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  1. #1
    Spot Me 329's Avatar
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    Switching from Sus to Enanthate Midcycle.. When and how

    Can you change over your test blend to strait enanthate midcycle say week 5 of 12???

    And if so How would you do it as far as timing?
    I am currently doing sus 250 at 500 a week EOD on injections.... I plan to do same dosage but obviously nix the EOD thing.. when should I start as far as distance from the last Sustanon shot

    this is all I could muster up from safe sources where I am at... if the next question was gonna be why the mix in gear

  2. #2
    NATE0406's Avatar
    NATE0406 is offline Anabolic Member
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    just inject your test e 3 1/2 days after last sust shot. then continue every 3 1/2 days. your blood levels will be a little crazy but its not a big deal.

  3. #3
    NATE0406's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spot Me 329 View Post
    Can you change over your test blend to strait enanthate midcycle say week 5 of 12???

    And if so How would you do it as far as timing?
    I am currently doing sus 250 at 500 a week EOD on injections.... I plan to do same dosage but obviously nix the EOD thing.. when should I start as far as distance from the last Sustanon shot

    this is all I could muster up from safe sources where I am at... if the next question was gonna be why the mix in gear
    no the real question is why didnt you get enough sust to run a full cycle to start out with? did you already have plans of switching tests?

  4. #4
    Spot Me 329's Avatar
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    It was not my plan to switch i was gonna run primobolan but i decided that what i had wasn't enough for me.

    My cousin told me he had sus 250 he is usually money so i started but it was enanthate . i broke the golden rule of starting without everything in front of me but hey what can ya do.. you gotta trust family

  5. #5
    NATE0406's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spot Me 329 View Post
    It was not my plan to switch i was gonna run primobolan but i decided that what i had wasn't enough for me.

    My cousin told me he had sus 250 he is usually money so i started but it was enanthate. i broke the golden rule of starting without everything in front of me but hey what can ya do.. you gotta trust family
    you will be fine in switching.

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