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  1. #1
    sonneyboy is offline New Member
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    Sep 2008

    HELP.Test. level 96ng/dl

    44yo male.5;10",163lbs,feeling like s--t for 3yrs or more.doc says depression all this time.thru my dilligence i figured out the testerone problem.besides being really pissed at doc,pissed at myself for not finding this out sooner.anyway,he gave me androgel %1,10 grams daily for 2 this enough and when will it kick in?my diet was so-so before this,but as of friday am following a diet that is posted here.ANY information from you guys is MUCH APPRECIATED.i dont trust doc's ability but cant switch doctors at this time,so all i have are fourms like this and on-line free consultations.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    that looks like some legit hypogonadism dude. He should have prescribed the good stuff.

  3. #3
    biodiversity's Avatar
    biodiversity is offline Associate Member
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    yea man he should have described some test injection like 125mg/week , try to switch the doc when u can

  4. #4
    sonneyboy is offline New Member
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    good stuff

    hey bro,thanks for reply.i see him in a week.i sent him a letter telling him how angry i am with him he missed this for so long.he called me to apoligize and said he would do whatever he could to help.i think i scared the shit out of him with the letter(which was my plan)what do you think i should suggest to him as a plan for treatment that would #1-bring my test level to norm,#2 put on some weight and muscle.#3 be affordable.this androgel is f---ing expensive.$135 for 2 weeks.i was thinking some sort of injectable testerone at a low dose.

  5. #5
    LATS60's Avatar
    LATS60 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Get yourself some test/sust and self administer, i'm 47 and started doing so at 40, same reason, my docs a pr1ck.

  6. #6
    biodiversity's Avatar
    biodiversity is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by sonneyboy View Post
    hey bro,thanks for reply.i see him in a week.i sent him a letter telling him how angry i am with him he missed this for so long.he called me to apoligize and said he would do whatever he could to help.i think i scared the shit out of him with the letter(which was my plan)what do you think i should suggest to him as a plan for treatment that would #1-bring my test level to norm,#2 put on some weight and muscle.#3 be affordable.this androgel is f---ing expensive.$135 for 2 weeks.i was thinking some sort of injectable testerone at a low dose.
    ask him to prescribe som injectable test if dont comply switch the doc or do a self administration

  7. #7
    sonneyboy is offline New Member
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    hey bro,that's exactly what i want to do,but dont want to just jump right in.i have been reading ALOT about this and there is alot to know.if done correctly,i think it would benefit me tremendously.i just need a good solid plan and someone to suggest much do you take,not to be nosey?

  8. #8
    biodiversity's Avatar
    biodiversity is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by sonneyboy View Post
    hey bro,that's exactly what i want to do,but dont want to just jump right in.i have been reading ALOT about this and there is alot to know.if done correctly,i think it would benefit me tremendously.i just need a good solid plan and someone to suggest much do you take,not to be nosey?
    for muscle mass u need 500mg + every week as for maintaining normal test levels i read on the leaflet that come with my testoviron depot that u need 1 injection of 250mg every 2 weeks max this mean 125mg/week.
    yea and they have a warning that this drug is not for muscle enhancement hehe

  9. #9
    Mulciber is offline Scammer
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    if he doesnt know what hes doing have him refer you to a HRT/TRT specialist.
    or find one on your own

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