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Thread: any ideas??

  1. #1
    biscuit25 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    south africa

    any ideas??

    Hi all,

    i was wondering if i couild get some advice, im gonna do a cycle of 8 weeks
    with 4 weeks off, (due to where i work) i was planning on taking dianabol (oral) on the 4 weeks off.
    the questions that i have are:
    how does a pct (clomid ) come in to play at what point do i take it if any,

    also after my last cycle i experenced a large strength drop is this normal, sorry if it sounds like a dumb question...


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    What is the cycle your planning on doing for 8 weeks? As for pct you need to state your cycle. Also taking 4 weeks off then starting dbol above is terrible.
    What are your stats? Age? Weight? Height? Cycle experience? Years Lifting?

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