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  1. #1
    RoidRage! is offline New Member
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    Sep 2008

    1st time anabolic cycle. In need of info plz.

    Ok, Im new to the site and just need some real quick info plz. I have been lifting for a minute but have never taken any anabolic stuff. Really dont know much about it. A guy at my gym was on Cel M-Drol. Gained a butt load of weight!! I ordered some and just got it in the mail today. on the bottle it says "Due to its potent nature, it is not suitable option for a first pro anabolic cycle." Is this really true? Or do you think it just says that to cover their butt and should be alright if used appropriately? Any input will be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    body fat%?
    lifting ''for a minute''?

  3. #3
    RoidRage! is offline New Member
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    Sep 2008
    Hi there, and thanks for the welcome.
    My age is 29
    bout 6'
    around 200 lbs
    body fat % not real sure. Im not fat. But have never really checked
    after about a 2 year break been back to lifting for a few months, lifted real steady before the break and back at it real hard now

  4. #4
    RoidRage! is offline New Member
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    I noticed bottle says 3-4 week cycles. I have heard some suggest not to take it for no more than 3 weeks.

  5. #5
    Drake Hotel is offline Associate Member
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    But if you've just come back from a long time off training, why don't you work out naturally for more than just a few months before jumping on a cycle?

  6. #6
    RoidRage! is offline New Member
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    Sep 2008
    Thats why Im askin about the stuff bro. Im totally willing to do that. I just have never messed with anything anabolic before so I know nothing about it. I would never jump right into somthing I know nothing about. but thanks for lookin out.

  7. #7
    Drake Hotel is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoidRage! View Post
    Thats why Im askin about the stuff bro. Im totally willing to do that. I just have never messed with anything anabolic before so I know nothing about it. I would never jump right into somthing I know nothing about. but thanks for lookin out.
    Alright, well in that case my recommendation is just that; do weight training without gear for at least a year, then we can talk. I mean, coming off a two year break is like starting all over. On the other hand, since you were bigger during the time you trained, you'll easily regain all that mass now. Basically it'll be like weight training at age 17 again Well ok maybe not exactly, but the fascia is stretched out and you'll gain muscle more easily now since you've already been big. Or at least, bigger.

  8. #8
    RoidRage! is offline New Member
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    That sounds like a winner to me! Last thing Im tryin to do is F@#k up my body completely. Is that stuff really that potent that when I do start one I should start with something else though?

  9. #9
    Drake Hotel is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoidRage! View Post
    That sounds like a winner to me! Last thing Im tryin to do is F@#k up my body completely. Is that stuff really that potent that when I do start one I should start with something else though?
    Not sure exactly what you mean but... I think a person should use the lowest dose possibly, and preferably only test for as long as possible. This is for a number of reasons. Doing only test means you can properly evaluate how you respond to a certain drug. If you have 4 drugs how you gonna know where a certain side effect came from? Exactly.

    As for not doing high doses, well obviously they're more efficient, but you'll burn out that dose sooner than necessary and soon enough you'll end up doing 1000mg test per week just to maintain, instead of doing 500mg and still gaining at 240lb. This is just my opinion on the matter, other people have different views.

  10. #10
    RoidRage! is offline New Member
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    Sep 2008
    alright man. thank you very much for the info.

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