I have finally perfected what im going to do for my 4th cycle. i will be using Sus250 Tren Enanthate and my friend gave me FREE dianabol . so this is how my cycle will look.

1 - 4wks 40mg Dianabol
1 - 15wks 750mg Sus250
1 - 10wks 500mg Tren E
10 - 12wks Clenbuterol

Anti E's
1 - 15 Arimidex
i got letro but thats if anythn goes where arimidex cant help.

As for my PCT i have the following ready. Nolvadex /Hcg /Tribulus and some Test boosters which i dont think will do much but hey i got em for free aswell

Age: 22
Height: 182cm
Weight: 110kg
Bf: 14 - 16%
Cycles: 4
Goals: Compete Compete Compete Compete & cozim a bouncer
Side Effects: increased Sweating. nothing else

Would you guys think this is a good cycle? would you think i need ot change anything?