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  1. #1
    NEW_GUY is offline Junior Member
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    Blood shot eyes ?

    Well im in my first week of a Dbol / test cycle .
    Im taking Dbol at 30mg a day and today was my second shot of test e 250 .

    The day after I started Dbol and took my first shot I woke up and had really red eyes . Its like I just smoked a fat joint but I dont smoke . And they have been like this for days now . I even tried Visen drops a couple time but it did nothing . My eyes arent ichy or anything just really red . Any Ideas guys on what this may be or even if the aas is the blame for it or maybe somthing else that I should get the Dr's opinion on ? Thanks

  2. #2
    NATE0406's Avatar
    NATE0406 is offline Anabolic Member
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    i would go to the doc. its prolly allergies. it is that time of year.

  3. #3
    growboy's Avatar
    growboy is offline Associate Member
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    D-bol can raise ur blood presure fairly quick which in turn can break blood vessels in the eyes making them look blood shot and sore. Either way allergies or bp get cheked out by ur doc

  4. #4
    whiskey15's Avatar
    whiskey15 is offline Associate Member
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    what supps are you taking? I have some green tea extract with ECCg that makes my eyes red as ****

  5. #5
    peteroy01 is offline Senior Member
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    after you go to the doc and he gets a patient history and finds you're juicing, hes just going to blame it on the roids.
    Dr.s treatment-stop juicing. that will be $250
    i just saved you money.

  6. #6
    whiskey15's Avatar
    whiskey15 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by peteroy01 View Post
    after you go to the doc and he gets a patient history and finds you're juicing, hes just going to blame it on the roids.
    Dr.s treatment-stop juicing. that will be $250
    i just saved you money.
    Then you wont be able to get health insurance anymore because the confidential thing doesnt work with normal docs

  7. #7
    adude006 is offline Associate Member
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    if it's bp i think first you should get nose bleeds then the blood vessels should break in your eyes. It would be stange for this to happen first... anyways go to any walmart, cvs or walgreens and check ur bp. It's free... If its high you should procede with caution, raising it too much isnt good.

    But depending on how much blood is in your eye this can be a serious issue because too much blood stuck in the eye can damage the cornea, look for hyphema on the net. Go to an eye doctor at walmart or somewhere, its cheap. Better be safe than sorry!

    Also, if you tell the any doc that u use roids, i would just pay by cash and say i dont have insurance to keep it off the record.

  8. #8
    Ashop's Avatar
    Ashop is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by NEW_GUY View Post
    Well im in my first week of a Dbol / test cycle .
    Im taking Dbol at 30mg a day and today was my second shot of test e 250 .

    The day after I started Dbol and took my first shot I woke up and had really red eyes . Its like I just smoked a fat joint but I dont smoke . And they have been like this for days now . I even tried Visen drops a couple time but it did nothing . My eyes arent ichy or anything just really red . Any Ideas guys on what this may be or even if the aas is the blame for it or maybe somthing else that I should get the Dr's opinion on ? Thanks

    is your BP high?

  9. #9
    growboy's Avatar
    growboy is offline Associate Member
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    Nose bleeds do not necessarily start with high blood preasure. As for the wallmart etc blood preasure machines they are very unreliable, as for going to ur doc just have ur bp and do'nt tell him ur on the gear. plus they do'nt call high bp the sighlent killer for nothing. remember u can't bodybuild if ur dead.

  10. #10
    NATE0406's Avatar
    NATE0406 is offline Anabolic Member
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    guys telling someone not to go to the doc is not good advice what so ever.. bro go to the doc.. if its high BP then it can be fixed. if its alergies then it can be fixed but dont blow it off. NO ONE on this site can diagnose you.

  11. #11
    NEW_GUY is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks for all the help guys . I actualy went to the Drs a week or two ago just for a check up wich I was over due for , I got a normal BP test and then he ran kind of a stress test on me . I had to raise arms then touch waiste then toes then waiste then raise arm again ect, he made me do this over and over again to get BP up and then he checked it again and it was normal for my age weight hight ect.

    . I have no symtoms of alergies such as ichy eyes , runny nose , stuffy nose ect. Im gonna give it a few more days and see what happens , It just made me nervous because this is my first cycle and this is the first time I have ever had a problem like this . Do you guys think that the aas can shoot my BS up that high in just a couple days ? Thanks guys
    Last edited by NEW_GUY; 05-05-2008 at 09:34 PM.

  12. #12
    Lavinco's Avatar
    Lavinco is offline Anabolic Member
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    Could be from less sleep from the gear. Coluld be the BP thing. Could be alergies, infection or all of the above.

    Don't use that visine too much though, it causes rebound redness. You're eyes will get addicted to the shit and you'll think you always need it. It's how Visine stays in business I suppose.

  13. #13
    growboy's Avatar
    growboy is offline Associate Member
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    Good to hear u went to ur doc bro That shows maturity and responsible use of gear, we should all take a page from u good luck

  14. #14
    NEW_GUY is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by growboy View Post
    Good to hear u went to ur doc bro That shows maturity and responsible use of gear, we should all take a page from u good luck
    Thanks , I wanted to get a check up before I started my gear just to see if everything was ticking ok . I never mentioned aas to my Dr just told him I was starting a big work out program and I wanted to make sure my body was ready for it .. It just sucks because I just have this gut feeling its not alergies and that it is my gear doing this . Like I said Im
    gonna give it another day or two and get it checked out if it doesnt go away .

  15. #15
    hauss man is offline Member
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    i blow blood vessels in my eyes all the time. were you performing a near maximal weight the day or two before you noticed?

  16. #16
    Wavelover is offline Junior Member
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    Is it blood get out of broken vessel or just vasodilatasion. Photo please.

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