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  1. #1
    tyno's Avatar
    tyno is offline New Member
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    Lightbulb Insulin and to eat

    This is my schema (Humalog)

    7.30 am: 10iu's insulin , 40gr glucose 30gr fructose 30gr protein
    9 am: 100gr oatmeal, 50gr protein
    12 am: 10iu's insulin, 40gr glucose 30gr fructose 30gr protein
    1.30 pm: 100gr rice, 60gr protein
    4.30 pm: 50gr bread, 30gr protein
    7.00 pm: workout
    8.30 pm: 10iu's insulin, 40gr glucose 30gr fructose 30gr protein
    10 pm: 100gr rice, 60gr protein
    12 pm: 30gr fructose, 30gr protein

    This way to eat goes well or must change something?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    I would start your post dosage meals one hour after dose, not and hour and a half. Especially if you are using Humilog (which kicks in much faster than Humilin R). Also, you're meal at 4:30 could fit in a few extra grams of protein (bump it to at least 50-60g). Other than that, it looks solid. You should put on some good weight with that.

    Good luck and be safe!

  3. #3
    The Iron Game Guest
    is this your first time doing insulin ? either way you should change a few things.

  4. #4
    Mr. Nobody is offline Associate Member
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    dump the fructose, increase glucose or better yet use dextrose or malto dextrine for your post slin shake, fructose is utterly useless to lower insulin .
    Use at least 100g of those simple carbs and research more.
    Use much more complex carbs at your post insulin meal and eat it at 45-60min past your humalog injection.
    Your plan looks like a sure way of going into hypoglycemia to me.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    I disagree.. I take 45ius of Humilin R split three times a day, and I don't even get the slightest symptoms of hypo. My eating schedule is very similar to tyno's. I guess everybody is different though....

  6. #6
    The Iron Game Guest
    He has not even said if he is a newbie to insulin or not, 10ius 3 times a day is way tooooooo much for someone new to slin. Should start off at 2-3 ius and increase to find tolerance and above tolerance levels. I usually dont feel hypo after humalog until 20 mins after I shoot it (I did some experiements). From that I decided to drink my simple carb drink (glucose & maltodextrin) 15 mins after I shoot.

    Gonna b Huge, if he is using humalog it peaks much quicker than humalin, his second meal should be well before one and a half hours. Whether or not it has anything to do with going hypo, it has more to do with getting the maximum out of the insulin.

  7. #7
    Mr. Nobody is offline Associate Member
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    He sounds like this is his first attempt at slin; Don't you agree to err on the safe side (too much carbs) than to run the risks of hypo...if everything is fine than decrease sugar/increase slin.
    Also, I agree 30iu to begin with is ludicrous (how did I miss that). Start with 4-6iu post workout and work your way up slowly. Its all about getting to know what works for you and not to jump into it with both feet.

    Let me describe the hypo feeling to you: First I get a little sweaty, then I get light headed, then panicky and lastly I get tunnel vision and hearing problems before passing out, sounds like fun doesn't it?
    And guess what: all that can happen within minutes of fucking up.......

    Bottom line tyno: you need to research more.
    Last edited by Mr. Nobody; 11-08-2001 at 08:43 AM.

  8. #8
    The Iron Game Guest
    Originally posted by Mr. Nobody

    Let me describe the hypo feeling to you: First I get a little sweaty, then I get light headed, then panicky and lastly I get tunnel vision and hearing problems before passing out, sounds like fun doesn't it?
    And guess what: all that can happen within minutes of fucking up.......

    Bottom line tyno: you need to research more.
    I lost about 90% of my vision once, and another time I could hardly move to get my carb drink down me.

  9. #9
    tyno's Avatar
    tyno is offline New Member
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    Its not the first time but before I used an other system with humulin R
    I took 12ui after workout, but the effect me lasted six hours.
    Now Humalog is most popular so I would like try this.
    Sure I'm starting with 5 ui
    I want just know my way to eat is ok with humalog

  10. #10
    Mr. Nobody is offline Associate Member
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    no its not, read above posts for clarifications

  11. #11
    tyno's Avatar
    tyno is offline New Member
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    This its OK?

    7.30 am: 5iu's HumulinR, 25gr glucose, 25gr malto dextrine, 30gr protein
    9 am: 100gr oatmeal, 50gr protein
    12 am: 5iu's HumulinR, 25gr glucose, 25gr malto dextrine, 30gr protein
    1.30 pm: 100gr rice, 60gr protein
    4.30 pm: 50gr bread, 50gr protein
    7.00 pm: workout
    8.30 pm: 5iu's Humalog, 25gr glucose, 25gr malto dextrine, 30gr protein
    10 pm: 100gr rice, 60gr protein
    12 pm: 20gr fructose, 30gr protein


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Sorry IG, I didn't even realize that this may be his first time! You are correct then that he should take it MUCH slower. Also, if you look at my first reply, I did mention to move the meal up to the one hour mark. I don't have first hand experience with Humilog so I was just kinda estimating the times. I am very experienced with Humilin R, however, and I usually wait about 1.5 hours before eating my big meal/drinking big shake. I also agree that 30ius is pretty steep to start off with, and also tyno you should start with only one dose per day (after workout) and then gradually add in other doses.

    My appologies for not reading his post clearly the first time...


  13. #13
    silverfox's Avatar
    silverfox is offline Retired Moderator
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    my take

    For sure as a first time users you should be using R and work up to doses. I would go with post workout only! If your going to use log, you need to eat sooner than 1.5H, even if you don't feel hypo, eating 1.5H, log comes on so fast it may be too late and you will go hypo. I have played same game as IG, and let myself start to feel hypo, so i know what to expect, no saying that is smart, but does give you an idea. I personally think with GH/gear, you will get fat on 30ius per day. To give you an idea i can take 18ius of R without any problems, right now I take 10ius of log, i drink a shake with 50g protien/100g matodrexrin/10g creatine/10g Glut. peptides, at 1H i eat a normal meal, and open i need to eat some rasins or something to keep from going hypo, you really need to watch log, like someone else said, it may come on too fast for you to adjust, also that last meal before bed should have some complex carbs in it. Good idea to have a shake during night when you get up for a pee.

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