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  1. #1
    noclue is offline Junior Member
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    Aug 2008

    Test booster/Clen/T3... Please help a clueless person

    I'm sure this question has been asked ad nausem but as my Sn indicates, I am clueless. 21, 165 lb, 5'11 hover around 10% BF. I am looking to get up to 175 and be around 5% BF ideally, but if that's not realistic, 185 and still at 10% is fine too. I have spent time in the Q & A's, read PerfectBeast's clen FAQ, used the search function, and still don't have an answer to my question. So, I am going to bite the bullet, anticipate the flaming, and hope someone takes pity on me and gives me an answer. As far as that answer goes, I need idiot proof instruction. I have never cycled before, I do heavy cardio 5x, and lift 3x a week. I eat a very clean, healthy diet and train in fight sports. Now, I am looking to go up a weightclass by adding muscle and stripping some of the fat away. I have never used anything more serious than Lipo6X and Whey, so please, be detailed when responding. Ok, so, what I have been told is to stack a test booster (a friend recomended something from the drol series), clen and T3 while upping caloric intake by subbing whey for a mass builder. Again, I have no idea outside of what I am told by someone I don't really consider an expert, hence my posting here in an attempt to actually get expert advice. I don't really mind injections, but the cycle needs to be readily available items, I can't get winstrol , though I am told this is optimal for what I am trying to do. To sum up, I need to add 10 to 15 lbs of muscle and lose 5 to 10 of fat in the process. Help!

  2. #2
    T_Own's Avatar
    T_Own is offline Formula1 Aficionado
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    Jun 2008
    whats the "drol series"?

    dropping 5% would take some serious work.
    whats your diet look like for an average day?

  3. #3
    noclue is offline Junior Member
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    Aug 2008
    Halodrol, powerdrol, M-drol etc. Diet isn't what I am worried about, nutrition is fine, I have several friends in school for that field, it is the supplement stack I am really worried about. I need something that will build lean muscle while helping to burn fat. I am fairly sure I can get to 5 %, I was at 7% at one point, so 5 isn't unreachable. I would be able to get a hold of clen , T3 and a test booster, I am just unsure how to put them together, what dosage to use, what my Post cycle should consist of, and if I need to take anything on the side, IE milk thistle, taurine, things like that while doing it, and most of all, would this stack be safe and effective?

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