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  1. #1
    Flash-back is offline New Member
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    Your experiences from Dbol or Anavar


    I would be very interested in any personal experiences of Dbol and/ or Anavar .
    I know these to are very different but anyway i have a hard time to decide since the low sides from Anavar.

    What i am interested in is the kept lean gain from cycles with these substances. Also how much gain during the cycle.

    What i got so far is that Anavar gives great strength gains but not so much mass, but i havent found that many stats regarding the mass gains from Anavar. Ofcourse you gain more on Dbol but as mentioned,

    1, How much strengt and weightgain during cycle.
    2, How much kept strenght and weight after ev strenght and weight loss stopped.
    3, what amount and for how long did you use.

    Even if its not ideal with any of these compounds solely many guys probably done it.
    I will not do any of these alone so please stick to the subject.
    Last edited by Flash-back; 09-01-2008 at 06:27 AM.

  2. #2
    abstrack's Avatar
    abstrack is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    1. I have never ran either one of those just by themselves. It would be hard to judge strength & weight gains in either one of those unless you were a woman and discussing anavar .

    2. Again. Read above. Strength & weight kept after the cycle is dependent on a lot of factors other then the discussion of comparing the two compounds.

    3. D-bol - I have used up to 50mgs/day. Anything over 50mg for me, I get horrible lower back cramps. I typically dont run d-bol more then 4 weeks. As a matter of fact, I dont even run it anymore. I find it a waste.

    Anavar - I have used up to 75mgs/ day. Which IMPO is a total waste and more of bank account breaker then anything. I would rather spend the money on other gear and run my cycle longer. I have run anavar for 6-8 weeks before. I do like anavar though, but in the 30-45mg/day range.

    What are you looking for? Neither one of those IMPO are great for mass. I like Anadrol over D-bol.

  3. #3
    Flash-back is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by abstrack View Post
    1. I have never ran either one of those just by themselves. It would be hard to judge strength & weight gains in either one of those unless you were a woman and discussing anavar .

    2. Again. Read above. Strength & weight kept after the cycle is dependent on a lot of factors other then the discussion of comparing the two compounds.

    3. D-bol - I have used up to 50mgs/day. Anything over 50mg for me, I get horrible lower back cramps. I typically dont run d-bol more then 4 weeks. As a matter of fact, I dont even run it anymore. I find it a waste.

    Anavar - I have used up to 75mgs/ day. Which IMPO is a total waste and more of bank account breaker then anything. I would rather spend the money on other gear and run my cycle longer. I have run anavar for 6-8 weeks before. I do like anavar though, but in the 30-45mg/day range.

    What are you looking for? Neither one of those IMPO are great for mass. I like Anadrol over D-bol.
    The comparison for mass and strenght gains are personal ofcourse but i anyway wonder about what result one had, ofcourse factors as food, pct and stuff are critical but if same person used booth then probably under somewhat same condtions.

    The kept gain from Anadrol i heard is shit, and for some reason people easily seem to use 100mg dau of that but not on d-bol while dbol is less bad for your system.
    Why you prefer that one?

  4. #4
    DSM4Life's Avatar
    DSM4Life is offline Snook~ AR Lounge Monitor
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    Dbol sucks.

    Water gain, loss of appetite , never again.

  5. #5
    abstrack's Avatar
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    Again. Usually you are stacking those two compounds with something else so it is hard to judge. the only time I used d-bol by itself was bridging from one cycle to another.

    I find Anadrol better then d-bol. I dont see d-bol being any worse then a-bombs

  6. #6
    one8nine's Avatar
    one8nine is offline Banned
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    i dont know if ill ever run orals again.
    maybe halo cause nothing can compare but they always make me feel sick and uncomfortable

  7. #7
    thestreaker's Avatar
    thestreaker is offline Junior Member
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    189 have you run halo alone before?

    just want to run something for 2 or 3 weeks to harden up/stength
    and avoid the long recovery

  8. #8
    Mbuffguy is offline Banned
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    d bol awsome made me strong and noticable bigger while the test kicks i

  9. #9
    Garbanzo Dude is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by one8nine View Post
    i dont know if ill ever run orals again.
    maybe halo cause nothing can compare but they always make me feel sick and uncomfortable

    been hearing more about this.....with T-bol again.

  10. #10
    one8nine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thestreaker View Post
    189 have you run halo alone before?

    just want to run something for 2 or 3 weeks to harden up/stength
    and avoid the long recovery
    yes i have at 40mg and 70mg ed
    its alright, easy recovery, good strength

  11. #11
    Mbuffguy is offline Banned
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    d bol is awsome i cant speak for everyone but i love pink

  12. #12
    Jarhead.00 is offline New Member
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    I ran it for 2 weeks and the drain was clogged with all my hair stuck in it, also gained so much water in the face I looked like a blimp.....NEVER AGAIN!!!!

  13. #13
    Berserker88's Avatar
    Berserker88 is offline Associate Member
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    Im on dbol 40mg a day at the moment

    Noticed the lower back pumps but if your not a fukin ***** its easy to put up with.

    Strength and weight gains have been awesome so far. No other sides apart from lower back pump!

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