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  1. #1
    robman0079 is offline New Member
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    Stopping Test E Early

    Ive only done 2 injections of tes e and i relized im not at all ready for gear yet. Can i just stop? Should i still do PCT? I did .6cc 1st time and 1cc second time (1 week later). I just feel like crap all day and i dont want to eat. I have been working out for 2yrs and i thought i was ready but this stuff is too intense for me right now. Im probably gonna wait at least another 2-3 yrs before i try this out and make sure i am committed!!!

  2. #2
    Bigmax's Avatar
    Bigmax is offline Retired VET~ If you dont know... ask me
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    Well at least you know what you want to do....I think you're fine bro...ok you did .6cc and 1 many mgs whas that???..But I think you're ok..with out pct...

  3. #3
    robman0079 is offline New Member
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    The vial says 250 mG/mL and i only did 1 and a half wks of 8 wk cycle so i would say i used probably around 40 to 60 mg/ml. i just feel like crap and my heart seems like its pounding all the time since my second inject which was 2 days ago and im really shaky. Im pretty sure its not an infection bc there is no swelling, redness or anything at the site of injection. i just want to wait a while before i really commit to it.

  4. #4
    XNathan's Avatar
    XNathan is offline Associate Member
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    You can stop without any problems and our naty test will be OK. No need for PCT.

    IMHO this is just anxiety, testosterone lower your serotonine levels and low serotonine is asociated with anxiety, anger, agression and ist behind many anxiety disorders. You are neurotic person with latent disorder and test just uncover your problems.

  5. #5
    XNathan's Avatar
    XNathan is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by robman0079 View Post
    The vial says 250 mG/mL and i only did 1 and a half wks of 8 wk cycle so i would say i used probably around 40 to 60 mg/ml. i just feel like crap and my heart seems like its pounding all the time since my second inject which was 2 days ago and im really shaky. Im pretty sure its not an infection bc there is no swelling, redness or anything at the site of injection. i just want to wait a while before i really commit to it.
    This is book example of panic disorder.

  6. #6
    robman0079 is offline New Member
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    so ill b fine if i just stop...nothing i need to do???

  7. #7
    MercyDog's Avatar
    MercyDog is offline Senior Member
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    you're fine

  8. #8
    TallMan is offline Associate Member
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    Could also be test flue. Either way I would proceed for a while, maybe you feel great within a week or so.
    I had the same thing. Feeling sick and heart started to beat very fast all the time. I didn't feel anxieous or anything just feeling like crap and depressed.

  9. #9
    jleal is offline Junior Member
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    You will be fine if you stop.

  10. #10
    WARMachine's Avatar
    WARMachine is offline Post Cycle Extraordinaire~GOT PCT?
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    youll live if you do anymore

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