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  1. #41
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    I'm not condoning anyone for their use or any personal choise for that matter and it's great to hear people with more experience offering their wisdom such as, advising another to be well-informed etc. I guess I just get the impression that body-builders are trying to pretend like they've gone through a rite of passage that makes their body more "qualified" to handle steroids which seems medically un-sound. My brother is a personal trainer who works with a few people in the acting world that occasionaly need to quickely buil-up for a role and their health doesn't seem to be in any more hazerdous position than any other AAS user. If anyone knows of any medical or scientif study contrary to my point please do reply.

  2. #42
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    I'm curious how a physician could say this, thousands of our members, myself included, are on trt/hrt prescribed by our doctors. I'm 41 years old, and have a higher quality of life with testosterone supplementation. Your stance puzzles me, personally considering this is your first post I think you are here just to be contrary, I doubt you are a doctor, but are more than likely a member who has been told they are too skinny to use steroids and you are trying to present an authorative figure presenting an opposing point of view. Just my 2 cents...

  3. #43
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    Jun 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    Interesting first post.
    In any event, my stance has nothing to do with a "moral high-ground". I have done this for many years, and have known personally people who cycled for over 20 years now. The sad fact is that most people who are unable to gain weight due to insufficient diet then cycle anyway, gain a bit, then lose the weight they have gained at an equal or faster rate than it came once the cycle is over. Entering into pct there are drastic fluctuations in hormone levels, at this time people are on a sort of natural high because of their newfound gains, then the gains just melt away due to a poor diet, and depression often sets in. Sure there are exceptions to this, but I assure you they are the minority. My concerns for someone cycling when they have no clue how to diet properly come from a genuine concern for the long-term satisfaction of the person in question, not from some point of personal gain.
    Yes, good point! I'm sure you are absolutely right. I wish I could find more practical responses like this rather than, some of the sarcastic insulting replies.

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    I'm curious how a physician could say this, thousands of our members, myself included, are on trt/hrt prescribed by our doctors. I'm 41 years old, and have a higher quality of life with testosterone supplementation. Your stance puzzles me, personally considering this is your first post I think you are here just to be contrary, I doubt you are a doctor, but are more than likely a member who has been told they are too skinny to use steroids and you are trying to present an authorative figure presenting an opposing point of view. Just my 2 cents...
    Actually, I don't use at all. Infact, I probably won't be on this site again but wanted to post.

    Obviously, I was reffering to AAS for purposes other than medical. By body type I meant his size and I don't claim to be an authority on that either.

  5. #45
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    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    please forgive me if my statement seems presumptuious, but it seems odd that a physician would create a membership here just to make a point in a thread that had died out. This was no where near the top of the new threads list, I'm just a bit curious why this would be the only thread in which you chose to make a point.

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