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  1. #1
    newrobb is offline Junior Member
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    3rd week of Test E injection: Soreness?

    getting better at self-injecting. not very easy doing it in the glutes myself but noone can help me with this. i've stopped doing it in the shoulder because there isn't too much fat there anymore and it's painfull. i'm using a 22g/1inch needle for the glute shot and have done it only twice now. last week the soreness lasted for 5-6 days. this week (shot on Sunday and it's now Tues.) there is still some soreness, but not too bad.
    Question: is soreness very common generally with AAS injections? what about Test E? thanks.

  2. #2
    InsaneInTheMembrane's Avatar
    InsaneInTheMembrane is offline Anabolic Member
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    22g = ouch! ... try 24/25g

    soreness after injection is common, especially to virgin muscle... it get's painless as time and frequencies of injections wear on, except for certain compounds (usually shorter esters) like test propionate , whose pain is rather consistent and can irritate some sensitive users enough to consider discontinuation and switching esters. Another compound that I found could cause discomfort on a regular basis was Tren A... although not as bad as prop.

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