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  1. #1
    JuiceGirl311's Avatar
    JuiceGirl311 is offline Junior Member
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    Clen- Potassium & Taurine

    Does anyone know how much potassium and taurine you should be taking while on clen ? Perfectbeast told me last year but of course I forgot. I think for me (a girl) he said 200 mgs of potassium and 1000 mgs of taurine (double that for guys) but I don't remember. I know all about the benadryl and cycling but I can't remember the potassium and taurine. Thanks!

  2. #2
    Amorphic's Avatar
    Amorphic is offline Veritas, Aequitas ~
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    i took 5g of taurine when i was on clen . not sure about potassium. i just made sure to eat bananas and oranges.

    no cramping issues with the above precautions

    try your 1g of taurine and if you are cramping, up the dose. drink plenty of water as well

  3. #3
    iagainsti is offline Associate Member
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    Are you cramping from the clen ? I just followed the recommended dosage from the taurine manufacturer (1000mgs per day)but have really never had much a cramping issue from clen. A calcium/magnisiam supplement can also help relieve clen cramps.

  4. #4
    JuiceGirl311's Avatar
    JuiceGirl311 is offline Junior Member
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    ok, here's a dumb question: is 1000mg's equal to 1 g? Yes, we were both cramping from clen . I was afraid to even yawn sometimes cause my neck would cramp! I am taking 200 mgs potassium, 1000mgs taurine and my bf is taking 200 potassium, 2000 taurine. It is helping a little with cramping but I just wanted to make sure we were neither under or over dosing them. And I HATE swollowing all those friggin pills, can they make them any BIGGER?????

  5. #5
    NATE0406's Avatar
    NATE0406 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JuiceGirl311 View Post
    ok, here's a dumb question: is 1000mg's equal to 1 g? Yes, we were both cramping from clen. I was afraid to even yawn sometimes cause my neck would cramp! I am taking 200 mgs potassium, 1000mgs taurine and my bf is taking 200 potassium, 2000 taurine. It is helping a little with cramping but I just wanted to make sure we were neither under or over dosing them. And I HATE swollowing all those friggin pills, can they make them any BIGGER?????
    yes. up your tourine to 3-5 grams a day. drink a lot more water.

  6. #6
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
    Panzerfaust is offline Ron Paul Nuthugger
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    I have gotten some cramping in my quads from Clen in the past, actually on my first run ever using Clen.

    You live and learn, tons of water, potassium and Taurine make Clen a thing of beauty.

    I have taken as high as 1g Pottasium ED and 2g Taurine (maybe more?). Just bump it some and find that comfortable range for you both.
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