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Thread: Omnadren???

  1. #1
    rampage23 is offline Junior Member
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    Anybody every tried this stuff?? What kind of results did you see? Is this related to Sus in any way? Let me know guys, thinking of trying it. Later boys!!

  2. #2
    Lift Chief's Avatar
    Lift Chief is offline Member
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    It's almost the exact same thing as sust... do a search for omnadren and you'll get loads of info.

  3. #3
    rampage23 is offline Junior Member
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    Is it as effective though???

  4. #4
    seniormateus's Avatar
    seniormateus is offline Associate Member
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    Yeah, I did this at up to 750mgs a week with about 400mgs of deca about 3 years ago. Loved it but I wouldn't go up to 750mgs again, but thats just me. I switched over from enthenate to omnadren mid cycle and I went from puffy to hard and solid. I'm gonna run ttokkyo sus in a couple of months but I'd take omnadren any day. Go for it bro, later!

  5. #5
    OGPackin's Avatar
    OGPackin is offline Anabolic Member
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    Bro like liftchief said. Its almost exactly the same. Just cheaper. But like sust its best run eod to get the most out of the short and long esters in it. I wasnt impressed with Sust my last cycle so id go with enanth or cyp. jmo


  6. #6
    seniormateus's Avatar
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    OG is right if you are looking for pure strength and size but I thought the omnadren was more solid overall and didn't give me as much anxiety.

  7. #7
    Lift Chief's Avatar
    Lift Chief is offline Member
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    Bro like OG said you need to inject omnas EOD if you want the full benefit. So if you're running less that 750mg which would be 250mg EOD... which i'm sure you are, then use a single ester test like cyp or enanthate .

  8. #8
    Rugby13's Avatar
    Rugby13 is offline Member
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    Ok this is what I did my first cycle.
    I only took 250mg omna a week for 8 weeks
    And 25mg d-bol ed for 3 weeks.

    I gained 24lbs in 8 weeks. Strength and mass gains were awesome. The only thing is I was real bloated and I didn't keep much of the gains, even with clomid. I'm taking fina now and love it. Great gains and keep the gains. Acne was pretty bad with omnadren for me as well. I loved it while on it but I wont do it again for a cycle.

  9. #9
    DevilDog's Avatar
    DevilDog is offline Associate Member
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    Okay im at odds with the whole eod for omna. Most people suggest eod mostly because of the 30mg prop in the 250mg/ml mix. However, the 30mg is a trully small fraction of the actual esters and I see no reason to go eod. Moreover, why shoot eod for only 30mg's, for that might as well just shoot prop. This is not to knock anyones point of view, its merely a different point of view. That said I have done omna's and loved the hell out of them. I shot mon/wed/fri (ok i fell into the whole eod thing too) and had great results.
    This cycle I'll be doing omna on mon/fri and icn's on wed. This gives me a great mix of long and short esters and super long long esters. Besides, with the icns thats 5 different test esters and that cant be bad I will say to watch out for bloat. If your dose is 500mg/week or more of omna, def get on some arimi or you are going to be one bloated mo fo.
    Last, I found that on a three day split (mine is tues/thurs/sat) if you shoot the omna the day before (mon/wed/fri) you are getting most out of the prop.
    I love them, give them a try.

  10. #10
    KrashRoute's Avatar
    KrashRoute is offline Associate Member
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    Same thing as sus.... just different approaches in naming latter ester. No need for eod. I personally know no one who likes sus... takes 3 wk to clear where as ethan and cyp take 2 and prop takes 3-4 days. Everyones different however so make do with what you have youll eventually find what works for you. When it comes down to it Test is Test in my book some just stay in ya longer.

  11. #11
    Anibolism's Avatar
    Anibolism is offline Junior Member
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    Did omna for 16 weeks at 1000mg a week and 50mg winny daily. BEST fuckin cycle I have ever done. Gained and kept about 10 lbs. Not water real weight. Strength went through the roof and leaned way out. Also did 1 arimidex a day while on and for 8 weeks after. Minimal water retention and great hardness. I switched to test propianate at 500 mg a week for 4 weeks after i came off the omna. Clomid at the end and bam quick recovery for the ol testies. Trust me bro the omna is the way to go. I give 2 thumbs up.

  12. #12
    Rugby13's Avatar
    Rugby13 is offline Member
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    Originally posted by Anibolism
    Did omna for 16 weeks at 1000mg a week and 50mg winny daily. BEST fuckin cycle I have ever done. Gained and kept about 10 lbs.
    Wouldn't you gain the same from something like Fina or EQ (also solid muscle) instead having to take so much omnadren . I'm thinking side effects wise. 1000mg/week damn that's way to much for me. Maybe I'm just a lightweight huh

  13. #13
    Anibolism's Avatar
    Anibolism is offline Junior Member
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    Originally posted by Rugby13

    Wouldn't you gain the same from something like Fina or EQ (also solid muscle) instead having to take so much omnadren . I'm thinking side effects wise. 1000mg/week damn that's way to much for me. Maybe I'm just a lightweight huh
    Tell you what do a search and weigh out the side effects of fina to omnadren. Any good cycle includes test. Sides for me on test are basically water retention and natural production shut down. Fina is very harsh and will supress the hell out of your natural test function. Omnadren on the other hand has very little sides for me and when i switch to a short acting ester for about 4 weeks at the end of the cycle(it takes four weeks for the omnadren or any other long lasting ester to leave the system after your last shot) and then jump on some clomid and continue the arimidex I recover my natural production very quickly. This helps me to retain the gains i get. Yeah 1000mg might be a little much for most but i'm sure a newbie will see good gains on around 500mg a week. But at 6'0 240lbs i figure why bullshit around with small doses if i'm gonna cycle i start at my maximum dose and go with that until; i'm ready to taper off. This has taken a good deal of trial and error on my part to find out what works for me. I would suggest that you do the same. I can tell you that test should be included in every cycle you do. It helps with proper brain function and tends to defer any problems with the "little soldier" . I'm not much on Fina its dirty but the EQ is a good choice as well as the Omnadren. It has little aggression factor and is a pretty clean drug. I highly recommend it.But DO NOT forget the anti esters. I personally would take 1 arimidex daily but if not please make sure you have some nolvadex on hand.
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