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  1. #1
    buff jo's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Teenagers using steroids?

    I've known many teenagers who are 18 or over that use steriods , the skinny ones use sustanone and the fat ones use winny, anyways I've never heard any complain about side effects or anything like that, all of them are lifting great and most of them could lift more than I do. So whats the deal?

  2. #2
    Shredz is offline Respected Member
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    The Rink!!
    Well since you didn't like my response and decided to delete your post and paste it up again I will reply once more.

    By reading your post and hearing you say skinny one does sustanone (spelt wrong) and fas ones use winny. I can tell that you need to do some serious research. There are so many threads on this board that we have about teens and AAS.

    It just isn't worth it. Your natural test levels are already through the roof. Why risk any long term sides because of AAS use when your own personal home made home grown test in your own body is already as high as you need it to be.

    Hit the search button bro and read up on it.

  3. #3
    buff jo's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Shredz
    Well since you didn't like my response and decided to delete your post and paste it up again I will reply once more.
    LOL I deleted it cuz i posted it in a wrong section "Member pictures"

    thanks anyways for the reply bro, looking forward to read more!


  4. #4
    Shredz is offline Respected Member
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    The Rink!!
    Opps my bad...but serisously bro...winny just isn't for fat people...I have said this a million times winny is not a fat burning like some people think..what it is excellent for is maintaining LBM while on a low calorie/low carb diet.

    And like I said to you teens and AAS just isn't worth the trouble. How old are you bro? If you are one of those teens that is thinking about it...lets us help you out. There are so many ulternatives such as a proper diet and workout that will get you what you want until you hit the age where AAS will best suit you.

  5. #5
    buff jo's Avatar
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    right now I'm 18 years old, I wasn't going to use it until I'm 100% sure that it's safe for me...thats why i posted this message here.

    BTW lots of my friends use them and i see great results with my own eyes! they always encourage me to try it, but I thought I'll ask you guys first

  6. #6
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    Buff jo... You really should take advantage of our test levels now! Why shut down your natural tes level now while your at your peak andsub it for something else? makes no sense! think about it.. you diet and work out hard keep a routine and i promise you'll come out ahead over your friends. in 5 years from now when you take your first cycle you will get ten times more out of it then taking it now!!

    Want to know first hand about teens using AAS? PM Big AL

  7. #7
    Cruezer's Avatar
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  8. #8
    nj_'s Avatar
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    Originally posted by buff jo
    right now I'm 18 years old, I wasn't going to use it until I'm 100% sure that it's safe for me...thats why i posted this message here.

    BTW lots of my friends use them and i see great results with my own eyes! they always encourage me to try it, but I thought I'll ask you guys first
    It is never "100% safe" to use AAS. There is always the risk of side effects, the difference is if you wait a few years til you're done growing the chances of experiencing unwanted side effects are minimized. What are your current stats / goals and training history?

  9. #9
    buff jo's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Fast Results
    Buff jo... You really should take advantage of our test levels now! Why shut down your natural tes level now while your at your peak andsub it for something else? makes no sense! think about it.. you diet and work out hard keep a routine and i promise you'll come out ahead over your friends. in 5 years from now when you take your first cycle you will get ten times more out of it then taking it now!!

    Want to know first hand about teens using AAS? PM Big AL

    thanks bro, thats the kind of stuff i want to hear...

    BTW what is the suitable age for getting an AAS cycle, i mean i could get less r

  10. #10
    buff jo's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Fast Results
    Buff jo... You really should take advantage of our test levels now! Why shut down your natural tes level now while your at your peak andsub it for something else? makes no sense! think about it.. you diet and work out hard keep a routine and i promise you'll come out ahead over your friends. in 5 years from now when you take your first cycle you will get ten times more out of it then taking it now!!

    Want to know first hand about teens using AAS? PM Big AL

    thanks bro, thats the kind of stuff i want to hear...

    BTW what is the suitable age for getting an AAS cycle, i mean i could get less risks?


  11. #11
    palme's Avatar
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    The risks are always there bro. It´s something you hafto aknowledge and respect.

  12. #12
    buff jo's Avatar
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    Originally posted by nj_

    It is never "100% safe" to use AAS. There is always the risk of side effects, the difference is if you wait a few years til you're done growing the chances of experiencing unwanted side effects are minimized. What are your current stats / goals and training history?
    I'm 5'11 195lbs, I dont wanna get really big, but more like a fit person, ripped with abs!

  13. #13
    nj_'s Avatar
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    What is your current bf% and what does your diet look like? If you just want to get ripped with abs some ECA, possibly some clen , cardio and a clean diet will help you get closer to your goal.

  14. #14
    broncojosh's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Cruezer
    The kids asking a serious question, well serious to him. He isn't being rude, or repetitive. Lets give him the respect we all deserve and answer, or not answer, respectfully. Bro, wait till you're at least 20 before you consider pokin' yourself. Juice isn't a beginners's for advanced users. You'll see plenty of guys on this board that in my opinion SHOULD NOT BE JUICING YET, but because of no flames, I just don't post replies to there pics. If you look back at my first pic, I probably should have waited another year or so, and I started at 6'2" 275 at 15% and 21 years old. Just read everything you can, and make an informed decision. Good luck, and if you have any specific questions feel free to pm me. later

  15. #15
    Mikeygas14 is offline Junior Member
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    Wait so im 19 i did /.fina/prop for 10 weeks. and now im lactating out of my nipples and my hair is falling out ....why the hell is this happening to me?

  16. #16
    Mastiff is offline Member
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    Mickeygas, if your serious, whats happening to you is you've gotten gyno from progesterone, and the prop has converted to DHT and its killing your hair follicles.

  17. #17
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    Originally posted by buff jo

    thanks bro, thats the kind of stuff i want to hear...

    BTW what is the suitable age for getting an AAS cycle, i mean i could get less risks?

    I couldnt tell ya when its right for you but for me it was 26. I wasnt getting the same w/o and results anymore

  18. #18
    MR ARMAGEDON is offline Junior Member
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    im 19 years old and trained for one solid year with a good diet and hardly any results. then i started juicing and blew up. if you wait you wont be looking good when it is most important. i say train hard for a year or two then start juicing if you feel your ready and prepared for the consequences. good luck!

  19. #19
    buff jo's Avatar
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    Originally posted by MR ARMAGEDON
    im 19 years old and trained for one solid year with a good diet and hardly any results. then i started juicing and blew up. if you wait you wont be looking good when it is most important. i say train hard for a year or two then start juicing if you feel your ready and prepared for the consequences. good luck!
    thanks bro, i guess i'll wait a year or two, just so i could be fully ready for my first cycle

  20. #20
    ssupitbull is offline New Member
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    you guys are talking about not stoping your current levels of test in your body at a young age...well what if your at a young age and your fully grown and your all ready big. im 20 yrs old and 6'4, 265 and about 12 % bf. i think that im done my growing and my test levels have seemed like they have picked up the last year cause this is where ive gained about 20 lbs. do you think that it would hinder me if i got on something at this age??

  21. #21
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    Fuck it... everyone do roids !!! Whats the difference? Everyone has it all figured out.

  22. #22
    kreper69's Avatar
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    Originally posted by ssupitbull
    im 20 yrs old and 6'4, 265 and about 12 % bf. i think that im done my growing and my test levels have seemed like they have picked up the last year cause this is where ive gained about 20 lbs. do you think that it would hinder me if i got on something at this age??
    good gains bro i would definately stay away from any type of gear right now you're still gaining very well naturally.. i'd hold off a year, or 2 keep your diet, and training in check. instead of spending money on gear save it, and buy lots of food..

  23. #23
    simson is offline New Member
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    if you are teen like, i am, just add calories, its not about clean diet.
    Eat man! and then, eat more!

  24. #24
    ssupitbull is offline New Member
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    trust me i eat...some where around like 6-7000 cals a day, its not easy staying 265. but with the roids i was woundering if there was a possibility that i could screw up my own test production or any thing else

  25. #25
    buff jo's Avatar
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    Originally posted by ssupitbull
    trust me i eat...some where around like 6-7000 cals a day, its not easy staying 265. but with the roids i was woundering if there was a possibility that i could screw up my own test production or any thing else
    There is always a possibility bro, if you want to juice up then you must be very careful on your cycles and do frequent checks before it's too late!



  26. #26
    Naturally Anabolic's Avatar
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    mmm diet coke with lemon
    170 Read this, i wrote it 2 years ago, and posted it in like january or so. Your Test levels naturally are pretty high in your late teens early twenties, you should be able to see excellant results from just proper diet and exercise. when u have achieved the limits of that then AS is the next step. I am not particularly a fan of those who simply jump on the AS highway because it will speed things up. The shit is not magic, u need the hard work and dedication and also the knowledge of all the right things it takes to really gain properly from a cycle.
    Last edited by Naturally Anabolic; 11-02-2002 at 02:05 AM.

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