit my strength training to 45 minutes to an hour each day, 5 times a week. I did in upwards of 4-5 hours of cardio each day, split in 3 sessions. I took Sundays off. However when I got below 300lbs, I did cardio 7 days a week and every month I took off 3 straight days to recover.

    You can do it, just believe in yourself, stick to your diet, do cardio, and eat right.

  10. #10
    Kratos's Avatar
    Kratos is offline I feel accomplished
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    fat people shouldn't cycle, diet and cardio

  11. #11
    Amorphic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos View Post
    fat people shouldn't cycle, diet and cardio

  12. #12
    Bulldog1115 is offline Member
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    def hop on a natural fat burner, and get down naturally.. and after u do that ur results on a cycle will be much much much better ..we promise
    Last edited by Bulldog1115; 05-05-2008 at 05:50 PM.

  13. #13
    Bccornut's Avatar
    Bccornut is offline Junior Member
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    Just a question Nstart, how much did you weigh before you started aas?? Oh and I was wondering why is test really needed for a base? Well I mean I hear of guys all the time taking just winni, would they see better gains if they took a test winni stack? like test Prop?

  14. #14
    kick6 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bccornut View Post
    Just a question Nstart, how much did you weigh before you started aas?? Oh and I was wondering why is test really needed for a base? Well I mean I hear of guys all the time taking just winni, would they see better gains if they took a test winni stack? like test Prop?

    test is needed as a base because all steroids inhibit your body's natural production of test. In the male body test is responsible for more things than just adding muscle so you want some of it even when you're on cycle.

  15. #15
    NoYokes is offline Junior Member
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    research a hi-lo carb diet. it is a 4 day repeating diet. you can loose 1 lb a week and not sacrifice loosing muscle mass. get some keto stix from your local Rx. you can measure when your body is burning fat as energy. read up on ketosis and it will help. good luck bro

  16. #16
    Nstart is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bccornut View Post
    Just a question Nstart, how much did you weigh before you started aas?? Oh and I was wondering why is test really needed for a base? Well I mean I hear of guys all the time taking just winni, would they see better gains if they took a test winni stack? like test Prop?
    I cut down to my lowest limit possible before I could get sick 227lbs 4.4% body fat. Once I hit below 7% I started feeling really sick and weak. On cycle I went from 227lbs to 293 or 294lbs, I can't remember. Once my PCT finished, I waited 3 weeks after that and then restarted my strict diet. Right now I am at 261lbs.

    I made awesome gains. I did 750mg of sustanon 250 per week for 12 weeks. Ate a 6000 calorie diet that I spent about a week developing in my "fat notes notebook" I've been using to jot down things I learn as I go along.

    Sometime in the winter I want to run one more cycle, but this will be a big one. I was going to run a mild cutting cycle, but I have to have another surgery on my chest to remove the excess skin and my plastic surgeon asked me not to do another cycle right now.

  17. #17
    Bccornut's Avatar
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    Thx for the reply kick6, I've got several friends that have just ran winnie cycles by themselves and they love it but I guess it's just because it did cut them up as well as harden the muscle...Does the test stacked in with the winnie or tren whatever one chooses in a cutting cycle, does it enhance your gains in the cycle overall?

  18. #18
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
    Panzerfaust is offline Ron Paul Nuthugger
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    You do know that AAS doesn't magically rip you up and shed the fat away right? Diet and Cardio I know you don't want to hear this, but it's the gods honest truth. Lay off the AAS until you drop to at least 15% BF.

    I don't understand how anyone can discuss AAS use with you, you are not ready. You have not even proven you know how to diet properly. I would also suggest you post your diet.

    We do this to help your money for now, please?
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  19. #19
    Bccornut's Avatar
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    Wow thats impressive Nstart, those are some impressive gains, yeah it was about a month and a half ago that I realized I started letting myself go down the drain partying way to much at school not caring what I ate or what time I ate at and I decided to get back in a strict workout routine instead of the BS 2 maybe 3 times a week that I had been on...Get to the gym and find out that I had gained 20lbs and was sitting at 245 which was the breaking point....signed on here and have been reading threads for hours a day found out that just to sustain the weight I needed about 3300 cal a day/ got my diet in check eat about 2300-2500 cal/day work out 5 days a week and have dropped back down to 225....I'm waitin till the end of may to check my BF% but when i was at 240 it was 28%....When I get down to the lower teens Im thinking about running a cycle of Test prop 500mg/week with winnie...still debating on whether or not I wanna use the winnie or masteron or equipose...Ill be studyin up on those...

  20. #20
    mr newbreed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja View Post
    You do know that AAS doesn't magically rip you up and shed the fat away right? Diet and Cardio I know you don't want to hear this, but it's the gods honest truth. Lay off the AAS until you drop to at least 15% BF.

    I don't understand how anyone can discuss AAS use with you, you are not ready. You have not even proven you know how to diet properly. I would also suggest you post your diet.

    We do this to help your money for now, please?

  21. #21
    PT's Avatar
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    i know this isnt what you want to hear bro but steroids will do little if anything positive for you. even if you did gain 10lbs of muscle you would never see them behind 33% bf. you need to diet and do a ton of cardio and get your bf down. if you really want you can try some gne over the counter fat burner but i doubt t-3 or clen would do much for you either.

  22. #22
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    33% bodyfat? How would you know you had would be covered up

  23. #23
    kick6 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bccornut View Post
    Thx for the reply kick6, I've got several friends that have just ran winnie cycles by themselves and they love it but I guess it's just because it did cut them up as well as harden the muscle...Does the test stacked in with the winnie or tren whatever one chooses in a cutting cycle, does it enhance your gains in the cycle overall?
    Winnie only will harden the muscle, and possibly at strength, but you won't put on much size or weight. Add test with it, and you'll get more strength, more mass, and likely better health and sexual function while cycling. As long as you choose a short estered-test you'll still harden up as well.

    In my opinion test isn't a must with all cycles, but as a general guideline, you want some form of test. With Tren you DEFINETLY want test though. Its said that a single 100mg dose of tren COMPLETELY shuts you down. I've done a tren only cycle and the gains were pretty small compared to a test/tren cycle. Not only were the gains better with stacked test, but I felt better throughout the cycle too.

  24. #24
    TJM7275 is offline Banned
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    No Steroids for you..NEXT
    I think you should wait as well dude, but your gonna do what you want no matter what anyone says. So I would research a lot more. Get a good PCT. You really should wait though. My buddy juiced because he thought it would shread him. I think he looked worse, but thats my opinion... Good Luck

  25. #25
    OnT's Avatar
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    The dude asked questions then took off!

  26. #26
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
    Panzerfaust is offline Ron Paul Nuthugger
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    Quote Originally Posted by OnT View Post
    The dude asked questions then took off!
    Good, hopefully he has taken our advice and is currently revamping his dietary approach so that he can one day utilise Androgens and get the benifits from them. 33% BF is so high I cannot even imagine using anything besides an ECA or Clen .
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