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Thread: Stress??

  1. #1
    slvrwrx is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    Hey guys just wondering if anyone has noticed an increase in stress when on cylce? I usually deal with it rather well, between job relationship and all other bullshit, just noticed that i really havent been dealing with it well recently. Wondering if anyone else gets this and if its possibly the gear or not. Ive noticed that going to the gym tends to releave some just wondering if anyone does get it what do you do to relieve it?

    Ive done cycles before and never really experienced this im usually very happy and stress free when on cycle

    Im taking omna eod roughly about 700 mg per week and deca 400mg shot m t

    Thanks for the help guys

  2. #2
    shifty_git's Avatar
    shifty_git is offline Anabolically Aware
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    UK - A Backward Part
    What have ya cycles been in the past?
    And any difference in AI or SERM use on cycle?

    Any extra stress in ya life in general at the moment?

  3. #3
    maxiderm's Avatar
    maxiderm is offline Junior Member
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    i dont know i have never heard of this and i cant think of why it would happen. possibly during PCT depending on what you are using, but on cycle i have never seen/heard of added stress.

    Clomid stressed/depressed me and others, but like i said, thats not on cycle.

  4. #4
    slvrwrx is offline Associate Member
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    Mar 2006
    Other cycles consisted of test e test c sust and deca , not all at the same time. I dont remember the exact specifics now. I am taking letro now due to gyno conditions but have taken it before. Theres nothing different or new in my stresses it just seams like the little shit gets to me more. I would think my blood levels would be stable from the omna being it shot eod, im wondering if i should decrease the test down to 500-600? not sure if that would help at all just trying to get a better understanding of whats goin on and maybe some input form the guys

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