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  1. #1
    dwaynewade's Avatar
    dwaynewade is offline Senior Member
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    Quickie update on first cycle

    1-4 wks dbol 20mg (dosed @ 10mg 2x day)
    1-12 wks test e 400mg (inject 200mg every 3.5 days)
    Milk thistle, fish oil, vit e

    Stats 5'8 165lbs 6-7% body fat

    week & 4 days later 176lbs 9% body fat

    pct- hcg half way into cycle 250iu eod
    nolva 40mg 1st wk 20 mg 3 wks

    i'll keep you guys updated

  2. #2
    dwaynewade's Avatar
    dwaynewade is offline Senior Member
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    2 wks later 178 (+13 lbs) still @ 9% body fat

    slight tear in ligament/rotator inflammation in right shoulder... drop sets w/ rest pause reps on the incline whooped my a s s ... NEVER AGAIN!

    anywho, this translates to more lower body/back/bi/tri work

    my tendons and ligaments do feel weaker for some reason even after proper warm ups

    i feel warm sometimes, have sweaty naps at times, burping and farting alot more LOL, cardio is lagging

    Besides that i feel pretty good. I'll be purchasing red yeast rice(cholesterol), and some Gloucosamine and Chondroitin + MSM(joints feel weak)

    i'm recptive to any advice or suggestions... this is my first go so any help is appreciated

  3. #3
    JiGGaMaN's Avatar
    JiGGaMaN is offline Banned
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    err did you say cholesterol? steroids are supposed to elevate your cholesterol as is. What were you trying to do?

  4. #4
    Branch_w is offline Junior Member
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    ^^I think he meant red yeast rice to lower his cholesterol from the aas

  5. #5
    JiGGaMaN's Avatar
    JiGGaMaN is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Branch_w View Post
    ^^I think he meant red yeast rice to lower his cholesterol from the aas
    Oh right. I knew that...

  6. #6
    dwaynewade's Avatar
    dwaynewade is offline Senior Member
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    3 wks later 179 (+14 lbs) up just 1lb. from week 2 still @ 9% body fat

    Triceps look nice and full... Hammies are protruding, my glutes fit snug in jeans lol... great pumps at the gym, i'm recovering much faster now. I 'm working muscle groups on every 5th day and I double up on calves and some leg exercises on "OFF" days, i've never recovered so fast before... you guys figure I up workouts?? less off days?? only concern I have is my shoulder I've desserted the incline and I only do push presses and bench presses down to the neck for upper pecs... succesfully and without pain.

    I bought glucosa-cream... lets see if it does anything topically
    and glucosamine and chondroitin + MSM tabs, some rehab exercises daily, ice, aleve, and gf spot massages.

    Your thoughts on more workouts???....

  7. #7
    shread is offline Junior Member
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    ive gained 12kg in 3weeks

  8. #8
    dwaynewade's Avatar
    dwaynewade is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by shread View Post
    ive gained 12kg in 3weeks
    Congratufudginglations !

    Anyone? Any thoughts on higher workout frequency?

  9. #9
    Doub1e_J is offline Associate Member
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    I might give it a try but again I do not know much.

  10. #10
    dwaynewade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doub1e_J View Post
    I might give it a try but again I do not know much.
    LOL Okaaaaaay

    Anyone else?

  11. #11
    dwaynewade's Avatar
    dwaynewade is offline Senior Member
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    4 wks 1 day later 181 (+16 lbs) @ 9.5% body fat

    I have one more dbol cap to take, all test from here on out... pretty satisfied with the results i've had up to now. My body fat keeps rising but i'm not too concerned, I don't look too fat or too bloated. I'm not sure if the test has kicked in yet but i'm horny as hell doom on you cleavage thread! LOL but no, really, pipes are cleaned minimum 3x a day. Via GF or self love

    I've noticed solid strength gains at the squat rack... barbell rows and deads. I've been getting plenty of "you're looking big" "gained some weight, huh?" and the like at work and at the gym. Haters have said "don't get any bigger or it will look weird" (whatever that means) "your arms are getting too big"(uh huh, yea, whatever)

    I figure i'll post pics half way into cycle... i still have my befores that i need to post up also.

    Anywho. From the looks of it, things are going smooth with no prob's. Any advice is welcome.

  12. #12
    dd0316's Avatar
    dd0316 is offline Member
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    what are your numbers for strength increase
    Sounds like you react really well to dbol , especially for a low dose...hope you keep everything after.

    No signs of gyno or anything?

    Keep us updated
    definitly susbscribing

  13. #13
    dwaynewade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slamjamnet View Post
    what are your numbers for strength increase
    Sounds like you react really well to dbol , especially for a low dose...hope you keep everything after.

    No signs of gyno or anything?

    Keep us updated
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    don't really have numbers persay... but its gone up in all lifts... for ex. a typical squat day before was 4 sets 12(185), 10(205), 8(225), 6(235) 'lower than parallel'... you can basically add 10-20lbs on those lifts now

    no signs of gyno as of yet.

    If I keep half my gains after PCT i'll be more than satisfied

  14. #14
    dd0316's Avatar
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    any new news?

  15. #15
    dwaynewade's Avatar
    dwaynewade is offline Senior Member
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    About 5 week mark- 181 (+16 lbs) @ 9.5% body fat

    Those figures have been the same for about 5-6 days. I feel a bit tighter, definately felt the change after dbol and the bloat subside. Nontheless, it isn't a bad kicker @ only 20mg daily.

    I believe i'm begining to feel the test... had a chest workout the other day and saw new growth on my upper pecs, i'm kicking the shYt outta the calves and fighting genetics!

    i'll post pics on my next post

  16. #16
    inky-e's Avatar
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    the three oh!

  17. #17
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