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  1. #1
    barnabus is offline New Member
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Fat loss before starting a cycle?

    Me and my mate are thinking of doing are first cycle some time next year probably only test enth for 12 weeks for the first one but he's abit of a fat-ass at the moment somewhere around 100kg at 25% bodyfat. He's cleaned up his diet and has lost a noticeable amount of fat but refused to drop the calories too far because he doesn't want too lose any strength. This is were I come in I've been trying to find a good source online and think I've finally found a decent one, looking around the site and found a fat burner cycle they recommend. Did some research on each of the drugs seems pretty good too me but I thought I'd ask here first before he buy's them make sure I'm not about too poison him lol. Pretty cheap as well so thought it would be a good test too see if the source was a scammer or not.

    week of
    25mcg tab 20mcg tab 50mg tab

    1 4 tabs/day 1 tab/day
    2 5 tabs/day 1 tab/day
    3 5 tabs/day 1 tab/day
    4 2 tabs/day
    5 3 tabs/day
    6 3 tabs/day 1 tab/day
    7 3 tabs/day 4 tabs/day 1 tab/day
    8 4 tabs/day 1 tab/day
    9 4 tabs/day 1 tab/day

  2. #2
    barnabus is offline New Member
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    May 2008
    shit copied the table straight from the website didn't come out like it looked when I posted it. Basically it's just cytomel , clenbuterol and ephedrine for 9 weeks but with the dosages and timing's altered.

  3. #3
    Prada's Avatar
    Prada is offline Anabolic Member
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    Nov 2005
    I would keep it simple and alter between 2weeks on/off. Yes I agree that BF% should be much lower before starting AAS.

  4. #4
    whiteronniewannabe is offline Junior Member
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    Essex, UK
    Take a photo of him naked then show it to him, then take a pic of ronnie colemand or jay cutler. That will get his ass in gear!

    I wouldnt recomment stacking ephedrine and clen . There is a write up on this in the steroid profile section. It will tell you all you know.

    As for Clen, your body needs a break from it cos in short it gets used to it. Dont do it 9 weeks straight.

  5. #5
    guinho's Avatar
    guinho is offline Junior Member
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    May 2006
    i dont recommend use cytomel without steroids . Use only if you dont have lean mass because cytomel burn everything and without steroids you cant preserve your muscle.

  6. #6
    barnabus is offline New Member
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    May 2008
    ok I read a thread on clen and it recommended not to stack it with ephedrine so I'll make sure he doesn't get that as well. Any other fat burners that would work well with clen in a cycle? or shall I just get him to do 2 weeks on 2 weeks off of clen by itself and hope that and a good diet is enough?

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