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Thread: Dbol Vs Var

  1. #1
    JackedMan00 is offline New Member
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    May 2008

    Dbol Vs Var

    Hey everyone,
    I am a 20 yr old college athlete i am 6'2 and weigh about 190 .. bf around 9 - 11 % Im trying to gain some wieght and add some strength over the off season. I really am confused on which of these two supplements to take? I no var will get my stength up but really wont give me the extra weight. My worries of dianabol is that i will lose everything once i am done with the cycle. I want to take a 4-8 week cycle (whatever you guys believe is best). And after the cycle i plan on taking a PCT. I am planning on taking Nolvadex . This would be my first cycle only other supplement i have taken are Superdrol a while ago which i had nice results from. I plan on working out 4 - 5 times a week and keeping a good diet!which of these 2 supplements do u think will be most beneficial to me thank you!

  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    Chances are you could gain a lot with proper diet. That being said, I personally would never do a dbol -only cycle.

  3. #3
    JackedMan00 is offline New Member
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    So you would recommend anavar ? with a PCT after?

  4. #4
    200byjune's Avatar
    200byjune is offline Senior Member
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    can you please stop calling them supplements. its making me feel there ganna be legal soon

  5. #5
    JackedMan00 is offline New Member
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    May 2008
    sorry? lol which one of the two do you think is better for me?? better?

  6. #6
    arby211 is offline New Member
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    none your 20 years old and on top of that you have no idea what aas is in the first place.. do some research... if you dont want my advice then atleast know that injectables are better then orals its safer and better gains

  7. #7
    JackedMan00 is offline New Member
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    yeah ive repeativly been told that .. i have that dianbol is terrible orally? and that anavar is one of the mildest on the liver? the more i read on the forum i am leaning towards anavar which is guna help me tremendously in the strength area and i just wont lose alot of it after the cycle! agree or disagree? i no i am only 20 but in college aalot of athletes are taking it around this age, and sometimes the suplements are definatly giving an advatage to the ones who take steroids . All i want is to gain strenght over the offseason and impress when season time comes around and maybe move onto the next level.

  8. #8
    arby211 is offline New Member
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    do as you please my advice if its only dbol or anavar to pick from go with anavar with good diet.. i suppose

  9. #9
    JackedMan00 is offline New Member
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    May 2008
    ure advice is appreciatteedddd.. do you advise to take anything else with var other than a PCT after?

  10. #10
    200byjune's Avatar
    200byjune is offline Senior Member
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  11. #11
    JackedMan00 is offline New Member
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    May 2008
    thanks bud

  12. #12
    james21's Avatar
    james21 is offline Anabolic Member
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    the search button isnt there just to look at, you can use it too and see alllllll the threads on var only and dbol only and make your own assesment.

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