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  1. #1
    gioLA is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Wheelchair racer

    Hello eveyone i am a wheelchair athlete racer on 100-200-400m i used to use steroids as an ablebody bb athlete but after my injury i am trying on athletics.. My last circle was with Trenbolone -anavar -winstrol -gluen for 2 months.. The problem is that i am going through Antidopping control test in every race and i am i great risk every time. I am about to use an M3 (methyltrienolone ). So i need information for duration of this med or any sugestions about steroids on athletics sprint runners.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    M3 detection time is unknown has its never been tested but estimated around 6 weeks mark. I personally would not recommend any cycle if im getting tested evey race. Ive used steroids for completely different reasons than you so i could not recommend any cycle for you but i guess you would be recommended test and/or deca but tbh the detection times are too long for you to be using either of them.I know athletes use epo but it is for more long distance athletes so i could not recommend that either. S o youre in a no win situation when it comes to steroids so i would concentrate on staying natural ,improving your diet in any way possible and training harder. Hope i helped.

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