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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    A Few Winn V Questions

    Where should you inject it(best place).
    My weight is about 325 should I lose some weight before taking it.
    How many cycles should I do.

    And if anyone has a good eating routine feel free to help me out...

    Sorry if i sound stupid with the questions, just wondering before i make mistakes

    Thanks for the help

  2. #2
    smokeyd's Avatar
    smokeyd is offline Grade A Whore/Banned
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    Mar 2007
    ah man im not going to flame you but the next few people prob will, you need to hold off on the drugs and loss a lot before hand, winny only hardens up your muscles that you can see and at 325 you prob cant see a lot of your muscles unless your some freak national level body builder. so head over to the diet section and watch the movie about dieting and read the stickys

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Cool thanks alot

  4. #4
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    Dec 2005
    what is your current body fat%?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    not sure ill get it done to see

  6. #6
    JiGGaMaN's Avatar
    JiGGaMaN is offline Banned
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    Mar 2005
    Good place to start: Jager Bombs with sugar free red bull :P

  7. #7
    RaWRZ0R!'s Avatar
    RaWRZ0R! is offline Associate Member
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    jesus 325? lol how tall are you man?

  8. #8
    got fina?'s Avatar
    got fina? is offline Member
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    Wow u have lots to learn my boy.

    I think at your current condition your wasting your time and money.
    U will see absolutely nothing from Winstrol at your current state.

    U need to get on a diet and once youve hit a low enough bf%, then do some Winstrol to further tone up.

    Good luck...

  9. #9
    AbbieM is offline New Member
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    Jul 2008

    Winny Dosage

    Plateau Assistance Requested

    Resident Western USA
    Age 28
    Height 5’3”
    Workout Time line 2 years
    Starting weight 190 LBS
    Starting BF% 39
    Staring size 20
    Current Weight 132 LBS
    Current BF% 32
    Current size 4
    Fish Oil, Multivitamin, ECCA’s, Cranberry, B complex, and Chromium Picolinate
    Dedicated Women’s Whey Protein Powder
    Meal 1 Protein shake Fruit
    Meal 2 1 serving meat (lean turkey, chicken), ½ cup brown rice
    Meal 3 Protein Shake
    Meal 4 Fruit, green vegetable
    Meal 5 serving meat (lean turkey, fish, chicken) ½ cup brown rice or wheat pasta
    Meal 6 Protein Shake
    Meal 7 an occasional protein bar (cliff builders or snickers)
    Workout Schedule
    Tuesday-Sunday Lifting one muscle group per day 45-50minutes, 20-30 minutes cardio
    Monday OFF
    Goal to lower BF % to 15-20% and gain lean muscle mass/strength.
    Attempt 1
    In addition to diet and exercise; took one cycle of CLEN for 12 weeks with no results no decrease in BF % or Weight in LBS
    Attempt 2
    In addition to diet and exercise; engaging in current cycle of Winstrol Stanozol 100mg/ml taking .5ml ED at bed time on day 13 have seen no decrease in BF %, weight in pounds or inches lost.
    Need some advice as to changes I can make in Winstrol dosage, diet, exercise, supplements; any advice anyone is willing to offer to so I can get some results.
    Through experience how long will it take to see results? Decrease in weight, BF% or inches.

    I inject 6 spots rotate ed, glutes, quads, shoulders, yes they hurt.

  10. #10
    topshelf75's Avatar
    topshelf75 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by AbbieM View Post
    Plateau Assistance Requested

    Resident Western USA
    Age 28
    Height 5’3”
    Workout Time line 2 years
    Starting weight 190 LBS
    Starting BF% 39
    Staring size 20
    Current Weight 132 LBS
    Current BF% 32
    Current size 4
    Fish Oil, Multivitamin, ECCA’s, Cranberry, B complex, and Chromium Picolinate
    Dedicated Women’s Whey Protein Powder
    Meal 1 Protein shake Fruit
    Meal 2 1 serving meat (lean turkey, chicken), ½ cup brown rice
    Meal 3 Protein Shake
    Meal 4 Fruit, green vegetable
    Meal 5 serving meat (lean turkey, fish, chicken) ½ cup brown rice or wheat pasta
    Meal 6 Protein Shake
    Meal 7 an occasional protein bar (cliff builders or snickers)
    Workout Schedule
    Tuesday-Sunday Lifting one muscle group per day 45-50minutes, 20-30 minutes cardio
    Monday OFF
    Goal to lower BF % to 15-20% and gain lean muscle mass/strength.
    Attempt 1
    In addition to diet and exercise; took one cycle of CLEN for 12 weeks with no results no decrease in BF % or Weight in LBS
    Attempt 2
    In addition to diet and exercise; engaging in current cycle of Winstrol Stanozol 100mg/ml taking .5ml ED at bed time on day 13 have seen no decrease in BF %, weight in pounds or inches lost.
    Need some advice as to changes I can make in Winstrol dosage, diet, exercise, supplements; any advice anyone is willing to offer to so I can get some results.
    Through experience how long will it take to see results? Decrease in weight, BF% or inches.

    I inject 6 spots rotate ed, glutes, quads, shoulders, yes they hurt.

    It usually takes me 3 weeks before I start REALLY seeing it kick in. How long have you been on it? Have you been on before? I usually gain about 10 pounds on winny, with a pretty strict, low fat diet. I wouldn't recommend winny for someone trying to lose weight, but I definitely sweat like a pig and my BF% starts going down after about 3-4 weeks. Sounds like you're doing the right things with the dosage amount and the diet/exercise though.

  11. #11
    one8nine's Avatar
    one8nine is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by AbbieM View Post
    Plateau Assistance Requested

    Resident Western USA
    Age 28
    Height 5’3”
    Workout Time line 2 years
    Starting weight 190 LBS
    Starting BF% 39
    Staring size 20
    Current Weight 132 LBS
    Current BF% 32
    Current size 4
    Fish Oil, Multivitamin, ECCA’s, Cranberry, B complex, and Chromium Picolinate
    Dedicated Women’s Whey Protein Powder
    Meal 1 Protein shake Fruit
    Meal 2 1 serving meat (lean turkey, chicken), ½ cup brown rice
    Meal 3 Protein Shake
    Meal 4 Fruit, green vegetable
    Meal 5 serving meat (lean turkey, fish, chicken) ½ cup brown rice or wheat pasta
    Meal 6 Protein Shake
    Meal 7 an occasional protein bar (cliff builders or snickers)
    Workout Schedule
    Tuesday-Sunday Lifting one muscle group per day 45-50minutes, 20-30 minutes cardio
    Monday OFF
    Goal to lower BF % to 15-20% and gain lean muscle mass/strength.
    Attempt 1
    In addition to diet and exercise; took one cycle of CLEN for 12 weeks with no results no decrease in BF % or Weight in LBS
    Attempt 2
    In addition to diet and exercise; engaging in current cycle of Winstrol Stanozol 100mg/ml taking .5ml ED at bed time on day 13 have seen no decrease in BF %, weight in pounds or inches lost.
    Need some advice as to changes I can make in Winstrol dosage, diet, exercise, supplements; any advice anyone is willing to offer to so I can get some results.
    Through experience how long will it take to see results? Decrease in weight, BF% or inches.

    I inject 6 spots rotate ed, glutes, quads, shoulders, yes they hurt.
    start your own thread

  12. #12
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    Dec 2005

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