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  1. #1
    biodiversity's Avatar
    biodiversity is offline Associate Member
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    Cutting cycle using tren,boldenon,test-E,dbol and winstrol

    I will start a cutter in 4 months and I want to start planing from now, the cycle will be 16 weeks as follow

    week 1-4: 35mg dbol
    week 1-16:100mg tren ED
    week 1-16:600mg boldenone EW
    week 1-16:750mg test-e EW
    week 9-16:100mg stanazol ED

    nolvadex @20mg daily the whole cycle
    eca/clen cycling 2weeks on 2 weeks off

    might use slin but not made my mind yet
    any comments or corrections ?

  2. #2
    richtries's Avatar
    richtries is offline Associate Member
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    Wow, alot of compounds for a cutter, and tren for 16 weeks, your brave! Nolvadex on cycle will hinder gains, you need letro as you have a 19 nor in there. Save the Nolva for pct, what else do you have for pct?

  3. #3
    Freakish's Avatar
    Freakish is offline Senior Member
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    tip of africa
    can we have some stats bro?why run a cutter for so long?secondly i assume its tren A cause you injecting ed,16weeks is heavy bro!just imo id change test e to prop drop the dbol cause you now have prop(so no need for the kickstart).nolva+tren = bad idea!use letro if needed.
    i would do:
    1-12 test p 100mg ed
    1-10 bold 600mg/wk
    1-10 tren A 100mg ed(assuming you've run tren before,if not max 75mg ed)
    5-12 winstrol 50mg ed

  4. #4
    biodiversity's Avatar
    biodiversity is offline Associate Member
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    6.3 240lbs i dont know my body fat but u can see its moderate from my avatar, my goal is to get to 6-7% while keeping all my muscles, as for the tren i didnt run it before, so you think 75mg is enough? i am a big fan of test-E because its very stable.
    as for pct i will do it like that
    week1-2:40mg nolva ,200mg clomid and 50mg proviron daily
    week3-4:20mg nolva, 100mg clomid and 50mg proviron daily

  5. #5
    Freakish's Avatar
    Freakish is offline Senior Member
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    tip of africa
    Quote Originally Posted by biodiversity View Post
    6.3 240lbs i dont know my body fat but u can see its moderate from my avatar, my goal is to get to 6-7% while keeping all my muscles, as for the tren i didnt run it before, so you think 75mg is enough? i am a big fan of test-E because its very stable.
    as for pct i will do it like that
    week1-2:40mg nolva ,200mg clomid and 50mg proviron daily
    week3-4:20mg nolva, 100mg clomid and 50mg proviron daily
    yeah bro 75mg ed for a first run is more then enough!if you pin prop everyday its just as stable but up to you bro.pct is good but 40mg nolva is not needed 20mg is fine and 200mg clomid is definitely not needed start at 100mg 1st 2wks and 50 last 2wks

  6. #6
    ACAZORES is offline Member
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    hey bro i like your cycle im into that kind of cycles too, but since its 16 week cycle ehy not inject tren enanthate like 400 or 600 mg per week? maybe i would use test prop for less water retention and i would up my dbol to 50mg a day for 4 weeks, thats my opiion, what areyou going to do for cardio, also why dont u you clen all 16 weeks and use benadryl every 3rd week to open receptors?

  7. #7
    Rex9933's Avatar
    Rex9933 is offline Member
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    this thread is so old man

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