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Thread: Adex taste test

  1. #1
    MgpGator's Avatar
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    Adex taste test

    So I rec'd some adex and I bit off a quarter of a 1mg tab but i was surprised that it didn't taste like anything. I've never bitten into a tab that didn't make me gag. Has anyone ever tasted the goodness of adex and if so did it taste like nothing at all.

  2. #2
    one8nine's Avatar
    one8nine is offline Banned
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    do you realize how much 1mg actually is? its like a grain of salt.
    the rest if filler.

  3. #3
    MgpGator's Avatar
    MgpGator is offline Associate Member
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    I see. I only took it once and i pretty much spent the whole day peeing, is this a side of adex? So i guess your saying that adex wouldn't taste like anything. I also have a question about your pct

    So you think nolva should be the only ingredient in PCT (besides hcg ) unless you know how to use clomid? Or am I missing something?

  4. #4
    T_Own's Avatar
    T_Own is offline Formula1 Aficionado
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    you're missing something.
    nolva + clomid
    nolva + proviron
    nolva + aromasin
    nolva + arimidex
    and arimidex can keep bloat down, so yes, it will probably make you pee a lot

  5. #5
    MgpGator's Avatar
    MgpGator is offline Associate Member
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    Touche', i must have missed that part and skipped straight to the adex portion. If you don't mind me asking...I have seen threads where a day 1 of pct calls for a dose of clomid @ 300mg...what type of sides can you expect from this high dose? crying while watching those "sponsor a child" commercials?

  6. #6
    T_Own's Avatar
    T_Own is offline Formula1 Aficionado
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    lol.... idk, never tried. i don't even know what kind of sides you get from clomid, but why would you use so much if its not gonna do anything but cause side effects?

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