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  1. #1
    Gentle_Ram's Avatar
    Gentle_Ram is offline New Member
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    Question Looking for solid advice

    I am not one for generally asking for much, but find there is much conflicting information when it comes to the use of enhancers and steriods . What I am trying to get information on is a cycle that will beninfit me personally to the best ability. I understand it can be exceptionally hard to give some advice not knowing about the person or the background of that person, so please allow me to give some personal info.
    I am currently 43yrs of age, and have been active and heavy into training as a younger man in my 20's. I had been out of a gym for approximately 8-10yrs while married and with kids. I have again re-joined the gym and work out 5 of the seven days in a week. Due to my job I am not generally able to make Mondays or Tuesdays, so I try to work out hard when I am there. I have seen some gains in the past few months I have returned but I am certainly not happy with the gains that have happened. I am looking for a solid bit of advice on what a benificial cycle and dosages would be best suited to gain mass, then cut afterwards. Dietary info would be also greatly appreciated.
    I have no medical issues, good heart, good blood pressure liover and all other ogans are healthy... and no known medical deficiencies. I do (unfortunately) have a losing battle with my hair line receding, being in my early 40's.

    I have been trying to obtain a solid workout schedule and training regiment, and a well balanced diet to help things. Working in an office makes it hard for me to stay active during my day, although I do try to doa few laps (walking) around the building during breaks and lunch. I even brought a couple bumbells to the office to help things a bit while I am there.

    I am very eager and exceptionally anxious to start a full body changing schedule.

    Is there a cycle that is best to start with and what type of meal diet should I accompany it with?

    Can some perhaps point me to a solid workout routine that will benifit my efforts with the cycle to produce the best resluts. I know each persons body developes differently, but some help would be greatly appreciated. I have always had a real problem building "lats"

    I am open to advice in all areas... cardio routines and workout routines, cycles to start and finish with. Any and all information will be greatly appreicated.

    Here is one piece of advice I was given for a cycle:

    "A simple Testosterone like Sustanon 250; 250 MG every 3.5 days for 10 weeks and T-bol 25MG Every day for 4 weeks will pack on 10-20 pounds of muscle. A clean diet high in protein is very important. Use to monitor your diet use for protein and finally follow up with PCT Nolvadex 20MG every day for 4 weeks 14 days after your last injection.

    If you have no hairline problems you will have no problems with this cycle possibly some acne on chest and back. "

    What type of medical testing should I have my doctor do during a cycle, or should I not inform him?

    Again I thank all for taking the time to educate and help me build to be the man I want to be again.

    Last edited by Gentle_Ram; 06-10-2008 at 09:53 PM.

  2. #2
    AdamGH is offline Senior Member
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    If you dont mind spending the money, you can get some good weight routines from

    For cardio you want to do a HIIT(High Intensity Interval Training) type setup. Do this workout below for 20 minutes on a Treadmill. You may need to adjust the speed.

    Warm-up for 3-4 minutes at a fast walk or light jog
    Interval 1 - run at 8.0 mi/hr for 1 minute
    Interval 2 - walk at 4.0 mi/hr for 1.5 minutes
    Interval 3 - run at 10.0 mi/hr for 1 minute
    Interval 4 - walk at 4.0 mi/hr for 1.5 minutes
    Repeat those 4 intervals 4 times.
    Last edited by AdamGH; 06-10-2008 at 11:09 PM.

  3. #3
    Gentle_Ram's Avatar
    Gentle_Ram is offline New Member
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    I appreciate the routine for the cardio and I'll certainly add it to my walking and then jogging routine I have been doing. The changes in speeds should help boost things some for me as well.

    Knowledge is food and I'm hungry!


  4. #4
    whiskey15's Avatar
    whiskey15 is offline Associate Member
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    learn to use the search function. Pretty much everything you want to know has already been asked. I dont even post on the forums anymore because I find everything I need to know in the searches.

  5. #5
    bmg's Avatar
    bmg is offline Member
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    i dont mean to totally persuade you off your current path, but you should definitely acquire the gym membership before the roids. do yourself a huge favor and at least find a decent gym and get into your training for a few months before you start worry about sust and dbol .

  6. #6
    Gentle_Ram's Avatar
    Gentle_Ram is offline New Member
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    Thanks "bmg", but I think you might have missed that part of the thread.

    I have again re-joined the gym and work out 5 of the seven days in a week. Due to my job I am not generally able to make Mondays or Tuesdays, so I try to work out hard when I am there. I have seen some gains in the past few months I have returned but I am certainly not happy with the gains that have happened.
    I have been at the gym faithfully since January of 2008, although I have missed the last couple weeks due to unfortunate family things. However I am very much in the swing of things again, and have a routine, but it doesnt seem to be doing much for me as it used to.

    So in looking for help I have also requested a solid building routine to accompany the use along with a good diet to also help.

    Thanks again peeps for the continued help.


  7. #7
    inky-e's Avatar
    inky-e is offline AR's ORIGINAL ANABOLIC OUTLAW~ [RIP-8/20/11]
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    the three oh!
    Post your stats, we know you;re 43, weight, height, estimated body fat %, maybe post a pic to see what we're dealing with. I'm 44, so I can relate to the age thing, also specifically what do you want to achieve?

  8. #8
    Gentle_Ram's Avatar
    Gentle_Ram is offline New Member
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    I dont honestly have any pics to show as of yet. I've yet to test BF%, and my goals are pretty easy. I would like to gain mass so I can again look more the man I felt when I was younger. I know you cant turn back time, but I would like to at least look better to the other species as much as I want to look better for my self.

    Arms are about 17.5"
    Waiste: 36"
    Chest: 45-46"
    Legs both upper and lower need size built.

    My thought here is to obtain enough information and a good routine to support me idea of my image. Which to me is not Mr Olympia, but a well built and developed man of both size and stength. Once I achieve some bulking, I will again look for cutting help to best achieve the results. It is summer and I have been trying to get in shape to be more comfortable out doors again. I've been a bit slef concious over the past few years having been out of the gym prior. I was comfortable in Cuba this past Feb. without my shirt... just want to gain the size to go with my good feelings of health confidence.


  9. #9
    Gentle_Ram's Avatar
    Gentle_Ram is offline New Member
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    ok... did a quick test for BF% -- disappointing to say the least.

    BF - 18%

    I need to get a program that will knock this down. I have no problem with motivation or the ability to keep to a routine and diet going, as long as I have the information needed to make it work. Unfortunately I am in a small rural area and there is no real commecial gym near me, so I use a smaller gym where the boys are limited in knowledge, and just speaking to them makes me cringe with the thought they want to offer advice. If they can't form a sentence to have a conversation, I am not as likely to take much of the information they offer as solid. I'm not completely unknowledgable... I've done a good deal of reading and continue to read. The problem is most of what is out on the net is general and lacks personal experiece or true result.
    I would like to get started within a couple weeks, but want to have all the information on the most reliable gear along with the diet and routines to match for the best results.

    There is so many types of gear, it can be hard to determine what is the best stack to use. Most builders have their own preference and that is what I am looking for proven results and solid help in beginning and maintaining both the cycle and a diet that compliments the routines.

    I have been reading a great deal on PCT and the requirements and the time frame of starting which is very helpful information. Any advice on the best suited for the gear used will be also appreciated. (althought the forum pretty much has that covered)

    Thanks for all the help...


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