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  1. #1
    groper01 is offline New Member
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    Pleae help!! Anxiety and short breath from Tren Acetate!!

    I took 3 weeks of tren acetate, 1cc every other day. My buddy said I should up the dose to 1cc per day because I weigh 300 lbs. After 5 days at 1cc per day the anxiety and loss of breath was unbearable. After 2 days in the hospital and now being off tren for 5 days how much longer is this gonna last. The hospital says I am healthy as a horse, but I will have to wait until it is out of my system. Well 3 weeks at baisicly 3cc a week, and then 5 days at 1cc a day, now 5 days off. How long is this gonna go on? Please someone help me. I am losing my mind!! How long does this last??!!

  2. #2
    Banelord is offline Associate Member
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    I think you should see a doctor and tell him what you did, nobody here can give out medical advice.

  3. #3
    groper01 is offline New Member
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    don't want med advice. went to hospital. they said i had to wait til it got out of my system. All I am asking is "How long is this shit gonna be in my system to the point it is messing with me?"

  4. #4
    kaju's Avatar
    kaju is offline Associate Member
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    what are your stats. weight, height, age, body fat, goal? 300 lbs?!!!! If your are over weight with lots of body fat;dude you should not be taking any kind of aas. do as banlord said. go to the doc. is it tren a or ten e? tren ace has a half life of two days so four days from your last injection you should be clear of anything that would cause the simptoms you described.

  5. #5
    Banelord is offline Associate Member
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    ya I go to my doctor all the time, maybe it because in Canada they do not judge you, who knows. But if your going to take AS there blood work that need to be done, all kinds of thing to check up on. This is serious stuff. Is this your first cycle? I have not even used Tren yet, that way too advance for me. 300 lbs ah, I think diet is key to reduce the Bf to a good level before you do this.
    Sorry I can not answer your tren question.

  6. #6
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    body fat%?

  7. #7
    one8nine's Avatar
    one8nine is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    body fat%?
    god call big ^^^^^^^^

    the higher your bf%, the worse side effects youll get

  8. #8
    kaju's Avatar
    kaju is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by one8nine View Post
    god call big ^^^^^^^^

    the higher your bf%, the worse side effects youll get
    such as anxiety and shortness of breath

  9. #9
    groper01 is offline New Member
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    22-28% body fat. Not a fat ass. 307 lbs, 6'4",39 yrs old. 1st cycle. Never doing it again. I went to the hospital. I am healthy as a hores.Doc said I would have to wait out the side effects. IO just want to know by your experience, since I have none. How long should this last.

  10. #10
    DS21 is offline Member
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    I know you don't consider yourself fat, but that is over 70lbs of fat you have. Like said above, it should be out in 4 days and since it is day 5 you should be doing better real soon.

  11. #11
    Drummerboy's Avatar
    Drummerboy is offline Anabolic Member
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    You def. should have been taking it every day... tren fluctuations can make ppl nutty... for sure. As Big says, your size does lead to hypertension and the tren can def. make you anxious. You do have a lot of bf and you may be better off training naturally with that kind of size, and get to about 15% bf before considering doing another cycle. I would say test only.


  12. #12
    groper01 is offline New Member
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    all the fat is in my gut. You have been helpful.I will just wait it out. Thanks all.

  13. #13
    jg42058p's Avatar
    jg42058p is offline Member
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    go to a psychiatrist and ask him to perscribe you a mild trainquilizer or benzodaziopiene

    that should help the anxiety

    make sure you're completely honest with him to

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