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  1. #1
    marcus_arillius's Avatar
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    Stay on or not to stay on??

    I have just finished a cycle of test E, EQ, finalized it with winny, and encompassed the cycle with some good fat burners and Ambutoral, and hardcore cardio. I was off the gym for about a year gained about 20 pounds of fat because of long hours at work, and let me tell you the fast food chains loved me for that year with the small fortune I spent there. I have now lost 30 pounds back to my great lean shape, not as developed as I was after working out for eight years straight. I have tapered my cycle off with about 400ml/wk of cyp divided in two shoots to keep my gains. I have been doing the cyp now for about a month after a 12 wk cycle.

    I feel great, I feel confident (which release good endorphins), I can eat (beer, chips, ice cream) what I want as long as I stay consistent with my cardio (three days a week) and of course don’t indulge every single day but, generally I have a healthy diet. Not to mention I’m rock hard every morning. I have a knee problem I don’t have to worry about because the muscle stays strong around it.

    My question is; is there really a reason to come off if I’m taking good quality cyp at a moderate level until my next cycle. Is my heath really at risk?? I know people that don’t come off but, they are doing some hefty gear and that I would agree could be a problem. I figure as long as I keep my estrogen in check and keep healthy what could a moderate level of cyp do to your body. One thing we have to consider that this stuff keeps AIDS patients in check and allows them to live an entire life, and people with low test levels are given this from a doctor?

    What would be some of the health risks I would have to watch for if I continued like this for the rest of my life?

    Would this hinder my gains in my next cycle seeing my receptors would be nice a full?

    Thanks for reading this long thread, and thanks in advanced for your replies!!!

  2. #2
    bbuilder's Avatar
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    Are you serious, or is this a joke?

    I can eat (beer, chips, ice cream) what I want as long as I stay consistent with my cardio
    I'm guessing you are serious and if that's the case, how do you think you are going to put on any weight eating BEER CHIPS AND ICE CREAM??????????????????

    WOW!! The stupidity amazes me everyday.

  3. #3
    marcus_arillius's Avatar
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    if you actually read my thread I did say I do have a heathy diet. I was just making a point dude. look at my pics are you as ripped as I am lol.

  4. #4
    bbuilder's Avatar
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    Whats your point? I missed it?

    Look at my pictures. I'm much more ripped then you, and weigh 230. How much do you weight 140-150? See, eating McDonalds doesn't help much does it.

    I never eat but only clean food. This is because I value the work I put forth in the gym and don't want to waste my time.

    You said.......

    and let me tell you the fast food chains loved me for that year with the small fortune I spent there.
    So again, I ask you what did I not understand?

  5. #5
    marcus_arillius's Avatar
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    I took a year off of the gym, and gained all that weight.
    then went back to the gym and lost it with a cycle to help. I don't eat fast food anymore or try not to but, I can now eat the foods I want without having to worry as much about it.

  6. #6
    widowmaker2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bbuilder View Post
    whats your point? I missed it?

    Look at my pictures. I'm much more ripped then you, and weigh 230. How much do you weight 140-150? See, eating mcdonalds doesn't help much does it.

    I never eat but only clean food. This is because i value the work i put forth in the gym and don't want to waste my time.

    You said.......

    So again, i ask you what did i not understand?
    k i looked at your pix and your no where even near as ripped as he is first of all... And second of all hes not asking you what you think about his food intake if you read the thread it has nothing to do with for your question marcus if your gonna "coast" on the cyp stay at around 250mg per week. You should be fine this is basicly what drs give to trt patients.

  7. #7
    ricker35910's Avatar
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    when's the last time you had your cholesterol checked? you should get blood work done regulary and if you eat like shit while on you have a greater chance of ****ing yourself up.

  8. #8
    marcus_arillius's Avatar
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    By no mean do I eat like shit. I was just making a point that I can eat what I want more often that’s all. I actually have a very clean diet and I cook all my food (five meals a day) I just don't have to worry as much if I'm going to have that bag of chips with a few beers if I'm sitting around watching a movie on a Friday night. I'll have one or two nice cheat days if I want a week.

    I haven’t check my cholesterol actually but, I do intend too….thanks

  9. #9
    marcus_arillius's Avatar
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    Oh and by the way I'm 5 7" 195pds and I'm about 5%bf (far from 140pds)

  10. #10
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    What pictures ?

  11. #11
    Banelord is offline Associate Member
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    I do not think bridging is a good idea, and if u are going to do that, why not do it with anavar , But I know what u mean it hard to come off, but trust me it worth it, all u have to do is get by 3-4 weeks and all your test should be back to normal.

  12. #12
    marcus_arillius's Avatar
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    I’m sure this is a question that most bb go through if they are cycling. So I think a good thread making some point of the health risks we would have to watch out for could be helpful.
    Ok so we have cholesterol to make sure stays in check. We have estrogen to make sure stays in check especially for the gyno

    What else should we be thinking of?

  13. #13
    bbuilder's Avatar
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    K i looked at your pix and your no where even near as ripped as he is first of all
    ha...if you say so. I was 6.2% bodyfat in those photos, and I'm around 10% now at 5'7" 230

    ... And second of all hes not asking you what you think about his food intake if you read the thread it has nothing to do with that
    Actually it does. Eating correctly, training correctly all have to do with gear. If you don't do those correctly, you are wasting your time. Do you know what eating correctly and training correctly are, I doubt it, otherwise you wouldn't have made the comments you just did.

  14. #14
    Braveheart04 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus_arillius View Post
    I’m sure this is a question that most bb go through if they are cycling. So I think a good thread making some point of the health risks we would have to watch out for could be helpful.
    Ok so we have cholesterol to make sure stays in check. We have estrogen to make sure stays in check especially for the gyno

    What else should we be thinking of?
    Go easy on the booze while on gear dude. It can mess you up if you aren't carefull. As far as your diet, I agree with you in the sense that you can probably maintain the look you have now with a good amount of cardio and a relatively clean diet most of the time. If you are satisfied with that look, that's all that matters.

  15. #15
    marcus_arillius's Avatar
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    dude you're killing me here!! are we still on that? at this piont I'm confused to who I'm move ripped then you or someone else. trust me my diet is fine. I was just making a point to being able to eat more, and have that few cheats whereas I'm I wasn't on I wouldn't be able to. I've been trying for over 10 years, and yes I know how to eat and I eat very clean but, I also have days where I enjoy myself.

  16. #16
    marcus_arillius's Avatar
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    I meant to say "I've been training for over 10 years"

  17. #17
    bbuilder's Avatar
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    That's great, but your posting sure made it sound like you went whole-hogs on the food.

    Best of luck.

  18. #18
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus_arillius View Post
    I have just finished a cycle of test E, EQ, finalized it with winny, and encompassed the cycle with some good fat burners and Ambutoral, and hardcore cardio. I was off the gym for about a year gained about 20 pounds of fat because of long hours at work, and let me tell you the fast food chains loved me for that year with the small fortune I spent there. I have now lost 30 pounds back to my great lean shape, not as developed as I was after working out for eight years straight. I have tapered my cycle off with about 400ml/wk of cyp divided in two shoots to keep my gains. I have been doing the cyp now for about a month after a 12 wk cycle.

    I feel great, I feel confident (which release good endorphins), I can eat (beer, chips, ice cream) what I want as long as I stay consistent with my cardio (three days a week) and of course don’t indulge every single day but, generally I have a healthy diet. Not to mention I’m rock hard every morning. I have a knee problem I don’t have to worry about because the muscle stays strong around it.

    My question is; is there really a reason to come off if I’m taking good quality cyp at a moderate level until my next cycle. Is my heath really at risk?? I know people that don’t come off but, they are doing some hefty gear and that I would agree could be a problem. I figure as long as I keep my estrogen in check and keep healthy what could a moderate level of cyp do to your body. One thing we have to consider that this stuff keeps AIDS patients in check and allows them to live an entire life, and people with low test levels are given this from a doctor?

    What would be some of the health risks I would have to watch for if I continued like this for the rest of my life?

    Would this hinder my gains in my next cycle seeing my receptors would be nice a full?

    Thanks for reading this long thread, and thanks in advanced for your replies!!!
    The dangers with staying on is that your shutting down your natural system and done for a prolonged amount of time can lead to serious health risks. Not to mention it normally extended the time it would normally take to "bounce back." Do some get away with it ? Yes. Are you one of them people ? Well you have to take the risk to see but first ask yourself, is it really worth it ?

    I have read many peoples cycles and after 12 weeks of being on gains are really minimal so in my opinion its not worth it.
    Last edited by DSM4Life; 09-08-2008 at 07:27 PM.

  19. #19
    mkrulic is offline Anabolic Member
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    I know prople who are shut down now because of doing just this. this is a decision that could affect the rest of your life. why not come off for awhile? it will be there when you get back

  20. #20
    marcus_arillius's Avatar
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    hmmm very interesting. I have been on this forum for many years on an off. I have never come across a thread that gets into the full effects of staying on. Not to say that there isn't ample information but I have personally found it to be fragmented information. Does anyone have any suggested threads to read for me, or any other reader looking for the same thing?

  21. #21
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus_arillius View Post
    hmmm very interesting. I have been on this forum for many years on an off. I have never come across a thread that gets into the full effects of staying on. Not to say that there isn't ample information but I have personally found it to be fragmented information. Does anyone have any suggested threads to read for me, or any other reader looking for the same thing?
    Thats because most people don't practice this. You are falling from a user to an abuser.
    Last edited by DSM4Life; 09-08-2008 at 07:47 PM.

  22. #22
    marcus_arillius's Avatar
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    good piont DSM4Life...Thanks!!

  23. #23
    mkrulic is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus_arillius View Post
    hmmm very interesting. I have been on this forum for many years on an off. I have never come across a thread that gets into the full effects of staying on. Not to say that there isn't ample information but I have personally found it to be fragmented information. Does anyone have any suggested threads to read for me, or any other reader looking for the same thing?
    might also be cause it might be hard to talk about. you got to be pretty good friends w/ somebody before they will tell you something like that

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