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Thread: Winny?

  1. #1
    Cmanl54 is offline New Member
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    I just started a cycle of winny, I researched it alot but I was just wondering if anybody had any tips about it or what to expect....

  2. #2
    G4R is offline Anabolic Voice of Reason
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    What are you stacking the Winny with?

  3. #3
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    how often are you taking it oral or injects?

  4. #4
    LifeSize is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cmanl54 View Post
    I just started a cycle of winny, I researched it alot but I was just wondering if anybody had any tips about it or what to expect....
    If you drink it, use red grape fruit juice to swallow it..helps absorption... If you inject, hopefully you like the sizzle.

    Keep your diet clean, and work hard.. You should have some Test in there, but lots of folks run Winny'll be ok I guess.

  5. #5
    Cmanl54 is offline New Member
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    im 19, about 180lbs, and im 5 9'...this is the first thing ive ever taken so I decided to just take it by itself and see what it does for me.. Im injecting it every other day

  6. #6
    mkrulic is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cmanl54 View Post
    im 19, about 180lbs, and im 5 9'...this is the first thing ive ever taken so I decided to just take it by itself and see what it does for me.. Im injecting it every other day
    cannot do winny eod. youre starting over every time you inject because the amount in your sys is almost zero

  7. #7
    mkrulic is offline Anabolic Member
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    at your age you are on a mild cycle of test. this cycle (worthless at that) could end that. what do you expect to gain from this if it were administered correctly?

  8. #8
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    Winny definitely needs to be shot ed, I did eod injects in my last cycle with the oral pill form on the days in between. Anyway you look at it you need to use winny ed not eod. also you would have been much better off using only test.

  9. #9
    Cmanl54 is offline New Member
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    as you can tell im not a pro at this..i just wanted to lose a little weight and tone up what are yall saying this is going to do for me?

  10. #10
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    Steroids do not burn fat. Look into clen or t3 if that is what you are after. AAS are not magic.

  11. #11
    Cmanl54 is offline New Member
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    So then what will this winny do for me? if anything..thanks

  12. #12
    Doub1e_J is offline Associate Member
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    Sounds like it will not do anything other than stop your normal test production.

  13. #13
    mod1-4's Avatar
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    winny will shut down your natural test, dude at 19 just take protein and have a good diet, likesomeone said older guys do a mild cycle just to get the test levels your body is producing

  14. #14
    Cmanl54 is offline New Member
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    So i should through some test in there and i would be good?

  15. #15
    mkrulic is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cmanl54 View Post
    So i should through some test in there and i would be good?
    you are on a mild test cycle right now. why screw that up? learn how to eat and train and you will reach goals. there are no magic pills

  16. #16
    MercyDog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cmanl54 View Post
    So i should through some test in there and i would be good?
    winny will make you have great pumps and make you harder

  17. #17
    mkrulic is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MercyDog View Post
    winny will make you have great pumps and make you harder
    why would you suggest this to a 19 year old. reckless

  18. #18
    MercyDog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mkrulic View Post
    why would you suggest this to a 19 year old. reckless
    Because he's currently on a cycle and should do it right. If you think hormones are so terrible you need another hobby. I know plenty of true life events of steroid use amongst personal friends which started early and many are still in the sport with a wife and kids. I'm not here just to keep rehashing things someone said, actually I'd like to hear some new ideas from more than just a handfull of people here. I'm here with almost 2 decades of personal experience. And I've never reccomended anyone to take steroids .
    Last edited by MercyDog; 08-01-2008 at 06:56 PM.

  19. #19
    mkrulic is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MercyDog View Post
    Because he's currently on a cycle and should do it right. If you think hormones are so terrible you need another hobby. I know plenty of true life events of steroid use amongst personal friends which started early and many are still in the sport with a wife and kids. I'm not here just to keep rehashing things someone said, actually I'd like to hear some new ideas from more than just a handfull of people here. I'm here with almost 2 decades of personal experience. And I've never reccomended anyone to take steroids.
    I dont think they are terrible. I think used properly they could be very helpfull. that does not include teenagers. he is allready on a cycle naturally. why take any chances w/ that? considering his age, goals and where he is currently at do you think he needs aas?

  20. #20
    one8nine's Avatar
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    honestly i started younger than you, im older than you, i dont regret it
    by the way, it would take a lot of winny for a very long time to SHUT DOWN your natural test, it will surpress it though, although thats why we do pct, to raise it up again
    if done correctly there is no reason you should be at risk

    winstrol needs to be shot AT VERY LEAST once a day, if you take pill, twice a day
    i would say if you use it alone use it 50mg-75mg every day for 4 weeks
    anything more will supress your natural test too low
    you need to learn about pct too

  21. #21
    mkrulic is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by one8nine View Post
    honestly i started younger than you, im older than you, i dont regret it
    by the way, it would take a lot of winny for a very long time to SHUT DOWN your natural test, it will surpress it though, although thats why we do pct, to raise it up again
    if done correctly there is no reason you should be at risk

    winstrol needs to be shot AT VERY LEAST once a day, if you take pill, twice a day
    i would say if you use it alone use it 50mg-75mg every day for 4 weeks
    anything more will supress your natural test too low
    you need to learn about pct too
    considering his age, goals and where he is currently at do you think he needs aas?

  22. #22
    MercyDog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mkrulic View Post
    considering his age, goals and where he is currently at do you think he needs aas?
    I don't think anyone but HRT patients NEEDS more hormones. At 5-9, 180lbs., if he's semi-cut then yes thats about all your going to get naturally. I currently run between 235 and 265 at 5-9 and there is absolutly no possible way to stay there without extra hormones. At 5-9, an awesome diet, great workouts, lean, excellent natural test levels, years of experience, ect. your not going to be able to go above around 180-200 without help. Its just not possible. this is why there are natural and pro classes


  23. #23
    one8nine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mkrulic View Post
    considering his age, goals and where he is currently at do you think he needs aas?
    aas cant do anything you cant do yourself, they just speed up the process. with that in mind, does anyone NEED aas but body builders and old people?

  24. #24
    mkrulic is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MercyDog View Post
    I don't think anyone but HRT patients NEEDS more hormones. At 5-9, 180lbs., if he's semi-cut then yes thats about all your going to get naturally. I currently run between 235 and 265 at 5-9 and there is absolutly no possible way to stay there without extra hormones. At 5-9, an awesome diet, great workouts, lean, excellent natural test levels, years of experience, ect. your not going to be able to go above around 180-200 without help. Its just not possible. this is why there are natural and pro classes

    bs. If his calorie intake is less than his expendature then he will loose weight. If he applies all the tricks to the trade you find in the diet section he will loose even more. period. no need for aas
    as far as what you can do naturally you have no way of knowing w/o knowing his bio-mechanical advantages. fast twitch to slow twitch %'tages and tie ins,...etc.

  25. #25
    mkrulic is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by one8nine View Post
    aas cant do anything you cant do yourself, they just speed up the process. with that in mind, does anyone NEED aas but body builders and old people?
    why would bb's need it if they could do it naturally? or powerlifters, strength athelets,...etc? because their GOALS dictate it.

  26. #26
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  27. #27
    MercyDog's Avatar
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    1,047 bad I missed the part about him wanting to loose weight, I thought he was trying to gain muscle. Why do these people come to a steroid forum for pound reduction

  28. #28
    one8nine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mkrulic View Post
    why would bb's need it if they could do it naturally? or powerlifters, strength athelets,...etc? because their GOALS dictate it.
    sorry i meant the people with crazy high goals. like high pro level.

  29. #29
    mkrulic is offline Anabolic Member
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    its cool. anytime I see a winny only thread I assume weight loss goals.
    peace and chicken grease

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