Hello,fellas!I'm 23 5'6 210 lb at about 10-12% bf.It's my seventh week of a cutting cycle that looks like this:
wk 1-12:test e 500 mg/ew
wk 1-10:tren e 200 mg/ew
wk 6-12:winnie oral 60 mg/ed
wk 4-12:clen 120 mcg/ed
My diet consists of about 2000-2200 cals at a 70/20/10 prot/fat/carb ratio.
All went well so far but in the last weeks i want to add some thyroid drug to get rid of the stubborn fat and get really lean.In my country only T4 it's available so i decided to go with it.I also will raise the cals.So this are my questions and i'd apreciate if they were ansewerd punctually.
1.Dosage1:T4 is 4-5 times weaker than T3 so then the max dose must be 4 times T3 max dose=400 mcg ed?
2.Dosage2:The dosage tapering must be proportional to the T3 dosage tapering?
3.How did you recover after T3/T4?Did you get fat until you recovered?
4.How long did it last to recover?
5.How long do you suggest to take it?I've read A. Robert's opinion that you can go as long as 8-9 months but I also read different opinions that suggest not to take it longer than 6-8 weeks.I decided to go with what the guys around here that took it will advice me.

Sorry if it's boring.Lots of Clen/T3 threads lately.
Thanks in advance!