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  1. #1
    steropower's Avatar
    steropower is offline Associate Member
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    T3,T4,TSH blood tests

    My doc prescribed me some tests around thyroid function.I had an allergy on skin.Nothing related to gear.Actually i had this allergy for more than a year when i was wakening up every morning for a couple of hours.

    It wasn't going away until i did a cycle of Dbol and never shown up again don't know why!

    I have to say that the allergy was shown after over 2 years of steroid break due to tendon injury.

    So in conclusion,after some years of AAS had an injury.Stopped training and AAS for a couple of years and one day allergy shown up.After a year tried a Dbol cycle and allergy gone away forever.

    Anyway,i had these tests last year.But wasn't training that period.

    T3 1.11 ng/ml
    T4 7.30 μg/dl
    TSH 1.76 μIU/ml

    They are a bit old.One year old to be precise.

    It seems that are all at the downside.

    Do i need to raise them?How?

    Is there any substance to boost TSH and how safe would be?

  2. #2
    steropower's Avatar
    steropower is offline Associate Member
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    May 2003

  3. #3
    TranscriptionFactor's Avatar
    TranscriptionFactor is offline Associate Member
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    Jul 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by steropower View Post

    So in conclusion,after some years of AAS had an injury.Stopped training and AAS for a couple of years and one day allergy shown up.After a year tried a Dbol cycle and allergy gone away forever.unrelated

    Anyway,i had these tests last year.But wasn't training that period.

    T3 1.11 ng/ml need to know the labs references ranges
    T4 7.30 μg/dlbut these look normal according to most labs ranges
    TSH 1.76 μIU/ml

    They are a bit old.One year old to be they are meaningless. how do you feel now? Lethargic = maybe low T3, Anxious, insomnia, losing weight = maybe high

    It seems that are all at the downside.

    Do i need to raise them?How?

    Is there any substance to boost TSH and how safe would be?
    get your labs retested - only if you have symptoms of either low or high. I am unaware of such substance. The medication for low is Levothyroxine, prescribed (it is T3), for high there are various treatments depending on the particular cause

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