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Thread: Post cycle?

  1. #1
    Stephan's Avatar
    Stephan is offline Associate Member
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    Post cycle?

    I am on my 5th week of tren and prop 50mg ed. When I started I weighed 185 13% bf. 5 weeks later I am 195lbs at 9.5% bf I have been doing cardio and eating right everyday but no doubt the tren and prop are doing most of the work. I love the pumps this stuff gives me. I dont have alot of knowledge on pct, I have done tons of research but I still have doubts. I fear that at the end of my cycle I am not going to do pct right, therefore causing me to crash hard loosing the drive to work out and all that I have worked so hard to gain. This is what I have on hand. 24 50mg clomid tabs, 30 20mg nolvadex tabs and one 5000iu vial of hcg . Can someone please let me know if have enough for pct ad how much to take I really need to know this. Desperately. I have posted a a pic of me now so far I dont have a before pic
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Post cycle?-step-119.jpg  

  2. #2
    Prada's Avatar
    Prada is offline Anabolic Member
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    Unfortunately I dont think you are ready to use AAS. The answers to your questions are in the PCT forum.

  3. #3
    Andro9's Avatar
    Andro9 is offline Member
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    i think that may be the funniest damn picture i have ever seen hahaa

  4. #4
    Stephan's Avatar
    Stephan is offline Associate Member
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    prada I guess you didnt see the sentence i wrote (I have done tons of research) That page is jargon why cant you just tell me??? Is it that hard for you to tell me or do you just not know??? And I dont care if you dont think im eady for aas Im a grown ass man I can do what ever I want.

  5. #5
    Andro9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stephan View Post
    prada I guess you didnt see the sentence i wrote (I have done tons of research) That page is jargon why cant you just tell me??? Is it that hard for you to tell me or do you just not know??? And I dont care if you dont think im eady for aas Im a grown ass man I can do what ever I want.

  6. #6
    Stephan's Avatar
    Stephan is offline Associate Member
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    Why is is so damn hard to get answers out of people on this site. all I want to know is do I take 2 pills every day for 2 weeks honestly how ****ing hard is it to tell me I have posted this same post about 6 times. I almost to the point of seeing a doctor so I can ask him. What a pain in the ass

  7. #7
    Stephan's Avatar
    Stephan is offline Associate Member
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    This tren prop makes me so ****ing angry all the time

  8. #8
    Fat Guy's Avatar
    Fat Guy is offline Senior Member
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    Dude great picture….

    Here are some threads that will help you figure your PCT out, but you’re going to have to do a little reading…

    the unofficial how to do pct thread

    Pheedno's PCT

  9. #9
    ChuckLee's Avatar
    ChuckLee is offline Scammer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stephan View Post
    Why is is so damn hard to get answers out of people on this site. all I want to know is do I take 2 pills every day for 2 weeks honestly how ****ing hard is it to tell me I have posted this same post about 6 times. I almost to the point of seeing a doctor so I can ask him. What a pain in the ass
    If you want answers, this is not exactly the right attitude.

    Click on the links Fat Guy posted.


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