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  1. #1
    growboy's Avatar
    growboy is offline Associate Member
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    BbY Canada

    Dose primo work better than mast if ur bf is around 14%

    Just curious! I was reeading a earlier post on mast and primo, and was wondering if primo works better than mast if bf% is 14-16% . I know for mast they recomend ur in the single didgets for bf but what about primo?

  2. #2
    respek is offline Associate Member
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    Mar 2008
    You want your body fat in single didgets. Remember that these drugs are meant to show vascularity and make you harder. With a high body fat % you are not seeing anything.

  3. #3
    james21's Avatar
    james21 is offline Anabolic Member
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    but also remember they are steroids and they will produce muscle.(assumeing you have a proper training reg. and diet) i havent personally used primo but i love mast. and its alot cheaper...

  4. #4
    growboy's Avatar
    growboy is offline Associate Member
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    Oct 2005
    BbY Canada
    I'm sitting at around 11% and want to drop to atleast 9% july first to start, so i'll be ok. I was just crious. thanx

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