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  1. #1
    bbminded's Avatar
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    Swollen Bruised nipple!!!!!!

    in the past couple days ive developed a swollen and bruised nipple(left one)!! Im not on any aas or any test boosters or pro-hormones. im 29 and when i was 20 i did a cycle of dbol and got a very small case of gyno. Ihave always been self concious about them even though every tellls me they dont even notice they bother me and i always find myself messing with them unconciously(sp). so maybe i messed with them to much one night and caused it to get inflamed. its just sore to the touch and swollen with a bruise on it. but when i got the gyno 10 years ago i remember them being even more sensitive and very itchy which they are not right now!! any ideas or is it just me being to overconcious of them!! thanks and if oyu want to flame me then just dont respond please!!

  2. #2
    NATE0406's Avatar
    NATE0406 is offline Anabolic Member
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    sounds like you still have some gyno issues. go the gyno reversal thread and see if you can knock it out.

  3. #3
    bbminded's Avatar
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    yes i have letro left over from a cycle over a year ago. but the other night i was a little drunk and i was unconciously messing with that one side. maybe i messed with it to much and caused an inflammation and bruising??

  4. #4
    NATE0406's Avatar
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    yeah it could be that you just irratated your nipple by playing with it. do you feel any lumps or has it been sensitive lately (before you started messing with it)? i would just leave it alone and once the bruising goes away then check for signs of gyno. and just run letro if you think that you are still having issues with it. but sounds like its in your head.

  5. #5
    bbminded's Avatar
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    ive had very small lumps for the past 10 years. and i really do think i prob really itrritated it the other night messing with it. i find myself doing it alot without even knowing im doing it cause im so selfconcious of them. thats what im hoping it is!!

  6. #6
    NATE0406's Avatar
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    yeah i think your fine. just stop playing with it. lol

  7. #7
    bbminded's Avatar
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    think i could go to the doctor and if they see they are causing problems insurance might cover the removal of the small lumps???

  8. #8
    bbminded's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NATE0406 View Post
    yeah i think your fine. just stop playing with it. lol
    LOL your prob right i just need to get them removed

  9. #9
    NATE0406's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bbminded View Post
    think i could go to the doctor and if they see they are causing problems insurance might cover the removal of the small lumps???
    yeah there was a thread the other day about the surgical removel. and he got his insurance to cover the entire surgery. so yea you could always check into that. i just wish i could remember who posted the thread.

  10. #10
    bbminded's Avatar
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    was it in the USA??

  11. #11
    NATE0406's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bbminded View Post
    was it in the USA??
    yeah i think so. he had blue cross insurance. i will see if i can find it.

  12. #12
    bbminded's Avatar
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    ive heard if you say it always bothering you and causing mental distress insurance may cover it but the problem ive run into is that most doctors dont even know what the problem is!!

  13. #13
    bbminded's Avatar
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    i have BC to

  14. #14
    NATE0406's Avatar
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    here you go bro i finally found it.
    WOOHOO May 23rd!!!

    haha i just noticed that you also posted in that thread.
    Last edited by NATE0406; 05-04-2008 at 06:41 PM.

  15. #15
    bbminded's Avatar
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    i see i even made a post on that thread!!! i just need 2 find a cool doc like that!!!!

  16. #16
    bbminded's Avatar
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    has this ever happened to anyone else that had pre existing gyno they were self consious of and messed with them to much at irritated it???

  17. #17
    MasterShake's Avatar
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    I got gyno from a cycle once, and yes, I did tend to mess with it because it bothered me... letro cured it.

  18. #18
    bbminded's Avatar
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    Anyone in the US get theres removed and have it paid for by their insurance??

  19. #19
    XLCanadian's Avatar
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    yeah just stop the nipple play...hehe

  20. #20
    bbminded's Avatar
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    well iwent to the doctor about it. he said it was just some minor trauma! I asked him about the lumps and he said that every guy has them and if i were to gain wait(get fat) then they would probably get bigger. so much for getting insurance to take care of them!

  21. #21
    MasterShake's Avatar
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    Ask him for a referral to a specialist... Tell him you are worried about the discomfort, and want to see a specialist. He has to do that. The specialist wants to get paid to do the removal, so he should recommend it. Problem should be solved. I had a minor skin tag once, but it was in an intimate area, so I said I wanted to get it removed because I was uncomfortable with it's location. Insurance covered it.

  22. #22
    bbminded's Avatar
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    he told me he could send me to a plastic surgeon but it would prob cost upwards of 6,000 dollars!! Maybe ill ask my Chiro for a refferal instead. He is really cool and knows everything ive done. Most family doctors suck. its as if they hate there jobs or think everyone that comes in is worried about nothing so they dont seem to care. plus as weird as it may seem guys can actually get breast cancer to so whos to know that even a little or alot of gyno could turn into something more. seems safer to remove it plus the doctors make more money anyways. But another to he told it was just a fat deposit. is that true???

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