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  1. #1
    jc95605 is offline Senior Member
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    Arrow Clen and building muscle?

    Now there seems to be some dispute and once again i wanna get you guy's opinion. According to AR, there have been temporary strength gains while on clen . Others say that clen hinders you from building muscle. Personally i think it was because of that person's diet. You can't build muscle if you don't eat to grow! Anyway looking for some input. Thanks again guys.

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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by jc95605 View Post
    ...again i wanna get you guy's opinion.

    Clen is a fantastic fat burner which will eat your muscle if you are not "on". At least that's what happens in my experience, and people close to me who have done the same thing without being "on".
    Vascularity increases, and you are less tired without crashing mid-day.

    I feel no strength increase.


  4. #4
    jc95605 is offline Senior Member
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    Arrow Question

    Quote Originally Posted by New2Anabolic View Post
    Lol, ok, basically want i wanna know is can you build muscle while taking clen ? Right now i'm on cycle and of course i wanna burn fat too, who doesn't? I just wanna know if i take it will it hinder my gains? I know test burns fat too but i want that something lil extra.

  5. #5
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    test doesnt really burn fat.. it increases muscle gain through protein synthesis increasing significantly.
    muscle eats calories, enough calories = decrease in fat.

    your magic gear would be TREN ACE.
    which i am a gay lover with, but i can never use again due to hair loss.


  6. #6
    NATE0406's Avatar
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    while taking clen my strength went down. by the way test does not burn fat

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  8. #8
    Amorphic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NATE0406 View Post
    while taking clen my strength went down. by the way test does not burn fat
    clen is overrated as a fat burner and as a anti catabolic substance imo.

    the dosage needed to allow clen to be anticatabolic is beyond any dose a human can take.

    test does burn fat actually...any steroid that binds to the androgen receptor will burn fat to a degree...not to a huge degree mind you, but it will help.

    tren on the other hand, yeah, that'll melt some fat off you.

    (this is assuming your diet and training are up to par)

  9. #9
    jc95605 is offline Senior Member
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    I'm surprised it took you this long Nate welcome, and thanks for you input. That would explain alot actually. Anybody else?

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by jc95605 View Post
    I'm surprised it took you this long Nate welcome, and thanks for you input. That would explain alot actually. Anybody else?
    haha im tired today. reaction time is slow. lol
    i dont like clen personally.

  11. #11
    g0dsend's Avatar
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    I lost some strength with clen , but was easily able to regain it after I got off of it.

  12. #12
    Amorphic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by New2Anabolic View Post
    Clen is a fantastic fat burner which will eat your muscle if you are not "on". At least that's what happens in my experience, and people close to me who have done the same thing without being "on".
    Vascularity increases, and you are less tired without crashing mid-day.

    I feel no strength increase.

    i think you're kind of making clen sound like t3.

    t3 taken without anabolics will burn off a ton of muscle, clen i never found to make any muscle smaller and i never took clen while on cycle

  13. #13
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    don't hate on clen .
    it's only overated with those who give it too much credit.
    it does what we say it does, it makes you vascular and promotes fat loss - not muscle gain.

    sides are awkward and can be hindering.

    edit: yeah maybe.. also maybe because my protein intake was sh1t while i was taking clen and wasnt on.

  14. #14
    inky-e's Avatar
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    OK, here we go, I'm in PCT right now. Nolva and adex along with some HCG > So I decided to try some clen and incorporate it during my workouts in pct. I have found that my strength is up, I went from 270 in the overhead press to 320lbs, my bench is up too. My tricep exercises are up and I'm doing a ton of situps with a 45lb plate. I actually feel stronger than I did while on cycle. MY weight at the end of cycle was 209lbs, currently I'm at 203lbs. people have told me that I look bigger now than I did on cycle. My vascularity is also off the chain. So I can only attribute it to the clen. I take 80mcg 25-30 minutes pre-workout and I sweat my ass off but I feel strong as fukk! I guess I've burned off the fat from cycle. My diet changed a little from when I was bulking, but its still clean and healthy, just not as many cals per day. Pre cycle I was 187lbs and like I said ,got to 209lbs. Thats my clen experience to date.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by inky-e View Post
    OK, here we go, I'm in PCT right now. Nolva and adex along with some HCG> So I decided to try some clen and incorporate it during my workouts in pct. I have found that my strength is up, I went from 270 in the overhead press to 320lbs, my bench is up too. My tricep exercises are up and I'm doing a ton of situps with a 45lb plate. I actually feel stronger than I did while on cycle. MY weight at the end of cycle was 209lbs, currently I'm at 203lbs. people have told me that I look bigger now than I did on cycle. My vascularity is also off the chain. So I can only attribute it to the clen. I take 80mcg 25-30 minutes pre-workout and I sweat my ass off but I feel strong as fukk! I guess I've burned off the fat from cycle. My diet changed a little from when I was bulking, but its still clean and healthy, just not as many cals per day. Pre cycle I was 187lbs and like I said ,got to 209lbs. Thats my clen experience to date.

    Grats man!

  16. #16
    jc95605 is offline Senior Member
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    well.....check this out. I started my cycle and in about 10days i gained 6lbs. I thought it was fat. I know it wasn't water I didn't feel bloated or anything. I keep hearing that 15lbs of muscle for a 12wk cycle of 500mgs of test e is common, and 25lbs of muscle is possible. Since I started the clen my weight hasn't moved up, actually down 1lb then back up 1lbs, so basically it seems to be holding me where am at. I guess the only way to tell its muscle and not fat would be to check BF% every week. What does it sound to you more experienced users, was i gaining fat or muscle. I'm about at 3500 calories a day and around 200gs of protein ed.

  17. #17
    jc95605 is offline Senior Member
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    Your cycle

    Quote Originally Posted by inky-e View Post
    OK, here we go, I'm in PCT right now. Nolva and adex along with some HCG> So I decided to try some clen and incorporate it during my workouts in pct. I have found that my strength is up, I went from 270 in the overhead press to 320lbs, my bench is up too. My tricep exercises are up and I'm doing a ton of situps with a 45lb plate. I actually feel stronger than I did while on cycle. MY weight at the end of cycle was 209lbs, currently I'm at 203lbs. people have told me that I look bigger now than I did on cycle. My vascularity is also off the chain. So I can only attribute it to the clen. I take 80mcg 25-30 minutes pre-workout and I sweat my ass off but I feel strong as fukk! I guess I've burned off the fat from cycle. My diet changed a little from when I was bulking, but its still clean and healthy, just not as many cals per day. Pre cycle I was 187lbs and like I said ,got to 209lbs. Thats my clen experience to date.
    I think it would depend on what your cycle you were on before we can say it was either fat/water/muscle? Although it sounds like a bulking cycle so i'm guessing it was water?

  18. #18
    Amorphic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jc95605 View Post
    well.....check this out. I started my cycle and in about 10days i gained 6lbs. I thought it was fat. I know it wasn't water I didn't feel bloated or anything. I keep hearing that 15lbs of muscle for a 12wk cycle of 500mgs of test e is common, and 25lbs of muscle is possible. Since I started the clen my weight hasn't moved up, actually down 1lb then back up 1lbs, so basically it seems to be holding me where am at. I guess the only way to tell its muscle and not fat would be to check BF% every week. What does it sound to you more experienced users, was i gaining fat or muscle. I'm about at 3500 calories a day and around 200gs of protein ed.
    3500 calories a day isnt enough to be bulking up.

    4-5 is where i go when i really want to pack on mass.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by New2Anabolic View Post
    don't hate on clen .
    it's only overated with those who give it too much credit.
    it does what we say it does, it makes you vascular and promotes fat loss - not muscle gain.

    sides are awkward and can be hindering.

    edit: yeah maybe.. also maybe because my protein intake was sh1t while i was taking clen and wasnt on.
    im not hating on clen, i just think they are far more effective and safer compounds to use instead.

    people seem to forget that your blood pressure absolutely skyrockets on clen, not to mention the possibility of cardiom*egaly and left ventricle hypertrophy.

    some food for thought.

  20. #20
    jc95605 is offline Senior Member
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    I'm not really wanting a pure mass cycle, i'm trying to do more of a lean bulk/cutting cycle. My protein intake is anywhere from 200-250gs ed but the calories usually stay AROUND 3500 give or take. What do you think of the 6lb weight gain in less than two weeks. Could that be muscle with a frontloaded test cycle. If so the clen is obviously holding my gains....?

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by jc95605 View Post
    I'm not really wanting a pure mass cycle, i'm trying to do more of a lean bulk/cutting cycle. My protein intake is anywhere from 200-250gs ed but the calories usually stay AROUND 3500 give or take. What do you think of the 6lb weight gain in less than two weeks. Could that be muscle with a frontloaded test cycle. If so the clen is obviously holding my gains....?
    i would assume its water weight, or a combination of water and fat.

    its going to be around week 5-6 that you really see muscle growth on test e

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amorphic View Post
    im not hating on clen , i just think they are far more effective and safer compounds to use instead.

    people seem to forget that your blood pressure absolutely skyrockets on clen, not to mention the possibility of cardiom*egaly and left ventricle hypertrophy.

    some food for thought.
    I DID feel a little headache last night, I'm on BP meds so I have that pretty much in check, I have a bp machine and I'm on top of it. I only plan on using it while ion PCT, and only on workout nights. So that would be 3 x a week, I have 3 weeks left in pct out of a total of 6 weeks. I'm gonna try 120 mcg's next week, I've gone from 40 to 80 to next week 120 (depending on how it feels) This is totally experimental on my part and do not recommend it to anyone.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by inky-e View Post
    I DID feel a little headache last night, I'm on BP meds so I have that pretty much in check, I have a bp machine and I'm on top of it. I only plan on using it while ion PCT, and only on workout nights. So that would be 3 x a week, I have 3 weeks left in pct out of a total of 6 weeks. I'm gonna try 120 mcg's next week, I've gone from 40 to 80 to next week 120 (depending on how it feels) This is totally experimental on my part and do not recommend it to anyone.
    yeah i went up to 120 for a week or so and i didnt enjoy myslelf.

    for all my future cutting cycles i will be using t3.

  24. #24
    jc95605 is offline Senior Member
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    Ok well i'm on test e, but the esters are pretty close. It just doesn't feel like its bloat tho. If the clen is holding my fat where it is then my weight should still be going up tho if i'm building muscle thats whats bothering me.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by jc95605 View Post
    Ok well i'm on test e, but the esters are pretty close. It just doesn't feel like its bloat tho. If the clen is holding my fat where it is then my weight should still be going up tho if i'm building muscle thats whats bothering me.
    give it some time to work.

    i always thought that results and the 'feeling' of being on would hit me like a ton of bricks....the truth is, its is all basically diet dependant.

    once the stuff kicks in fully and if your diet is good, the gains and fat loss will come.

  26. #26
    jc95605 is offline Senior Member
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    Ok so if i add 300mgs ew of Tren H and take 60mcgs of T3 wouldn't that burn muscle? I'm considering the T3 to balance out the effects of the tren but i don't wanna hinder muscle gain? You think I should discontinue the clen immeditely? If i do the tren should i not use the T3 in fear of burning muscle?

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by jc95605 View Post
    Ok so if i add 300mgs ew of Tren H and take 60mcgs of T3 wouldn't that burn muscle? I'm considering the T3 to balance out the effects of the tren but i don't wanna hinder muscle gain.
    trust me man, you arent ready for tren . not by a long shot.

    run your test cycle and you will get good results, tren isnt something you take on a whim, especially with limited cycle experience.

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    Quote Originally Posted by jc95605 View Post
    Ok so if i add 300mgs ew of Tren H and take 60mcgs of T3 wouldn't that burn muscle? I'm considering the T3 to balance out the effects of the tren but i don't wanna hinder muscle gain? You think I should discontinue the clen immeditely? If i do the tren should i not use the T3 in fear of burning muscle?
    you have this backwards. tren will not burn muscle, it is a potent aas (the most potent). it is trens strength of binding to the androgen receptor that causes fat loss. t3 is used with tren to counter prolactin sides or as part of a nice cutting cycle.

    either way, you dont need tren or t3 in your cycle.

  29. #29
    jc95605 is offline Senior Member
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    I wasn't saying tren would burn muscle i was saying the T3 would. This might be the last time i'll be able to use AAS. I was just consdiering the tren to boost this cycle since i wouldn't be able to run another one.

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    Quote Originally Posted by jc95605 View Post
    I wasn't saying tren would burn muscle i was saying the T3 would. This might be the last time i'll be able to use AAS. I was just consdiering the tren to boost this cycle since i wouldn't be able to run another one.
    why wont you be able to run another?

  31. #31
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    I might be going back in the military so i just wanted to go all out while i still could. I hear what your saying and i agree. But consdiering the circumstances i might do it anyway, still thinking about it tho.

  32. #32
    kingwilliam's Avatar
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    I have been using Clen during my PCT......I have lost weight but it appears mostly to be water weight and fat.....I actually look a little more cut that I did whilst on. (again, probably the water)

    Anyway, I have noticed a slight decrease in strength but I don't think the clen has anything to do with it........ its not having the happy juice in my blood.

    Clen makes me feel good all day, I love it

  33. #33
    jc95605 is offline Senior Member
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    On most of these test e cycles i don't hear of ppl running clen so maybe i should stop? Theres probably a reason behind this, maybe it does hold the muscle gains down.

  34. #34
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    I use clen in between cycles. Ive read some info about clen helping natural test bounce back. I think the strength increase people have alot is due to the amphetamine like properties.

  35. #35
    jc95605 is offline Senior Member
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    Anybody else? Does clen hold gains down while on cycle?

  36. #36
    G4R is offline Anabolic Voice of Reason
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    When I used Clen , my strength gains on a scale of 1 - 10 (1 being lowest), it gave me a -3. Half the time I couldn't finish all my sets, and if I did, it felt like my muscles had been tore apart, bad pains man.... bad pains....

    (This was while I was not on a cycle though)
    Last edited by G4R; 06-24-2008 at 08:43 PM.

  37. #37
    itburns22 is offline New Member
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    I tried clen for a week mid cycle because i thought weight was getting out of hand. I lost weight but it was more muscle then fat and felt weaker. I just saved it for PCT and its working out good for me

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