Thread: first cycle please critique
05-26-2008, 07:42 PM #1
first cycle please critique
ok big here is the safer version i didnt know i couldnt do that and posted these before i read your reply but any way here it is again ,allright ive pretty much planned my first cycle and figured ill get this all researched first so i dont abuse without knowing it and do alot of damage i wanna run as follows:
12 week cycle withtest e at 500mg a week for 1-12
nolvadex at 10mg everyday week 1-12 for sides
dianabol for week 1-4 everyday not sure of dose should be 20mp 04 40mg?
and then pct with clomid and nolva at 300mg and 20mgfor day one
day 2-30 with 100mg clomid and 20 mg nolva
day 31-37 at 20 mg nolva
whats the hype aboud l-dex what is it and shouls i incorporate it ? any suggestions and what is to be expected for gains would help also how to avoid the bloat look, diet is in check with some cardio is that good enough, thanks
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#2 Today, 08:21 PM
Cycle is fine. The d-bol uoi can run at 40mg day jsut make sure to split the does. Also shoot the test 2x a week.
I-dex sucks if you ask me and only should be used when running a 19nor if needed only.
05-26-2008, 08:03 PM #3
should they be shot at the same time 2x a week or different days?
its not a big deal if you shoot one at night and the other in the am. But its best to keep it the same.
I like doing Monday and Thursday injections.
Sorry edit.
05-26-2008, 08:14 PM #5
so the tues and saturday deal is just a myth?
What is the tuesday/saterday myth/dea?
What you suppose to grow more or some dumb ass shit like that?
05-26-2008, 08:30 PM #7
just a method ive seen a couple of people on here use, is there anything else i should add for the best gain without the fat and bloat?
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