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Thread: 1st cycle?

  1. #1
    skizzy71184 is offline New Member
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    1st cycle?

    Yea i was wondering what would be a good first cycle for me.. I am 23 years old.. im 6ft tall.. 175 lbs... ive been working out really hard for the past 6 months... been working out off and on for the past 2 years.. i watch my diet and try to eat as much protein and take as many protein shakes as i can.. i am definately noticing myself bulk up.. i was on finaplix for about 3 weeks and had to get off of it.. it was causing me to have a sore swollen throat.. i had 3 sore throats within the 3 weeks i was taking it.. and they werent just a little painful my throat swelled almost shut the one time and i could barely swallow.. i had a few times where i had night sweats but thats about it... im just wondering what i could get on to bulk me up and put on some muscle along with gain 15 to 20 lbs without all the side effects and being a little healthier..

  2. #2
    Lemonada8's Avatar
    Lemonada8 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    if you are noticing yourself bulk up w/o steroids ... then i'd stay off them... it was a mistake to go on fina by it self... and at 6foot 175 whats ur bf% thats not to big i'm sure you can gain your goals naturally first... u can check out some supps and bcaas and protein and creatine, i' bet that would help alot... and getting ur diet better

  3. #3
    sm15 is offline Associate Member
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    ^^^agreed. Why did you take finaplix by itself. Not smart.

  4. #4
    skizzy71184 is offline New Member
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    I know im finding all this out.. i have a friend that got me on it.. and a few other friends that were on a 8 week cycle an dhad no problems at all.. so i figured i would give it a try.. i shouldve been smarter and researched on here more before i even started it...

  5. #5
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    You should review our diet and workout sections, and work closer to your natural potential before you consider steroids . Keep us posted and there are plenty of us here to help perfect your diet and training.

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