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Thread: Clen for mass

  1. #1
    choba is offline New Member
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    Clen for mass

    I come from poland and my english is not so well. Your site is very good and I am reading it. I was wondering if I could use clenbuterol not for definition I would like to use it for mass. I am 17years old, is this to less to use clenbuterol?

    Is clen has more sideaffects than bionabol? What would you recomend for me clen or bionabol?

  2. #2
    KeyMastur is offline VET
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    Clen will not add mass.

    If you're looking for some great mass gains, you'd be better off doing something other than d-bol - maybe even a combination (stack) of things, one of them being d-bol.

    By the way, I would think you're too young to do any juice. You're 17 - there's plenty of natural test flowing through your body right now.
    Last edited by KeyMastur; 11-05-2002 at 02:20 PM.

  3. #3
    choba is offline New Member
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    Bionabol, dianabol , naposym, methan... the same...

    Could you answer me plz?

  4. #4
    still growin is offline Member
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    The answer is you are too young. And clen will NOT help you gain mass. It is an anticatabolic drug (not a steroid ) that will help you to keep muscle mass after cycle when test levels are low, or while you are cutting and eating less calories. At the absolute minimum, I reccommend you stay around for a while and read up and do lots of research. You have plenty of time to research as you are so young. I wish I found this board before I did my first couple cycles!
    Welcome to AR

  5. #5
    choba is offline New Member
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    I have to little testosterone in me... if I would want to grow I would have to have 100x bigger dose from this in my body...

    Do you recomend anyxthing else ?

  6. #6
    still growin is offline Member
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    If you have low testosterone levels , then go see an endocronologist. (sp) They are a type of doctor that specializes in this area. If you truly have low test levels, you will get a LEGAL prescription for aas. Although, they will really scrutinize someone as young as yourself.

  7. #7
    choba is offline New Member
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    If I would go on bionabol - what can be sydeaffects on a cycle of 3week on 6 tab/day?

  8. #8
    Sicilian30's Avatar
    Sicilian30 is offline Respected Member
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    Man you are way to young to be thinking about trying dbol . I read a thread here last night about a guy on this board who is 50 now, and is paying for taking dbol at 18 and 19 years old.
    If you want mass, my advice is to eat eat eat.. and train train train.
    Up your calories to 3000-5000 a day, protein at 1 or 2 grams per body weight. Suppliment with some Creatine, and Glutamine, and if that don't put the pounds on ya, then nothing will.
    Clen BTW is mostly use for Fat burning or post cycle, to cut down on the catabolic properties most guys experience after come off their AS cycle. HOwever, lots of guys use clen during or pre cycle, to cut up. Some even use it precontest. Clen has been shown in studies to exhibit AS properites, like increased strength, and muscle definition, however, it is not known for that. I am currently runninga Clen/Ket cycle, been on it for about a month and seeing awesome results. My muscles have remained the same post cycle, actually I have gained muscle, and size since my cycle ended a month ago.
    But bro, you are way to young to consider even doing AS. So anyone who encourages you to do them, should rethink. (NO flame intended). THere is as post on an open thread here about a teenager who just finished a cycle, now has all sorts of problems with his system. Read about it, that should make you believe that doing AS at a young age is very harmful to your body.

  9. #9
    malik's Avatar
    malik is offline Banned
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    hey keymaster if i remmeber ,u were 17 when u first started using because of the older guys u said so why r u giving this person advice that hes tooo young

  10. #10
    dansteelman is offline Member
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    I think Key realised he had made a mistake by starting too young and is trying to keep the bro from doing the same. The whole reason behind this site is helping bro's out and giving results of your own trial and error. Personally, I don't even respond to threads like these on a normal basis largly in part to the fact that I don't want to feel responsible for someone going out and screwing themselves up. I also am not going to repeat myself and say "Too young, too young". BTW, you're too young bro, LMAO

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