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  1. #1
    cLk is offline New Member
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    Considering this, can I run my first cycle longer than 12 weeks?

    Hi all,

    This is my first time taking gear of any kind, and I am pretty disappointed thus far. I am currently in week 14 of my first cycle, and am considering stopping it pretty soon. I haven't felt any aggression, little increase in my temper, and my gains in gym are pretty on par with gains I was experiencing pre-cycle.

    So far I have taken 2 different batches of Test E ~550/week. By different batches I mean different sources. I received the gear through a friend's source. My friend has experienced fantastic gains in the past so I figured I would trust the source.

    I took the first batch for 10 weeks, and felt next to nothing. That's when I decided to stop that and try from another source.

    I am currently in week 3 of the second batch and still do not feel much different. I am going to give it a few more weeks to see if I experience anything.

    At this point can I determine that the first batch was fake? Or am I doing something wrong mentally?

    My question is: is it safe to take a first cycle (only Test E) longer than 12 weeks? All the sample cycles are 12 weeks, so I want to be sure taking it longer (18-20 weeks) is okay. I am not experiencing any side effects such as hair loss, gyno, etc. and I will be using the Anthony Roberts PCT when I am done.

    If you could provide some insight I would really appreciate it, because I am extremely disappointed and don't know if I want to bother with this ever again.

    (Note: My first batch, the juice was injecting far easier than it did with the second batch. By easier, I mean with the second batch I have to press down much harder and it takes longer to inject. Does this mean "better" gear?)

    Here is a brief rundown so far:

    Weeks 1-4: Took Test E 500/week, was not eating enough calories.

    - Felt nothing.

    Weeks 5-10: Took Test E 500/week, did some research and increased calories to 4,000-4,500/day.

    - Didn't feel much here either.
    - Some decent leg gains, but nothing except pre-gear gains with upper body (chest, back, etc.)

    Weeks 11-14 (present): Took new batch Test E 550/week. Still waiting for big gains. Will give it a few more weeks as I've heard it can take 4-6 weeks to feel effects.

    Thank you for taking the time to read this, and providing your valuable input!
    Last edited by cLk; 09-12-2008 at 10:05 PM.

  2. #2
    JiGGaMaN's Avatar
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    the oil viscosity has nothing to do with the quality. oils vary in how easy or hard it is to get through the needle (as does the gauge).

    Right now if this is how you are feeling, maybe steroids arent for you. If you cant do things properly enough to get results, then thats just a waste. Steroids arent magic, you dont just magically get bigger and stronger (ok that part is somewhat magical) because of them. You need to have everything in order. No getting drunk, snorting coke, ecstasy. Eat 8+ times a day, 8+ hours of sleep, and you are heading in the right direction. Whoever the next person is thats about to chime in 'stats etc' dont bother. And no i dont recommend another cycle of any duration.

  3. #3
    cLk is offline New Member
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    I don't drink, I don't do drugs.

    I eat 6 meals a day and sleep 7 hours a day.

  4. #4
    JiGGaMaN's Avatar
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    I noticed you said 'I haven't felt any aggression, little increase in my temper, and my gains in gym are pretty on par with gains I was experiencing pre-cycle.' Why were your first two indicators that steroids are working increased aggression and increase in my temper (btw those are the same thing)

  5. #5
    cLk is offline New Member
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    I would assume that steroids make you more aggressive in the gym, which leads to a harder workout. Maybe I'm wrong..

  6. #6
    stallion_1 is offline suspended
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    Quote Originally Posted by clk View Post
    i would assume that steroids make you more aggressive in the gym, which leads to a harder workout. Maybe i'm wrong..
    no ur not

  7. #7
    cLk is offline New Member
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    Jiggaman: I think I see where you are going, and I appreciate your input, but I'm really not looking for a primer on whether steroids "are" or "aren't" for me. I've done my research and am ready to take them.

    I am wondering whether, considering my situation, I can go 18-20 weeks on my first cycle. Basically wait out for this second batch to see if I get any real results.

  8. #8
    Phate's Avatar
    Phate is offline Got Diet? ~VET~ AR Hall of Famer~
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    how bout posting your diet, maybe that's the reason?

  9. #9
    stallion_1 is offline suspended
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    Quote Originally Posted by phate View Post
    how bout posting your diet, maybe that's the reason?

  10. #10
    cLk is offline New Member
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    Sure, here you go:

    Meal 1: 1,000 cal shake incl. 50g protein, 1 cup oatmeal, flax oil

    Meal 2: 3 eggs, 2 bacon, turkey sausage, bread

    Meal 3: 8 oz chicken breast and potatoes, veggies

    Meal 4: tuna sandwich w/ mayo, 3 eggs w/ cheese

    Meal 5: 8 oz chicken breast and potatoes, veggies

    Meal 6: protein shake w/ cottage cheese, flax oil

    Comes out between 4,000-4,500 calories. And again I want to say thank you all for reading this. I've been following these boards for a long time and did a LOT of research prior to starting this.

  11. #11
    Nicotine's Avatar
    Nicotine is offline Anabolic Member
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    testosterone made me feel fantastic.

    it killed a lot of my natural aggression and negativity...... i felt like a different person all together - in a good way.

    i felt frisky, energetic, happy..... the media has got the wrong idea planted into your head.

  12. #12
    Phate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stallion_1 View Post
    you like the hmmm huh

  13. #13
    cLk is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nicotine View Post
    testosterone made me feel fantastic.

    it killed a lot of my natural aggression and negativity...... i felt like a different person all together - in a good way.

    i felt frisky, energetic, happy..... the media has got the wrong idea planted into your head.
    So Nic is it okay to keep going with it, ride it out to say 20 weeks total? My primary concern is being to restore proper balance of everything when I'm done.

  14. #14
    Phate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cLk View Post
    Sure, here you go:

    Meal 1: 1,000 cal shake incl. 50g protein, 1 cup oatmeal, flax oil

    Meal 2: 3 eggs, 2 bacon, turkey sausage, bread

    Meal 3: 8 oz chicken breast and potatoes, veggies

    Meal 4: tuna sandwich w/ mayo, 3 eggs w/ cheese

    Meal 5: 8 oz chicken breast and potatoes, veggies

    Meal 6: protein shake w/ cottage cheese, flax oil

    Comes out between 4,000-4,500 calories. And again I want to say thank you all for reading this. I've been following these boards for a long time and did a LOT of research prior to starting this.
    diet could use some work, especially the first meal, but you should gain on it so i doubt it's the reason

  15. #15
    cLk is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phate View Post
    diet could use some work, especially the first meal, but you should gain on it so i doubt it's the reason
    Phate: I have gained weight and gotten bigger, I won't deny that. But I think that has more to do with going to the gym 4 times a week and eating 4,000+ calories a day.

    The bottom line is that I'm just not feeling any stronger in the gym, and my gains are similar in growth to pre-cycle.

    Also, any input on diet is much appreciated.

  16. #16
    Phate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cLk View Post
    Sure, here you go:

    Meal 1: 1,000 cal shake incl. 50g protein, 1 cup oatmeal, flax oil
    cut the shake, whole food is much better, eat 8 egg whites and 3 egg yolks, with 2 cups of oatmeal
    Meal 2: 3 eggs, 2 bacon, turkey sausage, bread
    cut the bread and bacon, double the eggs and eat some sweet or red potatos, and yes, you can use some pam and turn them into hash browns if you want
    Meal 3: 8 oz chicken breast and potatoes, veggies
    try 12oz of chicken and red potatos
    Meal 4: tuna sandwich w/ mayo, 3 eggs w/ cheese
    looks okay, normally i would say cut the cheese but on a bulk you can get away with it, make sure you're not using full fat mayo though
    Meal 5: 8 oz chicken breast and potatoes, veggies
    same critiique as earlier
    Meal 6: protein shake w/ cottage cheese, flax oil
    how bout some lean mince meat or ground beef here with some blue berries or black berries and cottage cheese

    Comes out between 4,000-4,500 calories. And again I want to say thank you all for reading this. I've been following these boards for a long time and did a LOT of research prior to starting this.
    first off, you should calculate your BMR and caloric needs so that you have a baseline to work from, here is the formula for it

    Men: BMR = 66 + ( 13.7 x weight in kilos ) + ( 5 x height in cm ) - ( 6.8 x age in years )

    determine your total daily calorie needs, multiply your BMR by the appropriate activity factor, as follows:

    If you are sedentary (little or no exercise) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.2
    If you are lightly active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.375
    If you are moderatetely active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.55
    If you are very active (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days a week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.725
    If you are extra active (very hard exercise/sports & physical job or 2x training) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.9

  17. #17
    cLk is offline New Member
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    BMR is 3,232 calories

    So it's okay to be taking this first cycle longer than 12 weeks?

  18. #18
    Phate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cLk View Post
    BMR is 3,232 calories

    So it's okay to be taking this first cycle longer than 12 weeks?
    i would stop it, run the diet changes for 4-5 months after pct, and then try again with another source and use prop instead, that way you will know quickly if the stuff is fake or not

    training exp

  19. #19
    Banelord is offline Associate Member
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    I think the first one was fake and the second one need more time, if it real it will work in 4-5 weeks.

  20. #20
    cLk is offline New Member
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    That's what I'm thinking. I would like to give it another couple of weeks with a solid diet and heavy weights.

    I just want to know if it's safe to keep the cycle going for 20 or so weeks.

  21. #21
    wukillabee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nicotine View Post
    testosterone made me feel fantastic.

    it killed a lot of my natural aggression and negativity...... i felt like a different person all together - in a good way.

    i felt frisky, energetic, happy..... the media has got the wrong idea planted into your head.
    Exactly! Thats how i feel too almost 7 weeks into my first test e cycle of 500mg a week. I also thought i might get increased aggression and even prewarned my g/f about it but nothing. I feel great all day everyday physically and mentally. Im sure theres a few aas out there like tren , halo, cheque drops , etc., that increase aggression but not test e for me.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by cLk View Post
    That's what I'm thinking. I would like to give it another couple of weeks with a solid diet and heavy weights.

    I just want to know if it's safe to keep the cycle going for 20 or so weeks.
    Not advocating anything, just throwin this out there since no one else has touched on this for some reason. If ur confident ur first batch (which im 99% sure) was fake then why do u count that as time being on cycle. U keep on saying 20 week cycle probably throwin people off here when in reality u just started ur cycle cus now ur on week i or so of ur new batch that u think is real. I know if i was injecting grapeseed oil for 10 weeks straight whether or not the vial says test e or not (doesnt mean it is what u pay for or says, problem with ugl gear my friend), then started what i think to be the real deal and been on the new batch for 3 weeks, id say im on week 3 of my first cycle correct? Try looking at it that way maybe. On my first cycle too of test e from a ugl but i know for sure its real and knew this by the middle of week 4. Now week 7 and lovin it.

  23. #23
    thecivilizedanimal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JiGGaMaN View Post
    I noticed you said 'I haven't felt any aggression, little increase in my temper, and my gains in gym are pretty on par with gains I was experiencing pre-cycle.' Why were your first two indicators that steroids are working increased aggression and increase in my temper (btw those are the same thing)
    maybe he had friends on tren ? lol

    i personally think your diet may not be on par, you should see some noticeable changes after 12 weeks on test.

  24. #24
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cLk View Post
    I would assume that steroids make you more aggressive in the gym, which leads to a harder workout. Maybe I'm wrong..
    No. If your an @$$hole/imature to begin with then being on steroids will most likely go to your head and just cause you to become a bigger @$$hole but that's because of you not the gear.

    Would i go over 12 weeks with your current cycle , hell no.
    First off , not really impressed with your diet. You even know what the macros are ?
    Second, whats your routines ?
    Third, You don't even know if your gear is real !

    Test E does take time to "kick in." Normally people won't feel its effect until the 5-6 week. Now if you have passed the 7th-8th week point and still aren't feeling anything then something is wrong. My guess from reading this is that maybe you gear is fake.

    Again, if you are into the 11th week and are not making progress then why continue whats not working ?
    Last edited by DSM4Life; 09-13-2008 at 01:23 PM.

  25. #25
    DS21 is offline Member
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    When I run test only cycles I don't notice too much strenght increase. The biggest thing I notice is sex increase. If you are ready to go 4-5 times a day it's real. You said you gained size, so what is the problem? I am on 70mgs of tren ed and I don't get all aggresive and that doesn't make me think it is fake. If you can't get into the gym and hit the weights hard with or without aas then you shouldn't be on, imo. Just ask yourself the sex question and if you are horny as you where at 16 then it is real, if not then like stated above you are just starting your cycle, and don't let aggresion determine if it is real or not.

  26. #26
    Nitz5785 is offline Associate Member
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    Please people stop with the BS lectures. When you are on legit test, you will feel it and you will know it is working. If it is legit, you WILL know it. Even with a shitty diet and crap sleep you would still notice gains and usually some fat loss. There is so much fake crap out there right now and it seems people are making excuses for it. If you don't feel completely different by the 5th week, then throw it out.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nitz5785 View Post
    Please people stop with the BS lectures. When you are on legit test, you will feel it and you will know it is working. If it is legit, you WILL know it. Even with a shitty diet and crap sleep you would still notice gains and usually some fat loss. There is so much fake crap out there right now and it seems people are making excuses for it. If you don't feel completely different by the 5th week, then throw it out.
    GLad someones on the same page as me here. Sure, if he was using 100% legit human grade gear here for his first batch and is complaining about this then id agree with everyone here that he probably had a rappy workout routine, no sleep, and crappy diet which would equal=0 gains. No since thats not the case here at all, im sure his first "X" amount of weeks on his first gear was nothing more than a waste of time and not counted as time being on cycle at all. 10-12 weeks of even undosed gear for a first timer with a decent workout routine and diet im sure would produce some gains. SInce thats not the case then im sure his first batch was fake. Not every user (including myself) has a legit source or even access to human grade gear so its more of trial and error. U cant tell the gear is legit by looking at it, smelling it, tasting it, but only by using it. Is his second batch legit? Idk yet, only been on cycl it looks like for 3 weeks, still too soon to really tell even for a first timer. Id say keep goin with ur second batch and if by week 5 of ur second batch still not noticing anything then u got screwed twice in a row bro and maybe ur third time will be a charm. Id say look at ur first batch as a practice run on how to inject, not a cycle since im sure it was bunk. Look more as the second batch ur on now as the beginning of ur firs cycle and see where it goes as ive said. Not a pro or vet here (on my first cycle as weel about 7 weeks in) but thats just what common sense would tell me. Especially since both first and now second batchs of gear or ugl, not human grade and i dont think there even is such thing as vet grade anymore. Usually just ugl gear or human grade no since gear grinder went down. All the vet grades ive seen goin around are just ugl's pretending to be vet grade.

  28. #28
    Auss11e's Avatar
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    Well said Wukillabee!!
    I'm in a similar position right now. My first cycle was sus @ 500mg p/w and theres no mistaking the feeling that you get from legit gear.
    Recently started my 2nd cycle of Test E @ 600 mg p/w and i finished my first vial only to find that my next bottle had been smashed.....I culdn't get hold of more Test E or cyp so i've gone over to Test prop @400mg p/w and Tren @350MG P/W which has been a blessing because the Test E i took for 4 weeks didn't kick in, NOTHING!!
    I forgot that 4 weeks and started again. Easy.

  29. #29
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    sorry, but are you nuts?!!!
    12 weeks is too long IMO too!
    I won't go past 8 weeks!
    this is reckless! no wonder this is illegal in the US everyone here abuses this stuff!
    good luck if you do this.
    hope you can get back to normal if you do!

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nitz5785 View Post
    Please people stop with the BS lectures. When you are on legit test, you will feel it and you will know it is working. If it is legit, you WILL know it. Even with a shitty diet and crap sleep you would still notice gains and usually some fat loss. There is so much fake crap out there right now and it seems people are making excuses for it. If you don't feel completely different by the 5th week, then throw it out.
    i second that motion!

  31. #31
    Bossman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cLk View Post
    BMR is 3,232 calories

    So it's okay to be taking this first cycle longer than 12 weeks?
    Im betting the first batch was "fake" gear. You would know you were on it after 4-5 weeks. If you were on a shit diet, you would know it. Don't listen to the assholes telling you you shouldn't take gear. Somebody pissed in their cheerio's.

    I would continue like the new test is the start of the cycle, since the last stuff was bunk. You should start to feel the test and see the strength increase in 4-5 weeks.

    I never buyAAS from a dealer. Go to the source and get it yourself. AAS is hard to get right now and there is surely a bunch of counerfeit stuff going around.

  32. #32
    richtries's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by skinnykenney View Post
    sorry, but are you nuts?!!!
    12 weeks is too long IMO too!
    I won't go past 8 weeks!
    this is reckless! no wonder this is illegal in the US everyone here abuses this stuff!
    good luck if you do this.
    hope you can get back to normal if you do!
    12 weeks too long . . . what?

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