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Thread: help with ECA

  1. #1
    Bulldog1115 is offline Member
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    help with ECA

    need some knowledge on an ECA stack?

    1. what do u mean caffeinie from a fat burner pill or just straight caffeine?
    2. how many milligrams for aspirin and when to take and often?
    3. does ephedrine work effectively or no?
    4. any tips or pointers?

  2. #2
    Bulldog1115 is offline Member
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  3. #3
    tripmachine's Avatar
    tripmachine is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bulldog1115 View Post
    need some knowledge on an ECA stack?

    1. what do u mean caffeinie from a fat burner pill or just straight caffeine?
    2. how many milligrams for aspirin and when to take and often?
    3. does ephedrine work effectively or no?
    4. any tips or pointers?

    1. YES you can use a regular fat burner pill... but I just get straight caffeine pills at 250mg per pill. Take those 3 times daily with your ephedrine. morning, lunch time, and evening... never take it too late..

    2. get the BABY aspirin they should always come in 81mg doses... take 1 a day to help keep the blood thin.... it's something everyone should take daily working out or not. I'd just take it with your first dose of ephedrine / caffeine in the mornings

    3. YES ephedrine is awesome.... don't overdose on it though or else you might have some problems. I would say take no more than about 75mg's of ephedrine daily.... split into 3 doses like stated above in #1

    4. Yes if you take it for 6-8 weeks you should take benadryl every third week..... basically when you're on your third week of ephedrine before you go to bed for 7 straight days take 50mg of benadryl. It will help regulate your receptors in which the ephedrine affects..... it keeps the ephedrine working at it's prime instead of making it not work that well anymore. Do morning cardio for BEST fat loss and you'll be very happy. Drink 1 gallon of water daily at least... eat clean, don't cheat yourself, just because no one knows you ate that triple cheese burger doesn't mean you didn't actually eat it... :] good luck!

  4. #4
    Bulldog1115 is offline Member
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    THANKS ALOT trip, much appreciated... this helped alot ... im also on tren ace/prop heading to aruba in 7 weeks so i wanna be so cut it not even funny, im doing the low carb diet of 100g/d and high protein... be diet is very good..thnxz alot!

  5. #5
    legobricks's Avatar
    legobricks is offline Retired AR Monitor
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bulldog1115 View Post
    THANKS ALOT trip, much appreciated... this helped alot ... im also on tren ace/prop heading to aruba in 7 weeks so i wanna be so cut it not even funny, im doing the low carb diet of 100g/d and high protein... be diet is very good..thnxz alot!
    Be careful with the low carb thing(which is why carb cycling is usually better IMO) as when you go to Aruba id imagine your going to be "enjoying" yourself which means lots of carbs and unwated carbs, fats, etc..... Your body after being on a low carb diet for so long will really blow up fast one you introduce high amounts carbohydrates. You still should be cut up but may look a bit bloated.

  6. #6
    Bulldog1115 is offline Member
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    Apr 2008
    ok so what u suggest lego for carbs, go like 5 days low carb and 2 days higher?

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