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  1. #1
    muhammad1185's Avatar
    muhammad1185 is offline Associate Member
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    Question Sustanon, or test e with d-bol, whats better

    HI GUYS,

    just want to know what you guys thinks, what would be more effective from the two below, effective meaning

    -better gains, strenght and mass
    -lasting gains, not just bloat
    -less sides

    at the min ive just started my cycle of d-bol with test e, ive had one test e injection 250mgs, i was thinking whether i should change this to sust 250, if so would the below be ok

    sust- 1-10 500 mgs a week,
    d bol weeks 1-4- 30 mgs a day

    stats- 23, 63 kgs, good diet, training 2 yrs plus,


    and what should i take with cycle, ive read so much, would 10mgs a day of nolva and some a-mex be enough.
    Last edited by muhammad1185; 07-28-2008 at 09:39 AM. Reason: pct

  2. #2
    one8nine's Avatar
    one8nine is offline Banned
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    test e will give you much less sides
    with a proper ai and pct/diet/workout the bloat will be minimal to none, gains should keep 75%-85% either way

    keep your test e its way better

    never take nolva on cycle. a-mex? a-dex you mean? arimidex is perfect for test/dbol

    whats for pct?

  3. #3
    muhammad1185's Avatar
    muhammad1185 is offline Associate Member
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    thanks for the reply, yes i thought the same, all the reading says test e has less sides,

    sorry i meant arimedex at 0.25 aday is that right, ive got it written down, my pct is phendos from the sites pct section, do you think thats good enough?

    im also just taking a low dose test e, 250 mgs a week, i know its better at 500 and two shots a week, but im not even in my second week yet and ive read 250 a week for first time users can acheive good gains, what do u think?

  4. #4
    muhammad1185's Avatar
    muhammad1185 is offline Associate Member
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    and how much a-dex a day, and from when? do i need anything else to keep gyno, and estrogens and sides to min, at present i take-

    - dandilion
    -vitimin c
    -liv 52 tabs
    -milk thistle tabs
    -and muliti vits, zma

  5. #5
    one8nine's Avatar
    one8nine is offline Banned
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    naturally your produce in the 70mg-120mg range per week
    test e is 70% hormone actual, and 30% ester
    you are getting 175mg of actual testosterone per week... waste... not doing anything but replacing your own test at nearly the same levels

    as for the pct, no i dont like it
    clomid is trash and has no place in the body building world as long as we have nolva
    nolva for pct is GREAT
    arimidex and nolvadex reduce eachother, bad combo
    i recomend 4 weeks of nolvadex 40mg+proviron 50mg. proviron can also be replaced by aromasin .

  6. #6
    one8nine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by muhammad1185 View Post
    and how much a-dex a day, and from when? do i need anything else to keep gyno, and estrogens and sides to min, at present i take-

    - dandilion
    -vitimin c
    -liv 52 tabs
    -milk thistle tabs
    -and muliti vits, zma
    adex is .25mg to .5 mg depending on your sensitivity to estro/bf%
    please go to 500mg wk test bro

    that stuff is excessive but if it makes you feel good go for it. a good multi vitamin is all i take.

  7. #7
    muhammad1185's Avatar
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    ok cool, thanks alot im going to do for 500 a week, i think im goin to drop the dbol , because of the things ive read up on it, what could i take with the test e, i just want to get strong as f***, have very little water retentio, and put on some mass, muscle mass without bloat. any good ideas, i agree your pct sounds great, ive read the reducing thing before, ill get some adex, thanks bro

  8. #8
    one8nine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by muhammad1185 View Post
    ok cool, thanks alot im going to do for 500 a week, i think im goin to drop the dbol, because of the things ive read up on it, what could i take with the test e, i just want to get strong as f***, have very little water retentio, and put on some mass, muscle mass without bloat. any good ideas, i agree your pct sounds great, ive read the reducing thing before, ill get some adex, thanks bro
    with an ai youll be fine. test dbol is a great combo. in your position i would keep the dbol.
    with a proper ai dosage you wont bloat at all

    but based on what you just said, do some research on halotestin /halotestex. nothing will make you stronger (drug speaking) and youll hardly gain weight at all- but what few pounds you hain will be pure muscle. but save it for next cycle your dbol is a good match for this cycle

  9. #9
    muhammad1185's Avatar
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    ok ill stick with what you said, what ai should i use, what and how much? ill prob start that after 2mrw as that will be a week into my cycle, is that ok, sholud i leave the halo till next cycle or should i start that with the test and drop the d-bol, sorry im just confused,

    and im going for a ten week cycle, when i drop the dbol at 6 weeks ill have 4 weeks on test alone, when would i start my pct, the stickys suggest 4 hours after last administration of d-bol, but im thinking after week ten when ive finished my test e, am i wrong?

    thanks once again, its really good to now there are helpfull people like yourself around.

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