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  1. #1
    MuleyC is offline New Member
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    Sep 2008

    Been lifting 6 years, clueless on steroids...

    24 years old
    5' 6"
    about 9% bf

    Been lifting 6 years, plateau out at about 162, cant seem to get bigger,
    bench 260 and squat 315 on a good day, have done creatine, no2, the basics. Get ripped pretty easily but have hard time gaining size.

    Want to do a cycle, goals are to get up to around 170-175(or bigger) while maintaining close to the same body fat. Rather do something oral than an injection but I'm open to either. Any help on what the best thing(s) to get on would help out a lot, I've read a lot of articles but I still feel pretty clueless.


  2. #2
    Amorphic's Avatar
    Amorphic is offline Veritas, Aequitas ~
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    basic bread and butter cycle is 500mgs test e every 3.5 days for 12 weeks.

    pct along the lines of nolva/clomid or nolva/aromasin

    do not do an oral only cycle

  3. #3
    Freakish's Avatar
    Freakish is offline Senior Member
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    tip of africa
    Quote Originally Posted by Amorphic View Post
    basic bread and butter cycle is 500mgs test e every 3.5 days for 12 weeks.

    pct along the lines of nolva/clomid or nolva/aromasin

    do not do an oral only cycle
    yeah stock standard

  4. #4
    MuleyC is offline New Member
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    Sep 2008
    ok check on the first part for test e

    what is pct?

    and what are the disadvantages/health risks of oral only?

  5. #5
    Amorphic's Avatar
    Amorphic is offline Veritas, Aequitas ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuleyC View Post
    ok check on the first part for test e

    what is pct?

    and what are the disadvantages/health risks of oral only?
    pct is post cycle therapy . when you end a cycle your natural test levels are shot and you will be in a catabolic state with low test and high estrogen levels. this can result in gyno and you will lose your gains. the goal of pct is to use an AI and SERM together to decrease your etrogen and cortisol levels and stimulate your testicles to start producing their own testosterone again.

    check out the pct forum as there are lots of educational threads on the subject.

    oral only is bad for your liver, lipid values and is not great in terms of gains. injectable test will give you great gains with no stress on your liver.

  6. #6
    MuleyC is offline New Member
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    ok got it, understand all and i'll do some more reading up, thanks for the help

  7. #7
    Amorphic's Avatar
    Amorphic is offline Veritas, Aequitas ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by HOOKUP View Post
    ima get in trouble for this? my friend is a steroid guru did it for 4 olympians anyone have real questinions or need a super cycle written up for them?
    his e-mail is
    Seriouse inquiries only.
    edit your post. not allowed

  8. #8
    lew00029478 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by HOOKUP View Post
    ima get in trouble for this? my friend is a steroid guru did it for 4 olympians anyone have real questinions or need a super cycle written up for them?
    his e-mail is
    [email protected]
    Seriouse inquiries only.
    lol yeh your 'freind' is so good and so successfull at being a 'steroid guru' (lol) that he spends his spare time trawling the forums and posting it with spam in the vein hope that some poor unfortunate soul will believe a word you are saying and part with there hard earned cash for an email full of bullshit from your 'freind'.

    Get a life and go and spam another forum. Its only a matter of time before your IP address gets banned from here. muppet!

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