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  1. #1
    Deen54 is offline Member
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    choosing the test!

    doing an oral T cycle..

    I have read many thing but still can't figure out
    which would be a good test to mix with oral T.

    test prop- short acting ..injection would be 1-2 water retention

    test enanthate - long acting.. one a weeek inject..water retention

    test cycpionate- same as enanthate only longer acting.

    what would you mix oral T with if you had to.. what about Tren ?

    ..but with tren you would still need a test.

  2. #2
    Raw Deal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deen54 View Post
    doing an oral T cycle..

    I have read many thing but still can't figure out
    which would be a good test to mix with oral T.

    test prop- short acting ..injection would be 1-2 water retention

    test enanthate - long acting.. one a weeek inject..water retention

    test cycpionate- same as enanthate only longer acting.

    what would you mix oral T with if you had to.. what about Tren ?

    ..but with tren you would still need a test.
    I'm unfamiliar with that term (oral T)
    You mean Tball ?
    As far as Tren, i dont know your cycle history, so i would stay away from that..what are your want to look like A 90210 Gurly Man, or a Big ASS have to deside were you heading first, and i'll give ya a begiiner cycle bro !

  3. #3
    Deen54 is offline Member
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    I am 37yrs 5 foot 6 147 lbs ... a little bit of a belly.

    i want to have good quality and big.

    i have done dbol , deca , anadrol , sustanon ... probably over 10 years ago.
    been working wout 2-3 yrs steady now again..hit a plateau and stuck.

    i am ordering 200 tbols..about 20 nolvadex so just want to know if i should mix
    or just go with tbol by itself...

    or jam a test! woohoo!

  4. #4
    jAcKeD!!!!'s Avatar
    jAcKeD!!!! is offline chemically engineered
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    test enthanate if you lookin to put on mass

  5. #5
    jackdup04's Avatar
    jackdup04 is offline Associate Member
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    this question has come up alot lately..Do a search on it..Diff guys have diff views so ur gonna have to decide on ur own..I always run a long ester when on a mass cycle but some like prop daily...

  6. #6
    ChuckLee's Avatar
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    Test E or C. But your diet has to be in check first.
    And the long estered test have to be injected twice per week, not a single shot as you wrote.
    Last edited by ChuckLee; 05-06-2008 at 09:01 AM.

  7. #7
    Deen54 is offline Member
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    i checked the test cypionate has a life of 15 days
    test enthanate has a life of 8 days.

    so.. would i need to inject 2 times a week for both?... i was thinking of 250 mg per time..

    but if i inject twice then it would be 500mg/ week. Is this too much for me as
    i weight 147lbs?

    keeping a diet in check.. what would you recommend?

  8. #8
    ChuckLee's Avatar
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    Any dose of AAS would be too much at 147, especially because your diet is NOT in check yet (maybe).

    Get a bulking diet consulting the threads and then ask anbout steroids , or post it here if you have already one and want it to be criticized

  9. #9
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    you should review this guy's posts before deciding to use test, he has spoken out strongly against it...
    Not gaining weight

  10. #10
    jAcKeD!!!!'s Avatar
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  11. #11
    ChuckLee's Avatar
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    I know as well Big, that's why I'm insisting to get some info about his diet knowledge first.

    I posted there too (the link) in reply to some of his posts.

  12. #12
    lex57's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deen54 View Post

    I am 37yrs 5 foot 6 147 lbs ... a little bit of a belly.

    i want to have good quality and big.

    i have done dbol , deca , anadrol , sustanon ... probably over 10 years ago.
    been working wout 2-3 yrs steady now again..hit a plateau and stuck.

    i am ordering 200 tbols..about 20 nolvadex so just want to know if i should mix
    or just go with tbol by itself...

    or jam a test! woohoo!

  13. #13
    Deen54 is offline Member
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    you have to remember i am 5 foot 6... the highest normal weight for this is height is
    154 lbs.
    I am also an ectomorph..skinny wrsits and ankles..

    so on paper it's not impressive.. but i look bigger cuz my bones are see big muscles on a small frame looks impressive.
    when i gain ten me everyone notices..

    i remember one week on d boll..people would come up to me..what got big!

  14. #14
    10nispro's Avatar
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    The clue for the diet forum for me was him stating he has "a little bit of a belly." 5'6" 147 and a belly? Something is wrong.

    Hit the diet forums first, please and it will do you good.

  15. #15
    Deen54 is offline Member
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    yes i spoke out against I am all for it! Go test Go !!!

    see i always thought test would just get me hairy and angry..and it was the anabolics that got you big.

    So i always tried to find higher anabolic steriods ..than adrongenic.

    but now i am going to mix the two because if the tbol shuts me down..then at least
    i will have some test for backup.
    all meat and no potatoes is just wrong.

  16. #16
    Deen54 is offline Member
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    yea but i'm 37... would do you expect ripped abs?

  17. #17
    10nispro's Avatar
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    If your diet is in could have ripped abs. You also say you are an ectomorph which implies what its hard for you to put on weight. Most ecto's have fast metabolisms as well so you shouldn't have that "little belly".

    You have reported on other OT posts with advise but you haven't used it. I can tell you from experience that OT works great with prop. And either works great alone. It's all in your diet. I can tell you that you need to have your diet in check with OT, because you will want to eat like a wild banshee on it. Just make sure your diet is clean and you do your cardio.

  18. #18
    Deen54 is offline Member
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    ok..i checked the diets.. which one should i follow?..according to my stats.

    how to gain bulk or gain lean mass ?

    lately if i get gains muscle wise so does my belly..

    this is genetics my dad has a big belly.

  19. #19
    10nispro's Avatar
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    The genetic chain can be broke. Are you short wasted? That can show some extra belly also.

    Post a days diet and that can be critiqued. It may be a simple fix. BTW I am 41 and will be 42 this year. So I know what its like to have to try harder to stay great physical shape. As you can tell by my screen name, I have to stay in great shape.

  20. #20
    Deen54 is offline Member
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    ot works good with prop eh...

    i was an ectomorph all my life..

    at 34... i weighed 130lbs...then i got married and 6 mnths later i weighed 150.

    so i decided to start working out again.. now i am 147.. sure more muscle but my
    belly hasn't budged and i am still an ectomorph.

    only an ecto with a big belly... this is the worst kind.. my working out does not
    consists of cardio.. tho.

  21. #21
    Deen54 is offline Member
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    i have a short torso and long legs...i find.

    today for breakfast.. i had

    1 peanut butter sandwich on whole wheat bread.
    1 banana
    20 ounces of water
    1 250mg choline and inostiol pill
    1 cranberry pill= 8oz of cranberry juice
    1 400IU vitamin e
    1 50mg zinc
    1/3 250 mg b6
    2 dhea pills 50mg

    lunch is coming..

    i had my eye on a burger and fries..but maybe i should get the salad instead.
    nah..i feel hungry

  22. #22
    10nispro's Avatar
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    Include the cardio and you will see results. It sounds like you have been eating "mama's" good cooking and adjusting to married life. Congrats. Are you looking to pack on weight or are you looking to add some weight but keep it lean? That will determine your diet. Keep searching and reading the diet forum. Promise it will help.

  23. #23
    10nispro's Avatar
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    Just looking at your breakfast, you need to read read read in the diet forum. Put a days worth of meals on their and they will critique it. I am about to eat my 2nd meal of the day.

    Also, get some blood work done before starting to give yourself a borderline to see how aas will effect your endocrine system and blood levels. Just ask you dr. to a complete blood work study. Tell him its for piece of mind. Burgers and fries are not good diet.

  24. #24
    Deen54 is offline Member
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    i had some blood work done recently and everything came back ok..
    my doctor said i was fine.
    i had lied to him and told him i can't get it up..just to see if i could
    score some viagra.

    so he did a testosterone check and he said i have 13.8mg ..he said that
    it was high..i don't know about that..but he said the range is from
    5 to he said i shouldn't have a problem and that is all in my
    head...but i scored some cialis anyway.

    i ended up having beef kabob and rice pilaf with no fries.

    i plan to eat properly when the juice starts...

    but you are right i will live on the diet forums for the next few days

  25. #25
    OnT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jAcKeD!!!! View Post
    test enthanate if you lookin to put on mass
    I agree, finally hit 15% BF now 5-9" 198lbs was 194lbs and 19% a few months ago. 47-years old! Test e rocks!

  26. #26
    Darksyde's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    you should review this guy's posts before deciding to use test, he has spoken out strongly against it...
    Not gaining weight
    lolz! comedy.

  27. #27
    jackdup04's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    you should review this guy's posts before deciding to use test, he has spoken out strongly against it...
    Not gaining weight
    Thats quite the turn around in 2wks!!! Does that mean that sum of us know what we are doing now?? or is it still "scary that we think we know what were doing..." Wow...Guess ur seeing this our way now good to see

  28. #28
    fedorrulz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deen54 View Post
    doing an oral T cycle..

    I have read many thing but still can't figure out
    which would be a good test to mix with oral T.

    test prop- short acting ..injection would be 1-2 water retention

    test enanthate - long acting.. one a weeek inject..water retention

    test cycpionate- same as enanthate only longer acting.

    what would you mix oral T with if you had to.. what about Tren ?

    ..but with tren you would still need a test.
    I hate test , but prop was best for me. The prob with long acting test is if you get the side effects you are stuck with them for a month or more. Imagine showing up to work with a pizza face. Zits like you were 16!! This happened to a friend of mine and he had bad facial acne for 2 months after taking test E (which he quit immediatly after the acne popped up). I got bad acne on test E, C, and P. Nice thing with P is once the acne started I could stop it and it went away fast.

    If you don't care about acne, and many here don't, then test E is a really good deal money wise.

  29. #29
    fedorrulz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deen54 View Post
    yes i spoke out against I am all for it! Go test Go !!!

    see i always thought test would just get me hairy and angry..and it was the anabolics that got you big.

    So i always tried to find higher anabolic steriods ..than adrongenic.

    but now i am going to mix the two because if the tbol shuts me down..then at least
    i will have some test for backup.
    all meat and no potatoes is just wrong.
    If you use a reasonable dose / cycle of tbol it will NOT shut you down! It will slow down the production of test though. 50mg, 5 weeks. More than this and you will have to worry about shutting down more.

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