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  1. #1
    Nottanoobathlete is offline New Member
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    Apr 2008

    My friend is an idiot!!!!!!!!!

    A lifter friend of mine wanted to do his first cycle and had no problem with needles so I suggested prop at about 300mgs a week eod injects. Although I showed exactly how much he should inject he some how converted this to 150mgs eod and he says to me that 30ml bottle is almost empty and its only been a month? However he got confused is not my problem but I would like to help him do this right. Here is the problem, I suggested 300mgs a week over 16 weeks and he almost doubled it which is not really anything out of the ordinary except he now is missing half his cycles worth of prop to continue at the this pace and he has no source to get from and he is on a bugdet. I have a 30ml Im willing to part with but that is not enough for him to finish and the cycle end date is a show so coming off right before is a no go either. He needs 40 mls to finish and hes been running 525mg a week for 4 weeks if he lowers the dose slightly to say 125mgs eod will this effect his cycle much? So the question is this if a person running 525mgs a week of prop lowers there dose after 4 weeks and continues to run 450mgs a week will there be any noticable difference or possible sides?

    Sorry for the log thread trying to head off all the "why would you want to do that posts" by explaining first

    Advanced Thanks

  2. #2
    shifty_git's Avatar
    shifty_git is offline Anabolically Aware
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    UK - A Backward Part
    That will be fine to lower it.

    16 weeks it a pretty long cycle for using prop!

  3. #3
    Nottanoobathlete is offline New Member
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    Apr 2008
    why all the pricking? I just figured muscle memory would be better at a bit a longer and he was chomping at the bit to start. It was only going to be 12 but as stated he couldnt wait. Do you think he could lower it anymore because at the same time he wants results he is also trying to save a buck.....................dont we all, but but the real goal is a good cycle.

  4. #4
    shifty_git's Avatar
    shifty_git is offline Anabolically Aware
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    UK - A Backward Part
    Well the amount of gear that would be left over if he lowered it more wouldnt be enough to do anything decent with... id get him to stick at that dose.

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